chapter 112. Italy

Renzo's POV.

When Marco, Alessio and I, made our way to the airport after dropping Cheryl off, we went directly to the airport. As soon we made our to the airport, as usual Airport, it was full with people, moving from one place to another, and some doing their businesses around.

Just as we reach, The telecom sounded indicating that , the plane was already on the move and already to kick off.

We had booked the face class seats. When we're reach there, everything was done .

We put on our mask and and made our way inside and directly to the first class seat.

Within no time, we were high up in the sky.

This was going to be a long journey. Its been long, since I left Italy. I was happy to go back.

 I have missed it so much for. Since my parents had died, I have not been able to go back down there. I don't know how it was down there. How the house, will be by now and also the businesses.