chapter 118. Disappointed

Renzo's POV.

The previous night, when Sofia had called, I was just from signing some documents that where related to my businesses. I was so happy that she had called and also wanted to hear her voice but, I didn't expect to hear what she wanted to see next. What she planning on saying that or she just had to come up with that?

Honestly, I was not angry at her, because I knew staying back in the house most be boring to her.

However, she could have come up, something else amf not her going n to the city to look for something to do and enroll herself into school.

But why didn't she discuss that with me, before I left for Itally?. And she just had to wait when I left before she could come up with that. what had really prompted her to do so? Even if she wanted to do something for herself, she was not going to stay in the city.