chapter 119. Shocked

Sofia's pov

I don't even know what Renzo was all about, why was he denying me not to go to the city?, to go find something to do for myself.

Didn't he understand how boring I was, living in this place? How could you just tell me off like? That attitude he portrayed, was actually wrong for him do so. Gowever, I didn't have anything to say nor do at that moment but stay .

I was going to see into that, I have something doing. He was not just going to let me stay here in this house and do nothing as if I was just some kind of maid.

Aside from that, I wouldn't be able to stay in here doing nothing until he's he comes back from Italy .

He had a lot of things to do there and I don't know exactly what time, day, month or year he was going to come back. If he kept delaying, that is exactly how I was going to keep delaying myself too, which was not really a good idea if I must say.