The Start

Olivia Anderson's POV

My heart pumps at a million miles an hour. My feet hurt, and I'm dead tired. My headache feels as if a hundred nails are hammering into my head. I felt hungover. Not the 'I want KFC" kind of hungover, like 'it feels like I ran through a forest drunk' hungover. But now isn't the time to make jokes. My surroundings are becoming denser; the further I seem to move into the forest. I am getting gunned down, and the only place I could think of was to run into a deep dark and scary looking forest. How cliche do I want to get? To make matters even worse, I'm also blonde, tripping over every branch I can find and I have no idea where I am. I mean I could have hotwired one of the gunner's cars and left. Instead, I chose to run in the direction of the forest. But it's not that simple. Nothing is ever that simple when you're running for your life.

I sigh, sinking to the ground, using a massive tree as cover. I'll run my blood-stained hands through my hair. Oh God, this is going to be a nightmare to rinse out. I peek out and up and see the moon. Thank god, even though I am an idiot in the first place, I did escape at night. I can travel much faster and at night. Almost like a cat, but a foolish cat. Now you're wondering why I'm squatting in the middle of a forest, with a group of people trying to kill me. No, I didn't get kidnapped or I had come across the base while I was 'hiking'. I did something more stupid, I tried to get intel out of a Mafia.

I had no idea why I even tried to get the information out of this mafia in the first place. The boss said they were balls deep in some serious shit. That I should leave the assignment to a more experienced agent. But no, I couldn't let it go. Me and my need to prove everyone wrong led me into some deep shit. Should have listened to my boss. Should have also stayed at home when he called the meeting like I always do. Now I am caked in someone else's blood, trying to run away from a bloodthirsty mafia, who has every intent to kill me. I would very much love a bullet to the head or at least to get out of this stupid forest. But hey, beggars can't be choosers.

What I need is to get a phone. I need to call Phil. He won't ask questions and will stay quiet, as I trained him to do. It was hard to do though. I know who he was with and he knew who I was with. But I managed to do it. I managed to snag a member of the enemy, make him fall in love with me and pull out the magic box. After all that, it only took me two years to get him to stop asking so many bloody questions. Why are you covered in blood? Is that your blood or someone else's? Why won't you talk to me?

The wind changes directions, and a bullet brushes past my skin. I wince in pain but don't scream out. There is no way in hell I am going to let these guys find me. I get up again as a bullet hits the tree above my head. They are getting closer to me. I run through the forest. I stop when I see a gun pointed at me. Even though the guy is shaking with fear, he has this determined look on his face. I smirk and run full sprint at him with my remaining strength. I run a kick through his head and knock him to the ground. I keep on running through the trees until the gunshot sounds become quieter. But, the mafia has someone else who thinks like me and pulls the tripper to his suppressed pistol.

The bullet goes straight through my leg and I cry out in pain. Sinking to the floor of the earth, I let out a few tears. Not that I felt the bullet go through my leg, but I have to put on a show. Why do you ask? People go stupid when they see a blonde girl crying in pain, even if she is the one running from you. The man with the gun moves towards me and pushes my face up by my chin. By then, I had stopped crying and was smirking. I grab the knife out of my right show and slice the guy's wrist. Twisting on one leg, I snatch the gun out of his hand and shoot him three times in the head. You guys might think that was a little bit excessive. Well, even though I never miss, a few people I have killed in the past have never stayed dead.

I start limping again, and I begin to see the trees start to thin out. I push past a few thin trees and realize that my breathing is starting to come out short. Fuck, I need to rest and get this stupid bullet wound patched up. I wipe the sweat and mud from my eyes and spot a street light a few metres ahead. Treading quietly, I exit the forest and cross the street, careful not to leave a blood trail behind me. I stop when I recognise the house in front of me. This can't be. I didn't realise how close I happened to be. I'm drained, either from the running or the blood loss, as I step onto the porch. Breathing deeply, I knock on the door. The door opens, and I look up at the shocked face and smile.

"Hello, mother. I'm home."

I smile again before falling to the ground, letting the darkness have me.