Olivia's Home

Lillian Anderson's POV

"Can you please tell me what happened again? I know you have been through a hundred times Mrs Anderson but I'm with the FBI, and I don't trust the word of the local police."

I sighed and wondered how many more people I had to talk to. This guy was the third one today. I tried to run my finger through my knotty hair but ended up hurting myself. I was a forty-year-old woman with a not so missing child, and I wondered where I get all my grey hairs from.

"There was a knock at the door. When I opened it, I stood in shock. There she was my baby girl. I first noticed she was struggling to stand and then I noticed she is covered in blood. She said hello and said she was home before she collapsed on the floor."

"How long has your daughter been missing?"

"She went missing about three years ago. After the first six months, she came back saying she was in Germany and she was getting married. That was the last time she contacted us."

"Okay, ma'am we got everything we need. You can go back to your daughter's room now. We will make sure she is moved to the hospital first chance we get."

"Thank you so much, detective."

Six weeks later.....

It only seemed like yesterday when Olivia came home bloodied and bruised. Steve and Mr Neale wouldn't tell me what was going on. I had tried everything to bring her out of the silly coma she was in. All of the friends she made, while she was in training, came by and still nothing. I still couldn't believe that a girl trained so well would even go into a coma.

She had been gone for almost three years. No one had seen or heard from her, but there must have been someone with her. While I have been with her this past couple of weeks, there has been a silly boy hanging around the room. He introduced himself as Phil, Olivia's fiancé. Never had I ever thought that my Olivia, would class trained sniper rifleman, first rank in all her martial arts training classes, would ever get herself a fiancé. To be honest, I didn't like the boy, he didn't feel right to me.

But I had an idea. I knew two certain people would definitely wake her up. I saw the doctor nod towards me, and I knew I had a limited amount of time.

"Come on, boys. Do you remember what you need to do?"


Nathan's POV

I jogged down the street, stopping to pull some air through my lungs. The night was humid and hot, not my ideal night to go running or to be working. I mean come on, it was Friday night, I should be getting drinks somewhere, chatting up some women, not downtown running. I heard the footsteps again and moved after them. It was midnight on a Monday, and I was chasing after someone who owed someone else money. When I finally caught up to the guy and grabbed his collar, he tried to strike me. I gave a swift shot, and the body stiffened before crumbling down the street with a loud thud. He didn't prove to be much of a challenge, not that I wanted a challenge. I sighed and pulled out my phone and dialled the number.

"The man you're after is on thirty-first street. Come in five, or I'm leaving him here."

I cut the phone off, and within five minutes, a black van pulled around the corner. I watched them put the body in the back of the van before heading home.

I rubbed my temples as I sat down on my couch. It had been a long and exhausting day. I had run little stupid errands for Jackson. Since my partner has been off the grid, he has stuck me on desk jobs, and I hated every bit of it, and they are stupid jobs too. I mean, I had trained for my whole life to be a field agent, and instead of giving me a new partner, my best friend and boss stuck me with these stupid errands.

But then again things have changed around the agency now that Jackson was in charge. Right after his father's funeral, he was put in charge, and I hated every bit of it. He bossed me around, gave me stupid, stupid orders, then he would come over expecting everything to go back to normal. Don't get me wrong, Jackson has been a great boss some days and the other days, where I wanted to stab him in the neck. He has no formal training, can't shoot a gun or use a knife but talks like he knows everything. It annoys the hell out of me.

But things have changed now. Lillian gave a report six weeks ago, saying that Olivia has come home. My heart jumped out of my chest when I heard the news. My love and partner had returned to me. But after a couple of days at the hospital, she put herself in some stupid coma. I needed to know she was alright, but Steve and Jackson wouldn't let me see her.

I turned down my TV when I heard the knock come again. Who in right's mind would disturb me at this time of night? The knock came again but more urgent than last time. I groaned and rolled off the couch heading towards the door. When I opened the door, I was surprised, to say the least, to see Lillian Anderson standing at my doorstep.

"Lillian, what brings you by this late of the night? Is there any news about Olivia? I need to be worried about?"

"I have come to ask you for a favour. I fear Olivia is in great danger."

"What is the favour?"

"It's about time you visited an old friend."

"Mr Anderson said it would be best if I did not come to visit."

"I am afraid to say this. But at this moment in time, I outrank Steve on that decision. Stop by the hospital tomorrow morning. I need Olivia awake. Something is coming for her."

"I understand Lillian."

The next day I drove down to the hospital and sat in the waiting room. I was a bit earlier than expected, but I needed time to think.

"Did she call upon you too?"

I looked up and saw Jackson leaning against through door frame of the waiting room. It didn't surprise me that he was he as well. I was Oli's partner, and that was it. That's as far as she would allow it. I have loved her for years, but I was work zoned after I told her how I felt many years ago. We worked and saved each other's lives. But when Oli first came to school, she had managed to get Jackson as an assignment. Poor boy never knew what hit him.

"Yeah. It was about time too. I have been worried sick about her and with not being able to see her."

"You should have called me. I do outrank Steve."

"Not in these sorts of situations. Even Lillian outrank you, and she has no formal rank."

"Fair enough."

Lillian came moments later and sat down in the silent room with us. We were waiting for the doctor to come to say when we can see her. I don't know why we even came this early. I suppressed a yawn and saw the doctor nod and Lillian stood up.

"Come on, boys. Do you remember what you need to do?"

We nodded and followed her down the hallway and into the private room they had set up for Oli. When Lillian opened the door, I fought hard to hold back my tears. It was hard to see her in this kind of state. Jackson sat on one side, and I sat on the other, we grabbed her hands and waited.