Back To Normal, Maybe?

Olivia's POV

I sat at the edge of my bed, watching myself sleep. A coma they said I was in, but I didn't feel like I was in a coma. It's only been a couple of days now, and mum hasn't left my side, except to bring many people into my room. Some I don't remember and some I wished to speak to. I just wanted to know why I was here. I looked up at the clock and knew mum and dad would be coming back in. Mum probably had someone else with her. She had this ridiculous idea that someone was going to wake me up. I heard voices and dad stepped into the room first. He slumped into the chair in the far corner and opened up his newspaper. He did that every time mum forced him into the room. I knew he loved me and was concerned about my wellbeing, but dad has always been a very busy man. Mum was probably taking him away from some urgent business.

After dad, another unknown face walked through the door. He kissed my forehead and went to go in the corner. Now, this was someone I didn't remember. He seemed shady. Why would my parent let someone like him into my room? I heard whispering outside my door and Mum come through first. I slouched into the chair, wondering who she had bought in today. I was not expecting the two people who did a walkthrough. They sat down on either side of me and grabbed both of my hands. Why did she bring these two? One I dumped on a mission and the other who loved me so much, but I couldn't love back. I sucked in a breath and felt my body slowly waking up. It was time.

I opened my eyes then, I closed them again before slowly opening them. There was a bright light in from of me, and I heard a beeping sound. I slowly moved my head and saw Nathan on my right and Jackson on my left. I made a noise, and my mother was crying. A few nurses came into the room, checked me out and left. I remembered everyone in the room, except for a tall, lanky boy in the corner. I leaned over to my right and whispered to Jackson.

"Jackson, who that other dude?"

"That's Phil, your boyfriend."

"But I thought you were my boyfriend."

Jackson shook his head, and I turned to Nathan.

"Why are you here? I don't remember us being friends."

"We are, we have been for a long time."

He eyed me suspiciously, and I winked back at him. He smiled and gripped onto my hand harder, making me wince in pain. He saw my face and let go of my hand. Suddenly the tall, lanky boy spoke up.

"Is it alright if I have a moment alone with her?"

Mother looked at me, and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess so, you have five minutes then I want to take my daughter home."

Mother shook Dad awake, and everyone left the room. The boy sat to my left and tried to take my hand, but I yanked it out of his grip. He gave me a pained look and leaned back in the chair.

"Do you know who I am?"

"I don't remember you."

"We are engaged.."

I looked down at fingers and saw a beautiful engagement ring. Why on earth would I get engaged to someone like him? He looked like a psychopath that would beat me when I did something wrong.

"But I don't know who you are and I don't want to marry someone I don't know."

I slowly pulled the ring off and handed it back to him.

"Let's get to know each other again. Start dating. That's what you wanted, a fresh start."

"Let me think about it."

Mother came back in, and the boy left. There was no way I was going to see him again. Mother checked me out, and within the hour, I was home again, and the five of us sat in the lounge room.

"You boys don't have to be here. You can go home now."

"We just wanted to make sure you were all right. Your mum has our numbers if you ever feel like talking."

And just like that, they were gone. Mother and I talked for a brief moment, she cooked me dinner, and I tried to fall asleep on her couch.


I stared at the ceiling and watched in the corner of my eyes as the sun slowly started to rise. I guess its morning then. I heard some moving downstairs and knew dad would be up and getting ready for work. I didn't sleep last night. I couldn't stop thinking about everything that's been happening. I already knew what mum and dad were going to say to me. That I had been in a coma for the last couple of years. I knew this because my mind was blank. There was nothing for me to go back on. Nothing for me to report. My brain was completely empty. I heard some banging downstairs, and in a couple of minutes, I could smell breakfast. Might as well get up now.

"Morning darling, you hungry?"

"Oh, yes. Morning dad."

"Morning, sweetheart. You have five minutes with me before I go to work."

"Still at the mechanic's shop?"

"No, I am a CEO at Riv Corporation now."

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Almost three years, honey. Now I have to leave. Come see me at twelve for lunch, and I will help you get a job."

"Thanks, dad. Love you."

He gave me a kiss then waved to mum before he left. Mum smiled and pushed a big pile of breakfast in front of my face. I felt sick, but I ate everything up while mum watched me.

"What are we going to do today?"

"I have to go to work soon, why don't I call the boys and then can catch you up on everything that's happened in the past couple of years."

I smiled as she took my plate and made several phone calls. She left me alone on the couch, and within the hour Nathan and Jackson were at the door and mum was gone. We sat in the room for a moment in awkward silence before I broke the ice.

"So what's up?"

"Well, your old friend Taylor lost twenty kilos and is now a fashion model in Milan. Dae is a councillor at camp."

"No, I mean what's been happening with the Hawks?"

Nathan and Jackson grew quiet and leaned in real close.

"The house might be bugged Oli, everywhere you will go everything is either bugged, or someone is watching you."


"Let's go out."

"I'm not really allowed to leave the house."

Nathan pointed up, and I nodded my head. What were these boys up to?