Memories Washed Away

I turned the radio on, creating a soft buzz of noise throughout the house. I knew for a fact that no one in their right mind would spy on me. No one would ever get close enough to the house to bug me in the first place. I still had to entertain their simple ideas. They were probably given orders about the story that everyone was told to follow. I'm not an idiot, I know when somethings missing from my mind. Three years of blankness, three years of nothing. Whoever put me in the coma was hoping I would crash and never wake up again. Whatever memory blocker they used was strong but who's side did it? The trouble of being a double agent. There are two sides to everything. I'm guessing in a few days the drug will be out of my system, until then I need to act like, well I don't even remember how I used to act around these boys.

I closed my bedroom door and climbed up the ladder to the attic, that I had built in above my bedroom. Nathan was sprawled over the couch, Jackson was on the floor and they were passing a bag of chips in between them. This was stupid, they were walking on eggshells around me and I hated it. I wanted to know everything, especially on why Jackson was here. I've never liked him but I've always made sure I was friends with him. I could sense he was up to something.

"So what's happening with the Hawks? Why have they decided to bug everything?"

"Seriously Oli, what do you exactly remember last?"

"Obviously something important. Come on spill"

"You killed President Killian"


Who the hell is Killian? I've been on one side for so long, I tend to forget what I did on the other side. By the looks Jackson gave Nathan, she was someone important. But why on earth would they bug mum's house because I killed someone? Does no one know that I don't live in this old house anymore. Which reminds me to give someone a call after I get the boys to leave me alone for a bit.

"Are you serious Oli? Mrs. Anderson said you lost three years of memories but can you seriously not remember pulling a gun to our President head?"

Oh I remember now. Stupid bitch was catching up on me, pulling evidence out of thin air. I remember killing her but I don't remember who gave me the order.

"What? Why on earth would I do that?"

"You said she was working with the resistance, trying to get a few places bombed"

"Oh yeah I remember now"

Ha, of course I used the resistance as a cover up. The stupid myth was enough to get everyone off my case. No one even believed they are a thing but they also refuse to act against them. I work with complete idiots. Of course no one believed me anyway. They said I didn't have enough proof to just kill her.

"So do you guys know who Phil is?"

"Before you went all MIA on everyone, you had gone overseas for a mission. When you return six weeks later, you had a massive rock on your finger and the biggest grin on your face"

"Who does he work for?"

"No one, we don't think anyway. We just thought he was some mundane you picked up while overseas. Do you not remember him?"

"No, I remember some things but I have no idea how he fits into this. He's really creepy"

"Yeah, we tried to tell you"

I glanced down at my watch and wondered where the time had gone. These idiots hadn't given me anything important. I still have no idea whose side I'm meant to be on at the moment. Fuck this sucks. I guess the meeting with my father will go better planned.

"Sorry to cut this short, but I promised dad I would meet him for lunch today"

I saw the two boys off and sighed when the house was finally empty. Going back up to my attic, know for sure no one would bug up here, I pulled out the cellphone I had hidden a long time ago. Dialling the only number in it, it rang before a husky voice picked up.

"I see you're still alive, Olivia"

"I see you're still an idiot. What the hell is going on?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about Oli, but it seems like someone actually wants you dead this time. What side are you on?"

"I still have no fucking idea"

"Don't do anything stupid for the time being and I will call you in a few days"


Jackson's POV

Cursing, I hit the steering wheel in frustration. I can't believe that I missed the secret attic. Fuck, I knew Nathan would think that someone would have bugged the house. I can't believe that I forgot about that stupid secret attic. Olivia and I used to go up their when we were kids. Our own little sanctuary. I guess that was all ruined when she was assigned to me. Fuck, this is starting to get complicated. After I saw Olivia leave the house, I returned to my own, I still had a lot of proper work to be done. I wasn't expecting to take over the business until I was at least in my thirties, but with the passing of my father last year, The Red Hawks was handed down to me.

Maybe I should have just let Steve handle everything until I was ready. Opening my front door, I was bombarded with the smell of something fresh baking in the oven. It seems like Krystal, my wife, is at it again. She likes to blame the fact that she is in her third trimester, but I guess she can't do much when she can't leave the house.

"Honey, I'm home"

I heard giggling coming from the kitchen. When I opened the kitsch door, there was my daughter and wife sitting not he kitchen floor, covered in flour. Sara, my daughter, looked up when the door closed behind me. She gave an ear splitting squeal, before jumping off the floor and into my arms.

"Daddy, your home"

Picking her up off the floor, she gave me a slobbery kiss on the cheek. I held my hand out for Krystal and she heaved herself off the floor, giving me a kiss.

"So what did you make for me?"


Smiling, I wiped the flour off her face, giving her cheek a little squeal. I heard the landline ring, placing Sara down, I ran to get it.


"We have a problem"

"Ten minutes"

The line went dead and I moved into my office. Tugging off my tie, I poured a glass of rum. Today, no scratch that, this month has been a complete fuck up. Olivia had to die in the hospital but I couldn't get past her mother. I just need to give her, the second dose, but I also need to gain Nathan's trust. He's not that stupid and even though we are mates, he still doesn't trust my work ethics. Which is fine by me but it would be a lot easier if he wasn't so in love with that robot.

I however was not expecting the serum to work. We haven't had the chance to actually test it out on the field yet and it's showing some good results. Not only does she not remember anything from the past three months, but the last five years seem to be very hairy for her. Maybe this will be easier than I thought. It wouldn't be long before she pisses off Nathan. There was a knock on my door and a head popped in.


"Come in Jonathan. What's the problem?"

"The Resistance"

"They had a mole?"

"Killian. When Olivia shot her and gave the story of how she was with the Resistance, they actually started to dig further. I think they are catching onto our plans"

"And Olivia ruins our plans yet again"

"The agent's, especially the robots, think the Resistance is a threat to keep them in line. I think they have more moles than we actually thought"

I started at the raven haired boy in front of me. Out of all the people I joined forces with, it had to be with the youngest Neale boy. His father would have been a lot better, but some how his other idiotic brother convinced me not to. Not to mention the fact that this moron is also in love with Olivia. What have I gotten myself into?

"What can we do?"

"We need 621 back"

"Fuck. I don't think so. I just got her into a quiet place where she can't interfere with any of my plans. Why on earth would the Black Cobras want 621 back?"

"It's not a suggestion Jackson, it's an order"

He pushed a folder over to and I sighed. I knew the red stripe was important and I also knew that the Black Cobras weren't telling me everything. Sighing, I nodded and Jonathan left. Well I guess, I should change and head into the office. If I can intercept Olivia from seeing her father, then I might be able to get some of own plan up and running.