First Assignment

Olivia's POV

I squinted up at the tall building in front of me. This definitely was not familiar to me. Had the Red Hawks upgraded while I was away or had I forgotten they had moved. Sure enough, the hawks logo was printed on the front door, but when I stepped through I felt like I had stepped into the wrong place. Everyone was bustling around in work suits and cups of coffees. I looked down at my outfit, black skinny jeans and a pink top underneath my leather jacket. I looked very out of place. The image of the secret agent has changed over the years. I was so use to be rough and tough, that I almost forgot that one side was an actual agency.

Laughing to myself, I stepped through the throng of over worked suits and made my way towards the front desk. The girl behind the screen didn't acknowledge me at first until I cleared my throat. She gave me a quick look of disgust before giving me a smile.

"Hi sweetie, what can I do for you?"

"Can you tell me what floor Steve Anderson is on?"

"Do you have an appointment?"

"I wasn't aware that I needed an appointment. Can't I just go up and see him?"

She peered over her glasses, give me a quick look up and down. She gave a quick head nod to her desk friend, who turned around when a quick giggle. Who the hell was running the hawks now?

"I'm sorry honey, but Mr Anderson doesn't see anyone without an appointment"

Just as I was about to make some quit and witty response, I heard my name being shouted and heavy footsteps behind me. I turned to see Jackson standing behind me, with some files and a suit. Why was he here?

"Oli, I thought you were seeing your father for lunch. What are still doing down here?"

"How long have the Hawks been here?"

"For only a year I think"

"Is the dumb blonde behind the screen new?"

"What? Heather? No, she's been with us since the old building"

"Then how does she not know who I am?"

I turned around to face her and her face was red and bent down. What in flying hell was going on around here?

"I apologise Miss Anderson, we weren't aware of your arrival. It won't happen again"


"Come on Oli, I'll show you up"

I walked beside Jackson and we rode the elevator up in silence. I didn't like being so blinded. It feels like someone has taken my memory chip, deleted some stuff before putting it back in. I hate this. No one is giving me any clear answers and I still haven't met any of my other robots. What has the red hawks been doing while I've been away. It wasn't my choice to be a double agent. Being raised by the Black Cobra's was a harsh upbringing. I haven't been able to feel anything since I was born. Mum found it creepy that I wouldn't cry for anything, even when I was in pain.

I'm a robot but now I guess I'm just a sloppy robot. The Cobra's were thorough with their training. Could throw knives blindfold, fire a shotgun and untie myself from many objects, by the age of ten. Unfortunately, when it was time to integrate with our partners, I however didn't get selected for the school program. So I was ruthless by the time I was sixteen. I didn't have any social skills, so they had to assign me to Nathan. Who I learnt along the way worked for our competitor.

The elevator stopped and we stepped out. I followed Jackson into a small room, instantly reaching for the knife, strapped to my back. What was he up to? He seemed to sense my hostly and put his hands up in surrender.

"I'm not here to hurt you Oli, I just want to talk"

"I don't want to talk. I just want to see my father and take him to lunch. I'm off duty Jackson"

I turned to move but he grabbed my arm, pulling me back from the door. I turned, growling at him and he let go of my arm.

"You have thirty seconds before I decide to do something terrible to you"

"I just want to ask if your alright? You seemed out of it this morning"

"Why do you care?"

"I just want you to do anything stupid"

"The only stupid I have ever thought about doing since waking up, is knocking you out. Now get out fo my way before I actually put you through a wall"

"Shit. I'm sorry Oli"


He fist came towards me and I was nocked into darkness. I woke up half an hour later, my head hammering. I looked around the room and saw that I was in an office. How did I get here? Where was here? I looked up to see Jackson tapping a pen on the desks displeased look on his face. His eyes caught mine and he smiled. When I didn't smile back, his smile seemed to widen. Have I done something wrong?

"Is there something wrong sir?"

"Not at all Olivia. Take these for your headache and head down to your father's office. He is still expecting you for lunch"

"Yes of course sir"

I took the Advil and followed the hall down to my father's office. Why was I coming here for lunch? I shouldn't question Jackson, it must be important. Dad must be going me my next mission. I knocked on his door, just hearing his deep voice.

"Come in"

I opened the door, just enough to peak my head through. Pushing a smile on my face, I put on my daughter voice.

"Hi daddy, you ready for lunch?"

My spine tingled and I opened the door just a bit more, sliding my body through. Someone jumped from my right and I reacted quickly, grabbing them in a neck hold, before slamming them into the ground. I flicked my knife out, pressing my knee, just above their groin. I heard a groan, quickly scanning the rest of the room.

"Oli, you're starting to hurt me"

I blinked a few times and saw who was underneath me. I scoffed and rolled off Nathan. I put my knife away and stood closer to my father's desk.

"Nathan, son, are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine I don't think you have to worry about retraining her sir. It seems like she has gotten better than before"

Nathan, the brat who I was assigned to work with at the Red Hawks. Why they pair humans with robots, I have no idea. It will bring me great pleasure to be able to kill him myself.

"I would say I'm sorry, but you of all people should know not to jump at me"

"Olivia, is it lunch time already?"

"Yes daddy. Are we still on for lunch?"

"I'm sorry sweetie but I have to skip lunch, something came up"

He handed a file to Nathan.

"Jackson will explain everything to you when you reach his office"