Waking up to the smell of corpses

_1st Person POV_

I feel my headbanging and a slight but very dim light crawl over my eyelids. I tried to move but, I was still latched down but, that didn't help the cause when I started to get my bearings another headache attacked this time with a bit of information being brought in. After a couple of minutes of letting it settle I learned three things

1. I'm in a world that's stuck in a nuclear apocalypse.

2. I'm a raider but hopefully soon to be ex-one.

3. The thing that killed this body was a botched surgery due to curiosity and now some type of chip thing is in the backend of my brain.

Oh wait and last this body's name is John and he has friends which means I have to be careful or it's dead town for me. As I was collecting my thoughts, I heard a click looking down the metal latches released me a second after a small almost unnoticeable jingle played looking around I see what look to be a small 2-D screen in the upper left, with the word [New quest: I need to go-a-that-way] focusing on the word a bigger screen appeared the objective said head to New Vegas that's when it hit me, I was in the world of fallout. the next second another jingle ran I closed the screen to see a smaller one say [Quest completed:Where am I?] then another more familiar jingle rang and a screen saying

[Welcome to level 2:



Energy Weapons:16>





Melee Weapons: 26>


Science: 27>




Unarmed:28 >

(Unused points:14)]

Looking at my stats I start considering what build I want to have so I add 2 to Unarmed, 8 to guns, and 4 to Energy Weapons, bringing them up to 30, 30, and 20 respectively. I feel a slight flood of information about guns and how to punch. The screen flashed to one presenting perks I selected Intense training and this showed

[Select a SPECIAL








Add a point 1]

After thinking a bit I tapped intelligence bringing it to 9 making my brain go numb for a second before feeling more lightened.

Now understanding my situation I understand one thing my best option now is to stick with the group and coax them into going to New Vegas. So I prepare my best acting side and open the door, walking out I'm greeted by a hooked up burnt corpse with a knife hanging out of his skull, contrary to what I thought would happen I didn't scream, puke, or shit myself so I guess it this body's past raider senses fight all the previous things from happening. Just then I hear "hey John you done messin' with that stupid room?" said a man my memory is resurrecting as Ashton or, Vind as he calls himself.


ATTTYI- Hey left you on a bit of a cliffhanger, didn't I :) well, the story has started and I decided our lovely John will be an automatic computer gun nut who uses his game knowledge to his advantage!!! so yay that's a problem solved. (508 Words for your reading pleasure)