A man is reborn in a body af a raider that died when investigating a vault. Now watch as John escapes that the title of raider and brings hell in the wasteland (p.s-the experiment that killed his new body was one that implants a pip-boy Nerological data chip)
Shameless 5-Star Author review anyways love you all and I hope you enjoy my story I going to try my best to entertain you all in it so see you all later my friendly gators!!!!
It's pretty good the chapters are kind of short but so far I like the main character though I would like more information about what's going on in general with the group he is with we know a few people but we barely know what's happening inside just they are planning to move otherwise it's pretty good
yeah fallout fanfiction. . . . . . .. . . . . . ... .. . . . .... . .. . . . . . .. . .. m m . . . . ..... .m . . . .. .. .. . . . .