Ok The Pit IS NOT Fun!!!

_1st Person POV_

A scream drifts its way to our ears instantly putting us on guard. Hearing the pitter-patter of feet I know what it was and yelled"BACK THE FUCK UP A ROUS IS COMING!", I and the great of the crew watched as an injured human runs out, and the feet patter stops he stares at the hole before falling to the ground in victory but his celebration got cut short when a GROUS popped out bit his shoulder making it spray blood and dragged him back in.

Grabbing my Service rifle, I also prepared a grenade for these fuckers making sure my bag is closed, I look at the rest and say "I hope you'll have thick enough armor and a lot of bullets.".

Walking forward I aim my rifle up at hanging stalactites and shoot four bullets into it making it drop hearing a squeal, I grab a flashlight I prepared and point it at the entrance of the pit to see a small red puddle coming out of an ROUS seeing the stalactites I shot piercing his back and going through his heart most likely and luckily it had the same effect I was looking for which was to scare them back.

Preparing the grenade I walked in with the flashlight in my other hand pointing it at the pit I see to way one has some bones in it the other nothing grabbing my grenade, and pulling the pin I launch it into the 'Empty' cavern, aloud screech I heard just before the explosion an ROUS's corpse is launched towards Rancor who was behind me with his super sledge splattering blood and guts on him.

Chuckling at his misfortune I look down the corridor to see it's a dead-end likely a pocket to make a trap like I predicted, the good thing is that's four ROUSs in total caught in the blast now moving forward Vind raised his shotgun as an ROUS turned the corner, turning the poor thing into a cheese grater more came around the corner the first immediately getting a .308 round to the cranium courtesy of Blanks, Rancor out of anger ran at the rats after injecting Psyco bulking one on the head smashing its skull in killing it instantly.

Just then a GROUS came towards us as we pushed forward before it could get close tons of bullets pierced it causing it to slow down to a crawl the boss holstered his 10mm SMG, pulling out his .44 magnum and putting it to the head of the GROUS ending its life with no struggle from either side.

We make our way through the cave of the pit, killing all rats, ROUSs, AND GROUSs who get in our way getting through them all we find an RGROUS sleeping with baby ROUSs around it not playing run n' gun the point click adventure game with this bitch I pull all the rest of my frags tie them into a bouquet set the trap and run, grabbing a plasma grenade I throw it at the RGROUS's kids turning a majority of them into a green puddle waking and injuring it in the process we shot at it as it runs forward only slightly slowing it down but the trap that shit was my greatest idea.

It blew its legs from its body allowing Rancor to run in and shove his super sledge through its left eye while I launch three rounds of 5.56mm through its right eye finally killing it, as we approach I notice something behind it and see a...


ATTTYI- Hey to let you know ROUS- Rodent Of Unusual Size, GROUS- giant Rodent Of Unusual Size, and finally a RGROUS: means- Really Giant Rodent Of Unusual Size that all! see you later my friendly gators :) KING OUT

(600 Words)