A Training Montage Even God Would Fear!!! (Part.2)

_1st Person POV_

Nothing the vault door was hidden in a small cavern in a rock that requires, one to go down a ladder to access the vault, so the first sight I had was a dim light bulb, and a rusty ladder. Now above that and out of the cavern, one could see four separated towns all around in the distance, with one giant city nearby knowing going there is a stupid idea I did anyway because it's a city it's bound to have 90℅ of the stuff I need, you know like the novel, the instruments, Knives, etc. are bound to be there and I'll have you know I'm great at stealth, after all, I was the one they gave up on finding in hide n' seek for no reason. Anyways I start making my way down to the city when I saw a welcoming sign which I think reads 'No_ales' there's a letter so corroded that I can't tell what it was supposed to be, well that doesn't matter all I need to do is get in and get out, as I was approaching the first few buildings, I noticed something lying fetal position on the ground near a car and another one under a truck, it took a second but I was able to recognize the ugly-fuckers they were ghouls, and the feral kind. Pulled my varmint rifle I took a deep breath and crouched down more towards their height, after I loaded a magazine, into the gun well I aimed at the nearest ugly bastard's head, released the breath fully, and pulled the trigger, this causes the gun to jitter scarcely as the 5.56mm speed its way out of the barrel letting me hit a bullseye critical headshot, putting the ghoul down permanently, unfortunately, my gun doesn't have a silencer so the other fucker sped crawled its way from under the vehicle, and godspeed its ass here, taking a pop shot with my varmint rifle, it only staggered from the bullet, taking the wise word of 'Switching to you secondary, is always faster than reloading' I switched to my 9mm pistol swiped safety off, and I took 4 bullets, 3 to the chest, and four to the head for him to go down. I holstered my pistol and walk towards the corpse while re-chambering a bullet, after investigating the bodies, I can confirm two things, 1. this place sucks, and 2. ghouls don't have random spoons, or blocks, or tokens, probably cause their exhibitionist and wear no pants at all. Preparing myself for more of these fuckers, I get back to my feet and flick some dirt off my rifle, gently walking forward I walk into the city till I make it to a big crossway, I walk to the left as every clueless person would, continuing forward I find a Mall, a bookstore, and just in my sight, I see a silhouette of a Rob.co factory in the distance knowing I might find knives, books, instrument, etc. in the mall that's the first place I walked towards, slowly opening the door I spot four silhouettes clambering around aimlessly while hearing many more, and the keywords of 'humans', 'strong', and 'puny humans die easily', I knew that they were probably some ugly either green or puke green bitch known as super mutants. Being careful I sneak my way towards a kart with intestines in them ducking down and holding my mouth in a vice grip so I don't evacuate my stomach of the breakfast I had this morning, I grab my service rifle and prepare the 8 clip of ammunition I brought for it, I aim and slow my breathing, pulling the trigger and...


ATTTYI- Howdy my brain thought up this chapter so it's time to post it, I love the direction I'm going in but please inform me if it's too slow I'll try to speed it up anyways that's all see you later my friendly gators :) (621 Words)