The real meeting (I PROMISE)

In weak whom I thought would be Vind but, instead, it was Rancor or, in his real name Rocky. He admittedly was in the right when he barged in and clocked me in the face, then said "Get up you little shit you've made us wait for an hour." then stomped to, just outside my door. Collecting myself I grabbed a nearby heavily stained

dark blue t-shirt, a pair of patchy jeans, and black boots, put them on then put on my raider armor you know the type that screams, 'I'm trying to be intimidating' along with a filter mask to cover my face. Now I know that a mask comes off as a stupid move but, if I have to play raider for a while then I don't want people to be able to identify me when I hope, and eventually leave this gang. Cause raider gang end two ways.

1. Dead due to your neighborhood-friendly pip-boy-wearing freak of nature.

Or 2. dead due to some random stronger entity

So probably going to use them to get to New Vegas then, high tail it out that group. Anyways I walk out of my room and, low n behold Vind is standing next to Rancor. after collecting my word I saw the screen pop up, and the word option popped up I chose once again the one that would give me exp which resulted in me saying [Intelligence 6: "You know if you guys used your brains more often then you would understand I was busy and, could not be present at the time."]. Which resulted in this gem "Well looks like I didn't punch you hard enough you little shit.... get over here so I can send you to hell." of course the one spouting it was Rancor, followed by Vind putting a hand on Rancor's shoulder and hitting him so hard I swear he turned into a cartoon for a second there the circling stars and everything. Vind only said this after a couple of groans from Rancor "Let's get going brainiac the boss has waited for a long time to start one of his previous meetings.". Not wasting any time I merely waved my hand in a 'let's go' fashion, not wanting to turn 8 specials stupider, due to Vind's fist hitting like a frying pan from a mother. We made our way down a raider-a-fied hallway, you know corpses, corpses, and wait for a fucking slice of molded cheese, anyways we arrived at what looked like the creepypasta version of an AA meeting, chair in a circle and everything. most were sitting beside me, Rancor, Vind, and a girl named Tory, also known as Blanks. Sitting down the discussion was as civilized as a raider one could be, but finally, we got to the what and, where are we going next part of the meeting. "Alright I plan on moving out of this vault but, want your opinion on the idea.". Some members agreed immediately that it was a good idea but most were on the fence, so taking the opportunity I said "Boss I have an idea of a good place to go to!". Some murmurs went around along the line of how it's probably a stupid idea, and some remembered I exist, the boss only replied with a go on the motion. But before I can go on a screen of word option popped up again, there were two skill-based checks a 25 Guns check and a 20 Barter, not having nearly enough for Barter I had to go with the 20 Guns check so I said [Guns 20: "Boss if we head to New Vegas we can use the war to get more firepower and, people."].


ATTTYI- Hey got you thought I wasn't updating some more today well you're mistaken anyways hope you enjoyed it!!! (628 Words)