4. I will take Revenge on you.

"How long has it been?" The 50 year old lady asked.

"3 days. She hasn't come out of her room since last 3 days."

A girl answered in a concerned hushed voice. Her face was vastly young and it was hard to tell she'd just celebrated her 27th birthday.

"Poor girl... It must have been hard on her since she lost both parents at the same time. I feel bad for her." The old lady said and the girl, whose name was Laura, nodded her head as she sighed.

"Have you tried to check up on her?" The lady asked.

"Yes. When I go to give her food, despite being denied every time, I forced her to eat but she eats very little. She had never left her room. Laura answered, eyes wrinkling in worry.

"Poor her... I heard she is the daughter of one of the richest people in our city..." The old lady said and Laura nodded her head.

"Have you tried to talk to her?" The lady asked.

"I did try but she didn't at all reply me." Laura answered, disappointed.

"What is her name?" The lady asked. "Ida Celeste."

"Here is her lunch. Go and try to talk to her. She can't keep to herself for so long. She needs emotional connection most of all. With friends and relatives. In order to move on." The old lady said and handed Laura a plate of food. "She's grieving unhealthily."

Laura took the porcelain plate, its design subtle but pretty. She walked out of the kitchen to Ida's room and knocked.

There was no answer.

Laura saw that the door was ajar and pushed it open a fraction. She peeked inside to see Ida and saw her sleeping on the floor curled up into herself.

Pity clouded her eyes.

Laura took a deep breath as she stepped inside, closing the door behind her.

She walked towards Ida and got down on her knees not before placing the plate on the table.

"Ida." Laura called as she saw her teary face.

This is not the first time she saw Ida crying... But since the day she came here, it's been like this. She has done nothing but cry each and every second. When it's a harder day, she yells and shouts. It was quite hard to control Ida but everyone in the house tried to understand her situation and gave her the space she needed.

Laura felt bad for Ida, the rabbit hole of unhealthy grief she'd fallen into, the rabbit hole she was digging herself even deeper into.

"Ida... Wake up." Laura made her get up by grabbing her arms. She was so sticky because she had not at all washed up in the past 3 days and Ida honestly couldn't care less about her apparance. She was living in this room like a lifeless corpse. As if her soul and spirit has left her body.

But, Laura cleaned her with towel every day so Ida just would just stay still without resisting. Laura felt like crying seeing her situation but she was helpless.

As Laura made her sit up straight on the floor, she grabbed the plate and nudged it towards Ida. Ida stared at it, but she didn't take it. She eyed the food like it was poisoned.

Laura sighed, placing the plate aside and placed her hand on Ida's shoulder. She looked up at her, eyes welling up with tears.

"I've been telling you this last three days but... I will say it again and again until you understand it." Laura said as she took a deep breath. Laura had the kind of smile that wrinkled her eyes.

"You need to be strong, Ida. For yourself. Feel lucky to be alive. You need to show the world that your parents' death can't stop you. Their death shouldn't ruin you. You are alive for a reason. I don't think they would want you to lose yourself." Laura said, her voice achingly soft. Ida stared at the ground, unreactive. She was barely processing even a syllable.

"I know, it's hard and I sound silly because it's not easy to forget the ones you loved the most in this world. You don't have to let them go, grieving is good, grieving is healthy. It shows that you cared. It shows that you loved them. But you're loosing your life force, what makes you, you. I'm asking you to carry their memories with you and make them proud. Every child here has lost their parents but that didn't stop them from achieving their goals and dreams. You might hate me for saying this to you right now because you think me ignorant to how loss but your parents are watching you and always supporting you no matter where you are. Your parents want you to make them proud." Laura said as she stroked Ida's hair.

"But being like this will not help you. You need to show this world what you are capable off. Your parents are watching you... They will look after you from up there. Don't you think, they will feel sad if they see you in this situation? Burdened?" Laura asked, tilting Ida's face to stare into her eyes but she just stared back at her.

"I will be your best friend. I will always be here for you. You can count on me, we can do everything together. I will always support you. You aren't alone here, Ida. There are many people who will support you here. So, please try to think about this and move on. I really hope you will give this a thought." Laura said, giving her a small hug and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her back, leaving Ida alone in the room.

As soon as Laura left her room and closed the door behind her, tears roll down from Ida's eyes and she started crying her heart out again as she sat down on the floor remembering that everyone was telling her to move on and be strong. It was not easy for her and no one in the world understood what she was going through right now. Why was it so hard to understand what she was feeling right now? Why did she have to feel lucky to be alive? What reasons did she have to be alive and not dead with her parents? She was alive right now just to feel guilty for her parents death. She killed them by loving someone else so badly. It was her fault.

They were telling her to move on but how could she when she was the one who ended their lives?

Her eyes were red and extremely swollen from crying. There was even a tint of purple.

She hadn't even lived that long with her parents. 20. 20 years was all she had had with them. Again thoughts of an idealistic fantasy of her bringing in a grandchild to them, celebrating her mother's 50th birthday, which was supposed to be 4 weeks from now. She thought of their dinners, the festive moments, the essential parts of human existence they never got to experience. All this she shoved out of her mind.

This was going too far. Sooner or later she would convince herself of those fantasies and eventually go insane. They're gone, she told herself firmly, and once more tears fell.

She walked towards the mirror in her room and stood in front of it.

She touched her long hair, the frizzy, uncared for ends reaching her behind. She felt dirty. But most of all pained because she remembered how much her father loved her honey colored hair; how her mother had taken care of it with such fondness. Now, there will be no one to take care of her hair anymore.

Her skin had become pale from crying, the clothes she was wearing were covered in dust and almost falling apart.

"All this is because of Alden." She murmured.

"Why did you do this to me, Alden? What have I done to you?" Ida screamed at him inwardly.

What a fool she was to think that he really loved her?! All he did was make fake promises to her! Then, she saw the chain that he had given her on the table... She grabbed it with anger and pressed at its casing, pushing every ounce of her contempt into it. Her fingers burned with friction but she continued.

"How could you kill my parents so mercilessly, Alden? You don't even love me so why didn't you kill me along with them as well? Who the fuck are you to even kill them?" Ida yelled with tears, pressing as hard as she could to break a crack into it.

Just then, she dropped it and backed away, shaking. The heart shaped pendant glinted, dancing around on the chain. Her effort was absent from its surface, and it winked at her, mocking her.

"Who are you Alden Orion? Who are you in this Mafia World? I will find you and prove you my parents were innocent. Everyone is lying. My parents could never harm anyone. No." Ida said to herself in disbelief.

"I will prove to you that my parents are innocent. I will not let you go so easily now. Not after you have given me the taste of utter betrayal. You killed my family and made me an orphan. How do you think I will let you go and let you be happy while I suffer? Be ready and hold onto yourself. I am coming…coming to take away everything from you just like how you have taken from me. I will show you who the real Ida Celeste is. Very soon!" Ida said with anger boiling inside her.

Her eyes, dry now and bloodshot with lack of sleep, harnessed a certain fierceness she'd never had before. It consumed her fully, darkening ever bright corner of her heart until it beat with revenge.

Funny how loss can destroy a person. Funny how.