9. The Beauty.

"Bring her inside. Right now!" Mr. Bellamy barked into the phone and threw it on his bed. He slammed the door close and walked to the indoor balcony, staring at the guards bring Ida in.

He went down the stairs quickly and muttered a few instructions to a nearby maid, who rushed away.

She was struggling, furiously, by the pained face of the guard who she'd just kicked at "Let me go, you bastards." Ida yelled as she tried to twist her limb out of the other's vice grip. Her movements ceased immediately when she saw Mr. Bellamy in front of her.

Her eyes widened but a smile spread on her face when she saw him.

"Boss… This girl had been standing in front of the mansion since morning. I am sorry…"

"Leave." Mr. Bellamy said, cutting the guard off, not even looking at him.

The guards exchanged looks and fled the scene, shooting Ida a sublte glare for causing them inconvenience so early in their shift.

"Mr. Bellamy…" Ida called and he looked at her from top to bottom.

His mansion floor was all wet because of Ida's wet clothes. She looked skinny and pale, her lips a blue tinge. The hairs on her skin were stood up, and she was still shaking from the cold. He ordered a towel for her to be wrapped in.

His phone dinged and he looked at it, a notice about someone who had been standing outside his mansion for ages but couldn't care less at the time. Until he found out that person was none other than Simon Celeste's daughter!

He then remembered that he had indeed saw her for a moment in Celeste Mansion a few day before her parents passed away.

He sighed as he looked over her still shivering form and decided he couldn't ask his question when she looked on the verge of freezing solid and looked at the maids and servants standing against a wall.

"Get her fresh and give her some warm clothes to wear." Mr. Bellamy said and the maid nodded her head as she walked towards Ida. "Miss… Please follow me." The maid said.

Ida looked at Mr. Bellamy frantically. "No! We need to talk. I have been trying to meet you since this morning… We need to talk-"

"We will. But first, warm up and eat. We will talk after that. I'm not leaving. I'll wait for you in the living room until you come back to talk with me. Is that okay?" Mr. Bellamy asked, cutting her off and Ida nodded her head after a few seconds of contemplation.

"Take her inside." Mr. Bellamy said and the maid nodded, handling Ida like she was a fragile vase of flowers.

Even in her dazed stupor, she heard footsteps of people walking towards them. She looked up and saw 2 guys walking towards her with a frown. They looked almost identical, the same facial features as Mr. Bellamy. But a lot younger, bright, with the tight shirts they both wore showing off their bulky and muscular figure. They both had jawlines so sharp she felt as if she could cut herself on them.

"Dad, who…?" One of the guys asked.

"I said take her inside." Mr. Bellamy said and the maid immediately pulled her by her shoulders and took her away from there.

"Dad… what's going on?" She heard someone ask, a third person, and his voice alone made chills run down her spine but before she could turn around and have one last look at him, the maid had ushered her into the room.

"Miss… Please have a seat here. I will arrange a hot bath for you." The maid said and Ida nodded.

The maid quickly grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her to control her shivering. Then, she turned on the heater before she walked inside the bathroom.

Ida focused on breathing in and out as her body welcomed the warmth around her. Her vision blurred in and out, but she shrugged it off until the maid walked out of the restroom and took her inside.

"I will wait for you outside until you are done." The maid said and Ida nodded her head again.

The maid walked out of the restroom, closing the door behind her back leaving Ida alone to change.

Ida quickly removed her clothes and got inside the bubble bathtub. Her body relaxed with the hot water. A smile spreads on her face, feeling like amazing. It had been 2 weeks since she had a bath like this. It was on the last day before…it happened.

She took a deep breath as she closed her eyes and relaxed herself, not realising her consciousness was slowly slipping away.


"Who is she, Dad?" One of the guy asked while Mr. Bellamy sat down on the couch, not answering.

"Dad, why are you being so secreative?" the other asked while Mr. Bellamy maintained a straight face.

"Dad, I don't think you should keep this from them." Another guy, who'd joined the two a little later said. He was sat in front of his father, a cool expression on his mature face.

"Ryan, you three will know soon." Mr. Bellamy replied, making the other two guys roll their eyes.

"Dad-" Ryan was suddenly cut off when the maid ran towards them hurriedly and they all frowned at her.

"Sir… Sir… Mr. Bellamy…" The maid said in fear, making the four men frown at her.

"What's wrong?" Ryan asked.

"Mr. Bellamy… That girl… she… isn't answering when I knock or call. It's been 30 minutes already." The maid answered, scared.

Without hesitation Ryan jumped to his feet, the coffee table shaking at the abrutedness and ran towards the room with Mr. Bellamy and his two brothers following closely behind.

"Where the hell is she?" Ryan yelled as he walked inside the room and looked around for her.

"She… she is in the restroom." The maid answered and Ryan slammed his body against the door, though it didn't budge. He reached above the doorframe, his fingers fumbling for something unseen and produced a key. He shoved it into the lock and the door swung open.

"Ryan, get her out. Now." Mr. Bellamy yelled from outside and Ryan nodded at him.

"Ellis and Derek, call the doctor. If she doesn't get here within the next 5 minutes I will be angry!" Mr. Bellamy barked. "Yes, Dad." They both replied and walked out of the room.

"God… Is she breathing?" Ryan asked himself as he stepped over her discarded clothes and saw her covered by bubbles in the bathtub and he thanked God that he didn't had to see this teenage girl naked. Even so he shielded his eyes out of respect and carefully pulled her out of the tub, his hand secured around her waist.

"Yes, Sir." The maid answered and Ryan still checked her pulse to be assured.

He sighed in relief when he felt the comforting beat of life from her seemingly lifeless form. She had just fainted from exhaustion in the bathtub.

He immediately grabbed the towel from the shelf and took a deep breath before he wrapped her up, making sure every inch of skin was covered.

His heart skipped a beat when his hands glided across the smoothness of her skin. He felt her shiver at his touch and took it for her feeling cold and cringed at himself and his incompetence.

He took another deep breath, banning all thoughts from his mind before slowly letting his hand slide down behind her neck. Then, he took her in his arms and carried her out of the bathtub.

"God." Ryan murmured, hoping his body heat could warm her.

He laid her on the bed with the wet towel wrapped around her body and turned around immediately.

"I will be outside." Mr. Bellamy said and quickly left the room.

"Clean her up and change her into some warm clothes." Ryan said and the maid nodded.

Ryan tried to tear his eyes away from Ida but they stubbornly wandered her figure. His eyes fell on her long legs…he gulped, his gaze fleeting over the calm, slow movement of her covered chest. He turned around immediately as his heart beat equivalated to that of a humming bird, and walked out of the room leaving Ida and the maid alone in the room.