I missed you -- I'm dying.

Luca stared at the photo for over half an hour, trying to understand what the Luca was trying to imply in this folder. ASK HELP. It was obvious. But at this point, Luca learned to stop looking at what things appeared. 

There must be a different and more meaningful reason behind it, was what she had been thinking. It shouldn't be that easy. But no matter what angle she looked at it, she couldn't think of something else. 

"Ask help…" the moment those words rolled out of her tongue, the monitor screen turned black after long inactivity. "Why would she need Adam's help?"

Luca narrowed her eyes and cocked her head to the side. "Is it because he is capable?" Her brow arched, recalling how efficient Adam was.

"But why would she go to him for help and not in the Fourth?" she then realized Luca must be having problems with the Fourth. It wouldn't be a surprise if Luca couldn't trust anybody.