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Today seems like a good day to head out to new terrain. On your way to rescuing Vance yesterday, you rushed past an intriguing geyser basin. You barely glimpsed geothermal vents belching steam, and bubbling pools surrounded by fanciful white-and-yellow rock formations. If the lure of an alien landscape captivates you, a remarkable location for filming dinosaurs is but a few miles from here.

Then again, who can blame you if you've had more than enough of any place featuring mysterious pools brimming with unknown volatile chemicals? If pure spring water appeals to you, a thoroughly benign watering hole lies close to where you witnessed the hadrosaur herd on the move. The pond probably attracts dinosaurs seeking to quench their thirst during the midday heat. It's ringed by ten-foot-tall cycads and clumps of outsize ferns that would make an effective hunting blind. The vegetation will also conceal you well if you fancy spending the day studying the creatures coming for a drink.

"What's your pleasure?" you ask Brett.

"Both spots have a lot going for them, but—"

A shot rings out.

Your friend whirls around and points to the top of the waterfall. "It came from up there."

Top of the Waterfall