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You grab binoculars. "Might have known. The RV pulled up by the pterosaurs' nest." Its roof glints in the morning sun.

Brett frowns. "Hope everybody's OK."

"A couple of people are moving around," you say. "Casey, for one. Lots of foliage. I don't see any big dinosaurs. Make that three people. No one looks like they're in trouble."

"Good. But with the pterosaurs gone, was that just target practice?"

"Could be. Who knows?"

"Maybe their engine backfired," Brett says. "But I doubt it."

You shrug. "I bet they don't know we're down here." What with the riotous growth and the spray rising from the waterfall, they probably haven't noticed your Land Rover parked a short distance downstream from the base of the falls. "What are they up to? Hey, if we hike up the game trail, we can secretly check on them."

Brett looks at you like you're crazy. "They've got a gun. They know there are dangerous beasts around. They'll be ever so happy to see you. What could possibly go wrong?" One of us might get the chance to learn something they don't want us to know."

"Could happen, I guess."

You stop to reconsider. Climbing to the top of the waterfall will be a workout requiring stamina. Dealing with Vance and his cohorts is always a matter of employing people skills. Sure, it won't be easy, but look at the possibilities in working with one of them, or maybe even uncovering proof that Vance stole your work.

On the other hand, you don't need anyone but Brett if you go to the geyser basin for some filming or the watering hole for some hunting or scientific research. The geyser basin is an easier drive than the watering hole. You can also expect to draw upon what you've learned about dinosaurs thus far.

What do you want to do today?