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"OK, so going up there isn't my best idea. Let's do a little hunting."

Brett brightens up at that prospect. You pack up and head out to the watering hole. It's a more challenging drive than the game trail to the geyser basins, and it hones your off-road driving skills. Along the way, Brett gives you some marksmanship pointers about controlling your breath and pulling the trigger smoothly.

You park your vehicle far enough away that you aren't likely to spook the wildlife. A game trail leads to the watering hole. Along the way, you keep a sharp eye out for any signs of nearby dinosaurs—another ankylosaur, that damnable gaggle of troodontids, a pterosaur troop coming to fish. You should know by now that nothing ever goes according to expectations on this trip.

Upon reaching the watering hole, Brett scouts out a terrific hunting blind in a sound defensive position. The ten-foot-tall cycads and blanket-sized leaves provide complete concealment while giving you an unparalleled view along the water's edge in both directions. You settle in to await whatever will show up. There's certain to be some action before too long, right?

It takes seemingly forever. Brett is the first to spot movement, and she points.
