Chapter 1

In the beginning there was nothing but darkness; stillness, formless, silent, empty.

Then there was light, the beginning of movement, form, creation and awareness.

To darkness the very existence of light, even the mere presence of awareness was agony. Since then it has sought to blot out the source of light, God itself as to return everything back to the stillness of nothingness.

The war waged for eons until The Lord created angels to do battle against the darkness.

Of them the very first to come into being, was the firstborn of God and his most beloved creation;


Seraphim, highest caste of angels.

The Light bringer

Morning Star and Supreme commander of the heavenly host.

Most beautiful, wisest and powerful of all.

Many more Seraphim came after; Israfel, Dumah, Suchlaph, Azazel, Remph, Simikiel, etc.

Followed by Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Rafael and Michael.

Lucifer and his Seraphim brethren would teach to the others how to fight, to have faith and believe in the light of the Lord creator.

Out of them Michael admired, respected and loved his eldest brother most of all. Lucifer too took notice of his youngest brother and became fond of him.

Even took to calling him "little runt" as a show of his affection, much to his annoyance and irritation.

Myriads of others came to be as well, and under Lucifers command the war against Darkness raged onwards.

It became apparent that Darkness could never be truly destroyed, so a place was created to isolate it from the rest of creation, even light of God himself.

This would later be known as Hell.

After long, arduous war The Darkness was sealed away into Hell by combined efforts of Lucifer, Michael and the other Archangels.

Peace had come and the era of building a new existence had dawned.


For the next eons God began the creation of universe as we would come to know it.

Lucifer had been the only one with a name that carried a meaning, for he was the Light bringer of God.

And now the hero of light, the most loved and respected angel of them all who sat next to God.

Other Angels received roles that gave their names meaning;

Israfel would be angel of songs.

Remph the angel of time.

Some received a more aggressive role for their names.

Simikiel, Angel of vengeance.

Samael, the wrath of God.

Azrael, Angel of death.

However, these meanings were only given to those of Seraphim caste and a few others.

Michael and other Archangels were not to receive ones as of yet.

Which again gave Lucifer plenty of chances to keep pushing Michaels buttons about his "little runt" status.

Then as creation of existence was all but finished the heavenly host was becoming curious as to what it was being made for, or whom?

They would turn to Lucifer for answers but he would always reply with "Our Lord will tell you in due time, just believe in him." Which would be the end of it for they assumed Gods favorite would know better than them.

However, Lucifer would not let it show but he too was feeling uneasy about this; he was God's favorite who stood next to him yet, The Lord would not tell him either.

While they had been putting together the cosmos and the crown jewel of it all, the garden of Eden, Father had been absent and preoccupied with something that took all his attention.

He kept believing in him, convincing himself their Lord was preparing a new purpose to pursue next with him, the Light Bringer at the head.

After all, that was his purpose and destiny; to be first at everything father would start next.

Then the day came; everything was ready and Remph was told to put time into motion.

When it did the existence they had all put together that had once been still and empty begun moving, changing, evolving and all the designs for life that had been made were being born.

It was a breathtaking sight.

Then as life filled Eden itself, the hosts need for answers to whom would inherit all of this could not be contained.

The Lord, their father and creator appeared before them once again to announce what would come next.

"My firstborn, your task is now complete and your new duty begins. Behold my next creation, made in my image and the inheritors of Eden";


The host was shocked, puzzled and confused by this.


Beings of flesh and blood, dust, ashes and dirt?

Lucifer was most shocked by all this.

This is what father had been working on all along? Something so... puny? Why?

What was he thinking?

"They are my children, your successors. Your duty from hence forth is to be their protectors, watchers."

He felt a slight relief from that, so they were just something to be watched over and guided by them.

"And servants."
