Chapter 2

"They are my children, your successors. Your duty from hence forth is to be their protectors, watchers."

He felt a slight relief from that, so they were just something to be watched over and guided by them.

"And servants."

Those words.

Lucifer could not believe he heard them.

Servants? Of these... things?

Who would never see or know the glory of God? To whom just the presence of divinity would be enough to break their fragile minds?

Him? The Light bringer, Gods favorite and most perfect being created would have to serve and... kneel, before these... these... pitiful, pathetic mortals?!

The idea was revolting.

After this, God left them once more to finish his new creation, leaving the host in a state of utter confusion and shock.

Once more they came to him for answers for surely he must have known about this?

He was always the one closest to God so he must have known this was coming?

What were they supposed to make of this, what were they to do?

For the first time;

Lucifer had no answer to give.

Not even to himself.

He merely took flight and left.

Arriving in Eden after a while, he looked at its splendor and beauty.

Such a flawless paradise.




Like him.

Before, seeing it would have made him feel elevated, even happy remembering all the work that had been put into it with his brothers and sisters.


He could see it; those filthy, weak and ignorant creatures inheriting it.

Naming it.

Breeding in it.

Defiling it.

Taking it.

Ruining it.


He was God's firstborn creation, flawless, perfect like the paradise he stood in.

And yet-


That voice.


"You took off so abruptly, is everything-"

"Michael." He said with a stern voice. "Leave."

He didn't need to turn around to see his little brothers shock, after all, it could be counted on one hand the amount of times Lucifer had called him by name when not on a battlefield.

Especially with the tone he had just used.

"... I know fathers announcement must have shocked you and all of us. I cannot fathom why he would do this either, but brother; we must believe in him, you taught us that."

Michael replied back, his voice clearly riddled with doubt and uncertainty.

"So, please come back. Everyone needs your example now-"

"Enough. Leave, now. I will not say it again."

Lucifer cut him off, barely able to keep the anger in his voice from showing.

Every word just now had been like a bile gathering in his gut; Believe in God? After what he had just done?

Didn't any of them see it, what it all meant?

... of course not. He himself may very well be the only one who does.


All of them.

"... alright, but please come back to us soon, brother."

Said Michael, apprehensive about leaving like this, but he did.

Leaving Lucifer feeling wretched.

Michael idolized him, he knew that and out of everyone he was the last one who Lucifer wanted to hurt in any way.

But even that feeling did little to stop the hatred growing within him.

Hatred of his father.


Since that moment Lucifer had tried over and over to make The Lord hear him; humanity was a mistake.

He was smart enough to see their shortcomings and how they would turn their backs on God, heaven and light if given the choice.

That making them in his image was nothing short of insanity, and for his firstborn angels to be their servants? It was like asking them to willingly kneel and kiss the dirt.

But God, their Lord and creator would not change his mind, simply telling Lucifer to have faith in him and humanity.

Even among the host more and more were seemingly becoming less hesitant about the notion, even accepting it.

Lucifer could not believe it; how did they not see what was happening?

It became increasingly unbearable to keep up appearances instead of simply shouting it for all to hear:

Our father is casting us aside! His firstborn, his true children who walk with him in favor of dirt and dust covered mortals who would not even be able to witness him without breaking or going mad!

They would turned from Gods children to servants of second class inferior beings, who if given the choice would not even believe they existed!

It was festering inside him, becoming increasingly worse.

"Believe in our Lord."

Was becoming ever more unbearable to say or hear;

Believe in one who is casting them aside?

That he has a plan?

Or maybe, this HAD been the plan all along.

Use them to defeat the darkness, build a paradise.

Then bring in what he truly loved and favored, relegate to servitude and expect them, him, to gladly accept?!

To make perfection serve imperfect-

It was then, a new belief was formed within him.

And from that belief;

Believe in the Lord, for he is perfect.

But humanity, his creation is imperfect and a mistake.

So if he has made a mistake...

.... It means, God is imperfect.

And he, Lucifer, his first and perfect creation;

Is the one to correct that mistake.


Root of evil, the first Sin was born.
