Chapter 3

It was inconceivable, the mere notion for an Angel of the Lord to oppose him...

Was against everything they were, betraying the purpose they existed for.

Yet, that is exactly what Lucifer was determined to do.

Feeling he had been betrayed by God fractured his faith in him and through said fractures, the light in him became twisted.

He came to believe himself to not only be God's most perfect creation, but the one to succeed him; surpass his flawed creator and become the true sovereign Lord.

But to do so would mean opposing the heavenly host as well.

Lucifer was most powerful of all Angels but he knew better than this; he had been the one who trained most of them, so he knew all too well how powerful they were.

And taking on God would require every ounce of power that could be spared, and wasting it on the host would be foolish.

More than that, he was attempting to overthrow God for casting his firstborn aside so by rebelling he would have to fight and even end many of his brothers and sisters existence...

So it had to be swift, clean and precise.

Take Gods place before the host will fully respond.

He'd need an army of his own to do it, but turning others to his cause...

How was that to be done?

That was a conundrum Lucifer spent untold amount of time resolving, while being careful not to let his true intentions show.

Then little by little Lucifer would observe his brethern, listen the ongoing discussions, debates and even arguments about humanity, their new duty God had announced, etc.

At times he too would join in on them, carefully choosing his words and planting the seeds of doubt within them.

It took arduous effort but with God still busy working on humanity Lucifer had an ever so small leeway to maneuver.

Until finally the first of those seeds took root;

Simikiel, his fellow Seraphim came to him in private and not long after became the first to join Lucifers rebellion.

How ironic that Angel of vengeance would be one to turn that vengeance against the very creator who gave him that name.

And so it went on, with more and more joining their cause preparing for the day they would retake their dignity and place back from God.

Lucifer had hoped to recruit Michael as well to fight by his side; he had seen the doubts and conflicting loyalties growing in him, yet the seeds had not taken root.

Just a little more time and he could have used Michaels respect and idolization of his eldest brother to fully convert him...

But before this could be accomplished, God was finishing the creation of humanity and Lucifer knew the instant fathers attention returned back to heaven his plans would be exposed;

As much as he hated God with all his being, there is nothing that can be hidden or escape his notice in all of creation.

The rebellion had to happen now for it to succeed.

Lucifer, while still fond of his little brother and not wanting to hurt him, would not let it hinder what had to be done.

On that day, the rebellion began.

Heaven was split, its Angels fractured.

And existence would never know peace again.


The host was thrown into chaos. No one knew what was happening; Seraphim suddenly seized several key positions and amongst castes from lowest to highest brothers and sisters turned against each other.

Several squad leaders, company commanders and other important Angels of the host were ambushed or assassinated to keep any form of order and responses trapped in chaos.

In this pandemonium some of Lucifers rebelling Angels even attempted to end Michael; it was no secret their Supreme Commander was fond of the little Archangel, so whether it was them trying to eliminate that distraction or simply acting out of petty jealousy, it ended in failure.

Even while confused and unsure what was going on, Michael struck his assailants down; frightening them how easily he did it even with everything that should have been distracting him.

They had mistakenly believed Michael to really be just a "little runt" who was helpless without Lucifer.

And now he was towering over their beaten forms demanding answers.

After getting them he could not believe it.

Lucifer, had... rebelled against God? Their Lord and father?

Surely, this was a mistake...?

It couldn't be true.

The Supreme commander, Gods favorite and hero of light, had turned on them...?

All this chaos, this senseless loss of their siblings;

It was his eldest brothers doing?

No, why? Why would he do this?!

And then Gods voice was heard throughout heaven.

"Lucifer, the Light Bringer has betrayed the light.

He is to be struck down as a traitor, and his cohorts as well.

Your Lord commands this and it will be done."

For Michael this felt as if the very core of his being was shaken.

He was an Angel of the Lord and his commands must be carried out,

Yet Lucifer was his eldest brother whom he loved and respected the most.

Being torn by this Michael took flight, seeing Heaven burning and his siblings fighting in every corner of it.

Their lights extinguished one by one...


He was attacked again and again as well, each time seeing a face he had known looking at him with such contempt, even hatred.

But behind all of it was something else...


Like they had found someone else other than the Lord to devote their existence for.

Now to them Michael and others still loyal to God, were nothing but an "enemy" to the one they served now.

He had to find his brother.

That's all he knew for certain now.

But what about when he did?
