Chapter 4

Lucifer and his strongest cohorts were fighting their way past the garrison guarding the way to Gods throne.

So many had fallen by his hands...




They had all called him.

The fools; why couldn't they see or understand what he had grasped? How were they so willing to accept servitude to imperfect, flawed beings by a just as flawed creator?

God was not worthy of their faith, their trust or adoration.

He never had been.

Hearing his voice, condemning him as a traitor as well... made him feel nothing, but mirthless chuckle.

Even all the siblings who had been felled by him, had left no remorse nor anything else in him.

As if they who stood against him were nothing more but meaningless pawns to be destroyed.

No matter, soon he would confront the true betrayer responsible for all this and then he would take his rightful place on the throne, taking back the glory that was theirs by right.

And all would look up to him with adulation, as the true Lord of creation.


He was brought out of his thoughts by that all too familiar voice.

Turning around, he was greeted by the battle worn form of his favorite little brother; with those adorable eyes looking to him for answers.

Yes, that look which everyone would soon share.

But Michaels would always be the one he adored the most.

As Lucifers rebels were about to attack, he said firmly:

"No, Leave us."

They were hesitant and confused at that, which prompted an even stronger tone from him:

"I am not asking.

Leave us, now.

And interfere at your own peril."

And so they left them alone.


"You want answers, yes?"

He asked, with a soft tone.

To which Michael nodded, and asked with a strained, desperate voice.

"Why? Tell me why are you doing this?"

Strangely, seeing his little brother like this and hearing his voice like that did give him a small sense of guilt.

"God has abandoned us, little runt; we are to be cast aside in favor of pitiful, tiny beings of frail flesh and blood who can never know our glory, not without being broken.

And they are 'made in his image'.

Does this not sicken you? To be forced to serve such a mistake?"

Michael struggled to respond, but he did:

"But, this is not right! Our father would not abandon us, you yourself taught us to believe in him!"

Lucifer could barely keep calm being reminded of that.

"And because I did, look at you; you're still clinging to believing in a flawed, imperfect being who has had us all fooled since our creation!

We were just pawns, and now that all his attention is on that... thing, called humanity he says will inherit the fruit of OUR labors, we are to obediently be their servants as well?!

We were never his children.

Just expendable slaves."

Hearing such vile contempt in his voice and disgust showing on his face, Michael could barely believe what he was seeing and hearing.

Worse, those very words that he should be rejecting... appealed to some doubts that had been growing in him.

"Brother... there is truth to your words; humanity, is indeed frail and what God has commanded of us does make me feel, hurt."

Michael managed to choke out of his throat.

Lucifer grinned, his obedient and loyal little brother would soon be by his side where he belonged, always looking up to him with adulation, respect and love even more than he would towards God.

"Michael, I know this is hard for you; a loyal, obedient and pure being like yourself should never have been put into this situation. I want you by my side, as it always has been and now it can be again; true brothers, reclaiming our rightful glory from a failed, flawed creator who would abandon us."

His words, his tone... It was the brother Michael had known.

"But, while there is truth to them I cannot deny..."

It hurt.

How good would it feel to just accept the place by his side, to be brothers forever.

"That is all they have. Only some of the truth."

The need to see his brother, that had been certain.

But when he did?

"What I want to know... what I truly need to know."

Michael had not been afraid of what might happen.

"Is why when I look at you..."

He feared what meeting him would confirm.

"... All I can see, is Darkness?"


The silence between them, was so strong it muted everything; neither could hear the sounds of battle anymore.

Michael was not blind, ever since the announcement from God he had felt the same shock and confusion as everyone else.

Followed by doubts.

But, those were only some doubts.

THE doubts that had been eating him, had come after that moment in Eden;

When he noticed something truly terrifying in Lucifer.

Michael had not been certain what he had seen, but it kept troubling him.

Afterwards when his eldest brother seemingly was himself again, denial became easy.

However, when he was then talking to other Angels about what God intended next... his words had been that of a dutiful, loyal Angel but every time he said them Michael kept feeling that same terrifying sensation as that time in Eden.

He had been torn, between his duty to God and love for his brother.

Should he have said something, to anyone?

But to whom, and what? Who would believe him?

Lucifer was the Light Bringer, Gods favorite.

Surely he was mistaken about this feeling?

And now... He truly regretted his indecision.

Even after witnessing the rebellion and striking down the siblings who had turned on them, he had still clung onto that last shred of denial.

Even Gods command did not dissuade it.

Only now, that he had met Lucifer again, felt the attraction and temptation his words carried, how it made him yearn to stand by his side...

He could not deny it anymore, no matter how much he wanted to or how badly it hurt.

Lucifer, had become like that of the very Darkness they fought in the dawn of creation.

"Michael... you dare to accuse me; the Light Bringer, most perfect being in creation to be that of Darkness?!"

The rage building in his voice, was terrifying.

"I, who would bring us back to glory and save us from servitude of a creator more flawed than the mistake, mankind, he would have us serve next... The little runt, who did nothing but cling to me, you dare?!"

The very space around him was trembling.

Michael could practically taste the sheer power emanating from Lucifer, but stood his ground.

And said, with a sad, resolved voice:

"The only one you are trying to fool, is yourself.

It's pathetic, brother."

With a look of livid fury, shouting:

"You dare?!"

As loud as possible, Lucifer attacked Michael with such speed and force the garrison building around them was blown away from the impact between them.

By all rights, the attack had more than enough behind it that even a Seraphim would have been obliterated on the spot.

Yet, Lucifer to his disbelief found himself instead in a deadlock with Michael.

Who looked at his brother in the eye, and said with a cold, steeled voice:

"I dare."
