Final Chapter

The rebellion that was being fought, came to a chilled halt.

The rallied heavenly host, rebels and all of heaven that had just moments ago been a concert of chaos, was now silent.

Everyone's attention was drawn to what was unfolding above before them, like children looking up to something mesmerizing.

Archangel Michael, the youngest of them all.

Was fighting Seraphim Lucifer, the strongest of them all.

On equal footing.

Each clash shook all of heaven, creating tremors throughout creation.

They fought with resolve and overwhelming fury.

Injuries accumulating, powers expending...

But if one looked close enough, this battle was not one of hatred.

Behind their looks of determined warriors steeled with every intent to not stop;

Was that of sadness and hurt.

For a brief moment longer they were not mortal enemies tearing each other part; but brothers feeling disappointed and betrayed by the other, refusing to understand each other.

'Why are you opposing me?! You know I am right!' said one, in bitter pride.

'Why did you betray me?! I believed in you!' said other, in hurt anger.

With each passing moment, their memories of happier times were being stained by blood.

Their family ties burning in opposing beliefs.

Their love drowning in pain.

Until finally their last, most brutal collision sent them both hurling and crashing into the ground.

The shockwave and force from the impact, turned the area into a crater and after a cacophony of destruction and noise.

There was silence.

Until, finally, at the center of the crater both Lucifer and Michael were trying to get before the other.

Their wings ripped, torn.

Weapons broken.

Bodies screaming.

They both knew, this was it.

Getting up at the same time they practically dragged their feet to move towards one another.

No words were spoken, for there was nothing left to be said.

At the same time, rebels and the host were also slowly gathering to witness it.

Their own conflict forgotten for the moment.

Everyone knew that they could easily interfere to ensure victory.

Yet neither side made a move.

It was inexplicable.

As the two brothers were within striking distance of one another, they stopped and stared at each other.

The silence between them broken only by their grasping to breathe.

It was only when a piece of rubble fell at a distance and hit another loud enough to be heard, that they attacked one another.

Lucifer was faster, and his fist would land first.

He knew it too and was openly grinning, already certain to win.

To them time was moving at a snails pace, their focus running on overdrive.

Michael saw his fist coming, and knew his own would not reach in time.

His older brother had always been faster with his arms than him, and this time was no exception.

It also didn't help that the ground they stood on favored Lucifers footing.

... which is why, Michael had not intended to strike first to begin with.

He only needed to time his right.

It was still a gamble.

Just as Lucifers fist was about to land on Michaels face, having more than enough behind it to end this, Michael took that gamble.

He moved forward towards the coming punch, but at last instant bent his head to the side for the punch to only scrape at his face.

Using both his own and Lucifers forward momentum, putting all of his body weight behind it, his own counter punch landed onto his brothers face with a crunching sound that echoed far and wide, followed by having so much power behind it that he pushed Lucifers unconscious form all the way to the ground.

It was over.

Michael, had struck down Lucifer, the Light Bringer.

The hosts morale soared, while the rebels witnessing their Supreme commanders defeat were left with shattered morale and will to fight.

The rebellion... had failed.


Lucifer and all who rebelled with him were rounded up and after days of various proceedings and tasks, the most difficult part had come; judgment.

There was no precedent for something like this, it was never even conceived to be possible to happen.

How was betrayal to be judged or sentenced?

Especially in case of Lucifer.

Even if they would agree to end his existence, only God would be capable of it;

Michael was only able to defeat Lucifer, for no one besides The Lord had the strength to destroy him.

He was second only to God after all.

Even the only reason Michael had been capable of stopping him was due to the Sin he had given birth to; Angels power came from light of heaven and faith in the Lord.

Faith which he had discarded, along with Sin that weakened the light in him.

In any other circumstances, Lucifer would have obliterated him in that initial clash.

'The only one you are trying to fool, is yourself.'

Michael had realised this, and Lucifers pride did the rest.

So now, what to do with him?

it was then that God appeared before them, to resolve this.

The Lord himself judged him; guilty of committing not only betrayal but of giving birth to the very first sin, Pride. He and all those who aided him were to be cast out of heaven and into hell.

For Angels to be severed and cut off from light of their maker, was the single most terrifying fate imaginable. In Hell they would be surrounded by darkness, to be its prey with no escape.

God did offer them mercy, but Lucifer even at the threat of eternal damnation rejected it and swore that he would return, that until God admitted mankind was a mistake he would oppose him at every turn.

And so, the fall came to be.

Even at the very last moment Lucifers eyes were locked onto Michaels, filled venom and hatred; promising especially cruel revenge for his little brother for choosing God and humanity over him.

Until the darkness of hell enveloped him.


Within hell, no longer knowing Gods light or presence was agony in ways nothing can describe.

More than half of them went mad within hours.

Then the Darkness came for them.

The cast out angels were devoured inside out by the Darkness, until they turned into twisted perversions of their former selves, the first Demons.

This kept going until out of all the various castes of rebels only a few of the Seraphim were left, the others having become demons that hunted them down.

It was then that Lucifer, the very core of his being having cracked from his hatred of God, Heaven and his siblings walked into the enroaching darkness; letting it fill him.

Yet, he would not turn.

It assailed everything about him as an angel, but Lucifer just kept taking it in.

Every moment his visage started to twist into demonic, he forced it to stop and revert.

But eventually, it did begin to overwhelm Lucifer;

His cracked halo losing the light.

His pure wings becoming pitch black.

As an angel, he could not stop the darkness.

So Lucifer, looking at his wings and what they represented; of being one of Gods creations, was filled with a resolve that caused hell itself to tremble.

Folding all pairs of his wings, grabbing a hold of them all...

He tore them off his back.

His howl of agony made even Darkness itself freeze for a moment.

Only thing that kept him from losing consciousness out of pain, was his hatred.

He had ended his existence as an angel.

Now, he was something else.

And in doing so Lucifer out of sheer willpower seized control of the darkness; what had been but ravenous instinct before, now had a will.

A will so powerful, the agony it caused to darkness actually made it submit.

The moment it did, Lucifer now a being of darkness became its shield towards light; an unspoken threat that if he ever willed it, the agony of light would return.

That was when his halo broke in half, and both parts embedded themselves into his head; becoming jet black dragon like horns, and darkness took form where his torn wings had been, becoming four pairs of demonic wings that looked like living, moving, burning darkness.

Lucifer, had become Satan.

Prince of darkness.

Whose domain is the root of all sin, Pride.

All demons bowed before him, the remaining cast out angels were baptised in his unholy fire, becoming Fallen Angels; they retained their memories of having been angels unlike demons, but now agents of darkness with pitch black, cracked halos and wings to match.

And hatred of heaven matched by Satans.

Demons, soldiers of hell.

Fallen angels, commanders and lords of Sin;


Her domain the mortal sin of Greed.

Once Azazel, Angel of Sacrifice.


His domain the mortal sin of Gluttony.

Once Suchlaph, the Angel of Verdancy.


His domain the mortal sin of Sloth.

Once Remph, the Angel of Time.


His/her(can appear as either) domain the mortal sin of Lust.

Once Dumah, the Angel of Dreams.


Her domain the mortal sin of Envy.

Once Israfel, the Angel of Songs.


His domain the mortal sin of Wrath.

Once Simikiel, the Angel of Vengeance.

And the Devil, Satan; adversary of God.

Root of all evil.


Fallen one.

Crooked Serpent.

Lord of lies.

He has many names.

He will be many names.

Until the day he has his revenge, he will never stop.

And it would begin by finding a way to sneak into Eden, to tempt Gods mistake, humanity to defy him like he had; for once they tasted Sin, he would show Father exactly how easily his new favorites would turn on him.

Proving his claims.

When their souls fell into hell, he would ensure their agony was known to the Lord.

Promising that fate awaited all of humanity; for on the day he takes heaven back and floods it with Darkness, no soul will be spared his hatred.

Especially Michael, whom he would introduce to the true depths of Darkness.

Only when there was nothing left of his creations to be tormented, violated or broken...

Then, and only then...

Would God have his permission to know oblivion.

The End