The collective mind of the Multiverse searched for a suitable agent to train by sending him to different worlds to gain skills of many kinds and fight off the apostles of the Evil Gods that are currently trying to control it.
A normal high schooler bored with his life was chosen to be an agent.
My first fanfiction I hope you'd like it
Embrace the monkey that is deep within you. Never become monkey but know how to become better. The penguin is with you. EMBRACE THE PENGUIN MORE THAN THE MONKEY!!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MONKE ---------------------------------------- LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ---------------------------------------
It's good! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hasta el momento ah estado interesante, solo toca esperar ver como se desarrolla la historia en futuros capítulos, estaré apoyando esta historia en futuros capítulos