Start of a long adventure!

"Hawke! Wait!" Mordred runs after Vanessa Hawke an Apostate Mage.

"What do you want Templar!? Here to arrest me and my sister!?" Venessa Snarls.

"...No... I'm here to join you not as a templar... But... As Mordred..." Mordred feels incredibly awkward.

"You ceased to be Mordred to me when you decided to become a Templar! You are no longer the girl I loved in Lothering all those years ago! Leave and never come near me and my family ever again!" Vanessa yells at Mordred making the reincarnate wince.

"... At least allow me to follow you to Kirkwall... I will leave you and never return afterward if that is what you want..." Mordred has tears going down her face.

"Stop... Making that face... Templar..." Vanessa's voice lowers.

"I love you... Please give me a chance! I would never turn you both in!" Mordred kneels on both knees while looking up at Vanessa.

"You... why would you betray your order? why would you..." Vanessa widens her eyes when she realized Mordred still loves her in a romantic sense.

"...You drive me crazy Vanessa! I can't imagine a life without you! and if that means turning a blind eye to you and your sister so be it!" Mordred looks up at Hawke.

"...You can follow us... But I still don't trust you! You will have to earn back my trust!" Hawke grimaces when she starts remembering her first time with Mordred.

Mordred wasn't just a childhood friend but was Vanessa's childhood sweetheart they took each other first time when they were sixteen years old but a year later Mordred became a Templar which caused them to break up.

"I won't let you down ever again!" Mordred smiles in relief.

'I won't let Bethany die! I will save her even if I must use my body to save her!' Mordred has a resolved look.

"Hya!" Mordred cleaves the Hurlocks in half and grabs one by the skull and slams it on the ground stabbing it through the chest before it could get back up.

"Wesley I thought I'd lost you!" Aveline says.

"Apostates keep your distance!" Wesley who was spared his fate of becoming tainted points his sword at Vanessa and Bethany.

"Enough Knight-Templar! We do not have time for this when we have darkspawn on our heels!" Mordred's helmet disassembles itself and rests on her chest, sides, and back.

"Knight-Commander Sir Mordred!" Wesley salutes.

"At ease Templar... Now how about we worry about the apostates after we get to safety? Magic exists to serve man and never to rule over them! And we most certainly need their service now more than ever..." Mordred narrows her eyes at Wesley.

"You are right Knight-Commander... I was too short-sighted... Indeed magic exists to serve man not rule over them and we most certainly need them now more than ever!" Wesley kneels toward Mordred along with Aveline.

"Rise... We have a horde of Darkspawn to get through... Don't let them wound you! Their blood will seep into your body turning you into one of them... Had I not arrived in time you would suffer from the Taint Knight-Templar... Use your shield to keep them at bay yes?" Mordred nods to Wesley.

"Yes, I thank you for your guidance Knight-Commander Sir Mordred!" Wesley bows. He then uses his shield to bash a Hurlock and blocks its strikes before decapitating it. Wesley takes Mordred's lesson to heart.


"I've got this!" Bethany tried to use an ice blast spell on the Ogre only for Mordred to shoulder-bash her out of the way.

The Ogre picks up Mordred and slams her into the ground three times then throws her.

"Ugh... I feel dizzy... Kid don't bite off more than you can chew! we must defeat it together! Only Wardens can solo these bastards!" Mordred gets up and feels her joints creak from the strain.

'I may have the armor and weapon of Mordred from the Fate-verse but that does not mean I'm capable of the same feats... I'm basically an extremely nerfed Mordred...

After all the god that reincarnated me here said I can't be a god amongst men in Thedas... I'm still more powerful than anyone else on Thedas but I will never be as Powerful as the Fate-verse Mordred...' Mordred has a bitter look behind her helmet.

After a good hour of fighting they all rest before heading off to Kirkwell. Mordred looks up at the mountain and narrows her eyes at the dragon and the dragon smirks at her.


"Royal Flush... I win..." Mordred lays her cards out making the three Hawke siblings Wesley and Aveline groan in frustration.

"C'mon Sis! At least pretend to lose!" Carver groans and complains. Carver still considers Mordred his sister even though her relationship with the Hawkes is strained.

"Where is the fun in losing? Anyway, we could play Go Fish if you want kiddo!" Mordred gives a shit-eating grin.

"No way! That game is for little brats! And I'm not a kid anymore so stop treating me like one!" Carver snorts.

"Oho? The Ship has docked which means we are here... Let's go, everyone!" Mordred gets up and steps off the boat along with the Hawke family and her fellow Templar and a single soldier.

To Be Continued...