Lore of the Pendragon family Thedas-Version

"Halt! No one is allowed to go In!" The guard puts his arm in the way of Mordred making her glower.

"Do you have any idea who this is!? This is Knight-Commander Sir Mordred! She has more authority than you will ever have!" Wesley barks at the guard making said guard go pale in the face.

Mordred's helmet disassembles "I am heir to the long and distinguished line of Templars who are completely immune to magic! I am a Pendragon and you will not stop me guard!" Mordred shoves him to the side the Hawkes Aveline and Wesley follow her inside the gallows.

"I'm so dead... Knight-Commander Merideth will kill me if she finds out I stopped her superior... A Pendragon right here in Kirkwall..." The guard looks like his soul is leaving his mouth.

Not all Knight-Commanders are equals as they all have specific markings on their armor that show their rank from 10 to 1 and Mordred is a 1st rank Knight-Commander while Merideth is only a 7th Rank.

Mordred is merely a step away from becoming a Knight-Divine the only thing preventing her from advancing in rank is that her own merits are not enough yet.

"None are allowed...! Knight-Commander Sir Mordred! It has been too long M'lady! I take it you are heading to the chantry?" the blonde guard kneels.

"That is correct... I also seek to lead my lover and her family inside... as well as my subordinate who survived the chaos of the blight as well as his wife... I will provide for them so no need to worry as they will not be considered refugees" Mordred speaks in a tone of finality leaving no room for argument.

"Of course Knight-Commander Sir Mordred! I shall open the gate for you!" The guard runs to the gate guards telling them of Mordred and the guards rush to open the gates for Mordred.

A rookie guard couldn't help but ask who Mordred is... "Hey uh, who is this Knight-Commander Sir Mordred? Is she a noble?" the rookie asks.

"Yes! And not just any Noble but a Teyrn! Her family the Pendragons are second only to royalty! The Pendragons are one of the wealthiest families in all of Thedas! Not only that but they have constantly produced Knight-Divine and Knight-Vigilants without fail! They are blessed by the Maker himself and are his own personal Executioners! The Maker is said to speak to the Pendragon's pointing them toward their prey! Even the Viscount will not deny her!" The guard shakes in his own boots.

"Whoa... doesn't that mean she will be the next Teyrn?" The rookie oblivious to just how close he is to making everyone piss themselves asks another question.

"No... Her older Brother Lord Lancelot will become the head of the house Pendragon for he is the firstborn! Just because she belongs to a Teyrn-rank household doesn't mean she will be the next head of the family... Enough questions I don't want to die!" The Guard runs away.


"You and your family may reside here until you get back on your feet Vanessa... Aveline and Knight-Templar Wesley you may also reside here until you get your own home..." Mordred speaks in the same tone of finality leaving no room for argument. Mordred heads up the stairs toward her own room.

"Knight-Vigilant Artoria Pendragon... named after her ancestor the first Pendragon..." Leandra sighs as she looks at the portrait of the current Head of House Pendragon.

"I can see where Mordred got her own looks from... She is beautiful..." Carver nods.

"She is in her 50s now same as me... Yet she still looks the same as she did all those years ago... The Pendragons are indeed blessed by the Maker... They have Eternal Youth on their side... But it's not immortality they still die of old age..." Leandra sighs with a small hint of jealousy.

"It is said that the First Pendragon was truly immortal but later died from a cursed arrow that ignored immortality... I don't know how true the story is as the Pendragon family line spans three millennia it was also said that they were the personal guards of Andraste herself don't know how true that is but who is to say?... The Pendragons moved to Thedas for unknown reasons...

Their usual response was that the maker himself told them to move to Thedas... I don't know though... The Maker speaking to each head of the Pendragon family seems really farfetched and fanciful..." Vanessa speaks as she gazes into the fire from the burning wood in the fireplace.

"The Pendragons have never been one to fiercely hunt apostates nor do they treat mages unjustly... Whenever they do catch an apostate they won't allow them to become tranquil... So you two don't have to worry about that right?" Carver's words make Vannessa and Bethany scowl.

To Be Continued...