How It Will Work

"What is he really, a demon incarnate or just pretending to be an angel?

"Who, Miss?" said Sid. She was helping Gretta with her nails.

"Why ask? You can read my mind if you want to know," Gretta replied. She seemed to be in a good mood this afternoon. Rhys's words from this afternoon were still spinning in her head, making it hard to decipher them and irritating her.

"Sorry, Miss. We're just palace servants, we don't have the right to read what our master has in mind."

"I'm also just a human being, not someone to be glorified."

Sid smiled instead. She knew enough about Gretta from the information Rhys had given her. A little about Gretta's background and the order to treat Gretta like other nobles. Because Gretta was also a noble from Orlin who returned after a long time.

"You are more valuable than you think, Miss."


After days of staying in her room alone, Gretta was getting bored and no longer felt at home there. She wanted to get out of that place even if it was just for a moment to get rid of the boredom.

"Aunt Sid, I'm really bored here. Can I come out? It won't take long, I promise."

Sid had listened to Gretta's complaints several times today, at first Sid just kept refusing because it was the most forbidden thing by Rhys. But, seeing the state of Gretta who was really gloomy and looked dark like a cloudy cloud. She also felt sorry for the girl.

"Sorry, Miss. I have no authority for that, but I will try to ask His Majesty King Rhys. If he allows it, then I will let you know."

At least Sid's response could bring a smile to Gretta's face. Although the possibility was only zero point zero one percent, at least there was still a possibility and an effort was made.

Gretta nodded happily while releasing Sid's hand which she had been holding in order to persuade the woman.

Afterwards, Sid came out and Gretta waited for information from Sid. There really wasn't much hope in Gretta's heart, but there was no harm in trying.

Ten minutes passed and Gretta was still eagerly waiting, after an hour her enthusiasm and smile began to fade. With such a long time gap, the biggest possibility was bad news that she didn't want.

Gretta sighed and dropped her body on the bed, she no longer thought about her request because she already knew what the answer was.

"I think it's better to sleep than to wait for something that is obviously uncertain." Gretta decided to pull up the blanket and wrapped her body in it.

To the point where it was most comfortable, she bent her body like a shrimp. Enjoying the soft feathers of the blanket she was wearing.

"Do you want to take a walk in the dream world?"

Rhys' voice startled her, he was already standing behind her. Watching with Rhys' typical flat and cold face.

"Why bother calling me if you just want to sleep under the covers?"

"I never felt like calling you." Gretta looked at Rhys from under the blanket, showing only the part of his face that came out from the edge of the blanket.

A kitten reluctant to leave her bed, Gretta did not move from her position. Staying silent in her blanket, she ignored Rhys.

"Get out of there, the guards outside are off duty," Rhys said as he stepped out of the room.

His words succeeded in making Gretta move, she got out of the blanket. This was a good opportunity for her to escape from the room.

Gretta walked over to her coat and footwear that she had barely worn even when running to the hall a while ago.

She carefully opened the door and walked out of the room, checking whether the guards had really left or were still there. Sure enough there were no guards standing guard in front of her room, but there was Rhys standing there.

"Can I really go out freely?" she asked the man.

"Of course not," Rhys replied. "I'll be keeping an eye on you."

Being watched and followed directly by Rhys was not a good option, but Gretta was not in a position to choose. She only had two possibilities, stay out with Rhys or return to the room and be confined alone.

"Why does it have to be with you? I can be alone or I can be with Aunt Sid," Gretta said in a half-whisper.

"Since you're a little crazy, it's a big risk to let the regular guards watch over you." Rhys started walking down the corridor. Gretta was still standing there grumbling about the choice she didn't want to make.

"Are you going to stay there? The sun never waits to set."

Hearing that, Gretta took a breath and let it out softly. She started walking behind Rhys, having to accept whatever decision had been made for her. Yes, as long as she could go out even for a moment, it was fine even if it had to be with Rhys.

They walked together down the long corridor of the huge palace, until they slowly descended the stairs and walked towards the front garden.

The surroundings of the palace were indeed very beautiful and green, trees adorning it which made the atmosphere there feel very fresh. It was so green that Gretta could not find any color other than green.

"This garden is so large and lush, but why isn't there a single flower or perhaps a fruit that can be picked like those in romance novels?"

"Because this is not the romance novel you read."

Gretta let out a harsh sigh, the very answer she did not want to her question. After all, without having to rely on novels, didn't gardens usually have plants other than trees? At least there were flowers, even purple wildflowers.

"Flowers don't give me life, why bother taking care of them. Let the trees have their bodies as they wish without the interference of flowers arranged by human hands. That's their natural form."

Gretta no longer refuted Rhys' words either directly or inwardly. There was no point in refuting a human like her.

This was one of the reasons Gretta hated being watched by Rhys. Not only was he cruel and might suddenly tear Gretta apart, but he also lived without heart and care. Very cold and selfish.

In order to maintain her mood, Gretta took a walk ignoring Rhys who was still following behind her. While enjoying the fresh air, Gretta could study the shape of the palace.

"Special, huh?" Colin stood watching Gretta who was walking together with Rhys.