Take them!

"Actually, what does Leon mean to you? If it was just because he was a fugitive from justice, you would have caught him long ago. But, why wait for me to actually catch him?"

Rhys knew Gretta's ability, the girl wasn't stupid and was quite observant in various matters. Gretta could understand the storyline Rhys created with just a few dialogs that happened between them a few days ago.

"You seem to think things through very thoroughly in your spare time."

Gretta turned to Rhys, she stopped walking and looked at the man.

"Everything related to me I will definitely think very carefully, but if not, then I won't care."

Rhys laughed. Gretta's principles were the same as his. Not caring about anything while it didn't bother her. But when something was related to her, everything would be taken care of, considered, and destroyed if necessary.

"I can only get what I want with her and you around. For the murder case he committed ...." While walking, Rhys explained. "Of course there will be a proper punishment as well," he continued.

"But, didn't you commit the murder?" Gretta's gaze locked on Rhys' footsteps that suddenly stopped walking.

Rhys smiled, "Of course not. I never even touched them."

Rhys resumed his steps, while Gretta stayed where she was. As Rhys walked farther and farther, Gretta thought about what Rhys had said earlier.

"Does sloppiness also apply to people like Rhys?" muttered Gretta.

After her short trip around the garden, Gretta was asked to return to the room as her time to be free was up. She was really like a prisoner who had run out of visiting time.

Cleaning herself up, changing her clothes, Gretta finally returned to the chair where she had been daydreaming for the past few days. So far, after Leon and the others had left the palace on bad terms, Gretta had often thought about them. Especially since they no longer appeared.

Were they okay? Would Shan be able to recover? The man was beaten right in front of Gretta. Then, how was Leon who left in his worst state along with Luke? All those questions were still dancing in Gretta's head.

"I hope they're all okay," Gretta murmured.

"Who do you hope will be alright, Miss?" Sid appeared behind Gretta suddenly. The girl did not notice the door to her room being opened by Sid.

"A friend," Gretta said casually.

As usual, Sid only smiled in response to Gretta's words. It wasn't that he didn't want to know, but he understood the limits of what he could ask and what he shouldn't ask. Although he was sure that Gretta would always answer his questions, but choosing silence would definitely be better.

"Aunt Sid," Gretta called, drawing the middle-aged woman's attention. "Do you think I'll be able to get out of this place? Will I be able to figure out everything about who I really am?"

"You will definitely get everything you want, Miss."

That answer sounded clichéd, but it was comforting in a way. It could bring back Gretta's confidence.


"How was it? Night will be falling soon. We don't have much time left."

"The night is just beginning to draw in, Shan. Not already, relax." Luke casually savored an apple that he didn't know where he picked. Whether it was an apple or not, they didn't really know. All they knew was that the shape was similar, although the color was very different. Luke's apple was purple.

Luke offered his apple to Shan after he took his third bite. With an unfriendly face, Shan flatly refused. It wasn't just the strange color of the fruit, but Luke's unbelievably safe bite leftovers that made Shan reject it.

What if Luke turns out to be rabid, right? A werewolf as crazy as him is quite suitable to be categorized as a rabid wolf.

"I can hear everything you say, Shan," Luke said as he continued to chew his food.

"That's what I'm aiming for," Shan replied, compensating for Luke's sharp glance at him.

Previously, when the three of them formed together with Gretta without Luke. Shan had always been the third person who stayed quiet and observed. Now the positions had changed, with Leon staying quiet and observing while Luke and Shan fought endlessly.

If you pay attention, Shan is starting to lose respect for seniors who are clearly his seniors like Luke. Perhaps it was one of the effects of being friends with Leon for so long, plus the serious contagion from Luke also greatly affected the level of politeness of the three people.

"Are we going to be able to solve it this time?" asked Shan suddenly.

The three of them were currently in the Western forest of the Orlin kingdom. They had been there since early this morning, idly observing. They planned to enter the palace in the evening.

Unlike Leon and Shan's behavior a few days ago, this time their arrival really wanted to meet Rhys properly.

The request to meet from Leon had also reached Rhys since this morning, he agreed to it. That was one of the reasons Rhys allowed Gretta to leave the palace even if only for a moment. Just to make sure to his enemy that the prisoner they were after was in good condition and intact.

All of Rhys' actions were justified, there was no way he was relaxing his own rules out of pity? Since when did he have a heart?

"Leon!" called Luke, breaking the man's reverie.

Leon looked up at Luke because of the middle-aged man's call. They stared at each other for a few seconds, Leon waiting for something Luke would say. But, Luke didn't say a word.

"I'm just making sure you're still alive or not," Luke said after a few seconds passed.

If it had been Shan, Leon would have thrashed him. But since it was Luke, Leon could only hold his irritation inside. Absurd old man, Leon thought.

A moment later, Luke tapped Leon on the shoulder. "Don't be so uptight, you've already seen Gretta in a very good state, so relax a little more."

In fact, that fact made Leon even more worried. Gretta was still in a period of self-discovery, what Rhys said to her could have affected Gretta. Rhys could manipulate various things including made-up stories derived from twisted facts.

"She's a smart girl, trust her." Luke said back.

Leon nodded vaguely. He really had to believe in Gretta, only that would save himself as well as Gretta.


"Night has fallen, wouldn't it be better to welcome our guests as best we can?"

Mat smiled with a knot. "Everything has been prepared to the best of our ability, there is nothing to worry about, Your Majesty."

It was time for Leon to appear in the palace. Stepping with certainty, Luke was beside his left and Shan was on his right. They had already passed through the archway and palace gates.

Not waiting long by stepping one after another, they walked as fast as werewolves to reach the palace door. Almost half a run.

Inside there was already Rhys sitting on his throne, smiling with a smile as the trio entered the palace.

"Welcome back, Leon!" greeted Rhys without leaving his position.

Once inside, the three of them stood in the center of the room. There was no defiant aura, everything looked relaxed. But, instantly dozens of spears came towards them. Aiming for the neck and head. They didn't touch, just barely. The spears were controlled by Mat's troops.

"The last time you came here, there wasn't any welcome. So this time, I prepared a special welcome for you."

The soldiers approached and held the three in their custody. Neither slowly, Leon, Luke, nor Shan, they accepted and obeyed everything Rhys wanted.

"Combo!" said Rhys. "Are you guys on your knees and accepting defeat? Good for me, less tired."

"You think surrendering means defeat? It's just a delay before the event." Leon spoke up.

Rhys didn't really respond, but it was clear he was thinking things over in his head.

"Take them!" Rhys ordered.