This is my claw!

Gretta was relaxing and waiting for Sid, who had excused herself to bring her food as usual.

"Aunt Sid," Gretta called out as Sid was preparing the meal for Gretta. The woman turned to her.

"When I first arrived in this palace, I sat at the dining table with King Rhys. May I sit there again tonight to eat my dinner?"

"I'm sorry, Miss. I have no right to give permission for that, all things in this palace are only in accordance with what is ordered by His Majesty King Rhys."

Gretta paused for a moment. "How about I ask His Majesty for permission directly? Perhaps it will be permitted."

Sid looked hesitant. She stared at Gretta for a while, as if wondering what to say.

"Right now His Majesty cannot be disturbed, how about tomorrow?" Sid tried to bargain. After all, he had no right to allow, but also no right to forbid.

But Gretta didn't seem to agree with Sid's idea. She again tried to tempt Sid into allowing it.

"Are there any guests downstairs?" asked Gretta. She felt there was a visit to the palace, and she was sure it was from someone she knew.

She saw Sid's nervous look. Sid was still trying to cover it up, after all he was the senior servant there, it was not easy to sway her with just such a distraction.

In Sid's own mind, she was confused about what to answer. She knew who was currently down there, and she knew what was and probably would happen.

"There is, Miss. His Highness Rhys has a visitor, therefore you are not allowed out of this room." Sid emphasized. She was sure, if the answer was floating and a cover-up, Gretta would have kept asking. The girl would not let her rest easy.

Gretta nodded in understanding, her doubts over the identity of the guest had been cleared up by herself.

"What if I still want to go down? Are you guys going to attack me? Or grab me roughly like before?"

"Of course, Miss." Sid's answer was really firm. She did not even hesitate to say it.

Gretta was quite familiar with the woman's nature. The person who had been kind and gentle to her these few days, could not be that gentle. It would also be foolish for Rhys to ask the servant who was watching Gretta to have a soft and gullible side.

"You'd better eat your dinner. They'll turn cold soon, the flavor will change."

Gretta obeyed Sid's words. She grabbed the spoon and started eating her food. From now on, she was sure that the woman would leave her alone in that room less and less. But, that could be a stroke of luck for Gretta. Excessive worry could lead to negligence for simple things, right?

Finishing her meal, it was just as Gretta had predicted. The waiter who cleared Gretta's plate of leftovers was not Sid, but another waiter specially called by Sid.

Gretta ignored her. She rested by reading a book while enjoying the night air from the open window.

"It's getting late, Miss. Better get some rest and close the window." Sid moved herself to close Gretta's window without being asked. Gretta nodded her acceptance, as if it was a normal thing that she didn't really care about.

Sid also invited Gretta to return to her bed. It was still only fifteen ago that Gretta finished her dinner.

Even so, Gretta complied. She closed her book and stepped towards the bed with Sid following behind.

Suddenly Gretta turned around.

"Isn't it strange?" she said.

Sid was a little confused by Gretta's words. What did she mean by strange?

"Don't you feel strange? I obeyed everything you asked me to do without any resistance, even for the matter of closing the window and closing my book. The two activities I like the most during my stay in this cursed room?"

Sid's face began to change, whether she realized what Gretta was saying or not. Sid took a step back, away from Gretta.

Gretta took a step too, coming closer to Sid. "Why are you taking a step back? I've always been kind and never done anything rude, why are you afraid?"

Gretta's words scared Sid even more. She took two steps back.

"Do you know who I am? Don't back away like that," Gretta said again. She did not stop approaching Sid. Her gaze was so sharp on Sid, as if staring at cornered prey. It doesn't look like Gretta.

Instantly, I don't know what came over Sid. She walked quickly towards Gretta and clawed her face with her wolf claws. It happened so fast, Gretta didn't notice Sid's movements, but she knew that the woman would definitely do something to her.

Gretta glanced at Sid with the corner of her eye. Blood ran down her left cheek, falling onto the floor.

"Aaaaakhh!" screamed Gretta with all her might. Her voice echoed not only in the room, but also to the corridor and even to Rhys' ears.

Hearing the unearthly cries from inside the room, the guards standing guard outside the room opened the door to see what was going on inside. And, yes, of course what was seen was the injured Gretta being abused by Sid.

It was only then that Sid truly realized what was going on. The guards entered along with some servants, they approached Gretta who was already kneeling on the floor with an injured face.

"Damn it! Close the door!" Sid shouted at the bodyguards who ran towards her. Of course, no one heard her. What had happened was that Sid had assaulted Gretta and Sid had asked for the door to be closed when the guards were about to enter and arrest her. Who would obey her?

Two guards held Sid who was actually trying to close the door, but was mistaken for trying to get out of there. With that, it was time for Gretta to get out of there. She hugged one of the servants to be led out, away from Sid.

The servants carried Gretta out of the room. She half ran to the stairs and was about to go down them. But right on the way down, Colin stood there stopping their footsteps.

Spontaneously, seeing Colin staring at them with a terrifying look, the two servants stopped and let Gretta go.

"Your stupid charade won't work on me, you fool!" said Colin right in Gretta's face.

"I knew that, and I predicted it." Gretta did not back down and returned Colin's words no less coldly.

With their position so close, Gretta swung her right hand at Colin's abdomen.

Colin could predict Gretta's movements, but not her speed. When Colin was about to block Gretta's hand, it had already reached the skin and flesh of his stomach.

"I found myself in this city and in this palace. I, am not an ordinary human that you can underestimate." Gretta withdrew her hand. Leaving a deep wound there, and showing her claws.