Chapter 14: Arrival

The group of five finally made it to the Village Hidden in The Whirlpools, otherwise known as Uzushiogakure, after another week of traveling. They could have made it in quicker time, however the family took their time and enjoyed the trip.

Tsunade also benefited with her learning five seals over that span of time, which Mito said broke every record that the Uzumaki had.

She learned the Crimson Seal (Which is similar to Fire Style: Heavenly Prison, it has the ability to immobilize and burn the target it is used on), the Evil Sealing Method (Which can be used to suppress evil entities), the Finger Carving Seal (The user concentrates chakra into their finger and using the heat from that, can apply writing of whatever they want to a surface. This technique however requires them to be very delicate with their chakra control), the Contract Seal (Which can disable a summoners control over a summoned beast as well as force the expulsion of the summoned beast, however it takes time to use with only high level practioners being able to use it in quick succesion as well it requires to be used in close combat), and finally the Unsealing Technique ( A technique used by shinobi to unseal what was sealed within a scroll, or in the anime, a sheet of paper).

Mito also took the time to help her use her Adamatine Chains, however she can only use two of them currently.

Tsunade was also able to spend more time with her Mom and Dad during the trip.

She learned that her mom Ayako was a master at water style on the level of an elite jonin, while her father was an extremely skilled Anbu member with him taking out any enemies to the village with powerful lightning style.

She also learned that was the reason Tobirama was always glaring at him since he didn't return to his Anbu duties after Tsunade's birth.

However when the conversation started to stir towards the two flirting, she left the conversation.

When the group finally made it to the village, they saw a man standing at the gates with a smile on his face.

Tsunade could recognize the man without even needing to be told who he was.

He was Ashina Uzumaki, the man commonly referred to as the forefather of Konoha's Fuinjutsu. Even in old age, it was said he was unrivalled in Fuinjutsu. Not much is known about his combat prowess due to the show not exploring it, but it could be presumed that he was astronomically powerful.

However what surprised Tsunade was when they finally came close, the man spoke softly in a light voice and said "It's good to see you again, Mito."

Mito ran in for a hug as she responded "You too, elder brother."

Hearing this Tsunade was shocked. 'They never said that in the show!!' Tsunade thought to herself.

After ending the hug, he looked at Hashirama and said "I hope you have been taking care of my sister Hashirama, otherwise..."

Hashirama responded quickly by saying "Of course brother-in-law, I would never hurt my wife."

Tsunade seemed shocked he could scare her grandpa, but after thinking about it, she understood why he would be a bit afraid.

'I would be afraid of a clan that can summon the Shinigami too.' Tsunade thought.

"It's good to see you both again too Ayako, Haru." Ashina spoke to them.

"It's good to see you too Uncle Ashina." Ayako said, while Haru nodded in greetings.

His eyes then wandered onto Tsunade who he seemed to examine before widening his eyes, and exclaiming "She has already awakened her Adamantine Chains!"

He then picked her up and said "Nice to meet you young lady, what's your name?"

Tsunade responded by saying "Tsunade, Uncle Ashina."

The group then entered the village but before they could get far, Ashina asked a question which stunned Tsunade

"Do you want me to teach you Fuinjutsu Tsuna?"