Chapter 15: Relax

"Do you want me to teach you Fuinjutsu, Tsuna?"

Ashina asked Tsunade, who was simply stunned by the proposition.

'I wanted to ask someone to help me learn more of the Uzumaki Clan Techniques that grandma didn't, but I did not think I would get to ask the Kage of the village. But perhaps he could be more experienced in seals than grandma, so I should take him up on that offer.'

"Yeah Uncle, I would love to learn from you." Tsunade answered him.

"Good. We can start tomorrow, but today I'll show you all around the Village." Ashina said before leading the family around the village.

While most had seen it already from either visits or meetings, it was Tsunade's first time experiencing a Village other than Konoha.

So the wildly different structures of buildings and decor greatly shocked her and amazed her.

'If this is simply the difference between Konoha and Uzushi, then what about the other Great Villages?' Tsunade pondered to herself.

The village also showcased its wide use of seals in its structure.

From its seals that were used to keep food cold or warm at stands, to the spatial seals that were somehow capable of expanding the insides of the buildings they went into.

Simply the fact they practically could almost modenize their village showcased the potential of seals as well as why the other villages saw them as so dangerous.

'I have seen at least 3 enter merchants since we came into the village. If the level of their village is this high in terms of development and the other village couldn't replicate it, then it makes sense that they would band together to eliminate the greatest threat to there economy.' Tsunade thought to herself.

The group was able to enjoy their first day to a large extent before they saw the sun was beginning to set.

Ashina spoke by saying "I have already prepared the residence that you usually use when you stay here. I'll come to get Tsuna at around 8 to teach he Fuinjutsu tomorrow. Enjoy your rest."

The group then made it to their quarters where they situated out the rooms, however before Tsunade could go to sleep in her room, Mito cracked the door and spoke.

"Are you still awake, Tsuna?" Mito asked.

"Yeah grandma, I'm up." Tsuna said while sitting up in the bed.

Mito then walked in and sat on the foot of her bed as she asked Tsunade

"Are you ok Tsuna?"

"Yeah grandma, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" Tsunade asked back with genuine confusion.

"Tsuna, you're pushing yourself too hard. Everyone has noticed it but they wanted to let you realize it yourself. Even during this entire trip you've only been wanting to learn more without any break. It could be attributed to being my fault due to teaching you, but I just didn't have the heart to tell you no. And my brother wants to teach you due to your talent. But Tsuna, don't push yourself to a breaking point. I know you won't want to leave here and not learn Fuinjutsu, since it would be a wasted opportunity. But after we leave the village, we will take our time to go back to Konoha. When we do, I won't allow you to do any form of training. I want you to learn to stop and enjoy the moment Tsuna. It's good to plan for the future and be afraid of it, but don't allow it to overwhelm you. I don't know what burdens you, Tsuna. I don't know what you're afraid of. But we can handle your part of the burden until you are prepared to handle it yourself for it. So just relax Tsuna. Take your time. And we will all be here to help you through whatever comes."

Mito finished her talk by hugging Tsunade and rubbing her head.

"Good night Tsunade, we will all always love you, no matter what."

Tsunade simply closed her eyes and smiled with a calm she didn't usually have and said

"I Love You Too."