Chapter 28: Spar

Awakening the next morning, Tsunade took her daily bath and quickly prepared for school. She rushed out the door while saying her goodbyes to everyone, while they just smile and said it back.

She made it to the school early that morning as she saw no one was there except for Sakumo, the Hyuga and Orochimaru. She quickly made her way to her seat and Orochimaru changed his seat to sit in front of her.

"How was your night Sakumo, Orochimaru?" Tsunade asked, however both seemed confused at who she was talking too.

'Oh right, they haven't met yet.' Tsunade quickly figured out.

"Sakumo, this is Orochimaru and vise versa. Now that you two have met, how was your night?" Tsunade said.

"Nothing eventful happened other than my mother saying she was happy I had a new friend and she told me to tell you and Jiraiya not to train too hard." Orochimaru said.

"Training?" Sakumo asked as he still didn't understand what they were referring too.

"Yesterday, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and I began training in the forest near the school, although my grandpa told me to take us to the Senju Clan training grounds next time. Would you like to come to Sakumo?" Tsunade clarified and then asked.

"Sure. I'd love to." Sakumo said.

Right after he said that Jiraiya entered the classroom and sat beside Tsunade, although he still seemed to be thinking about what he did and said the previous night as he was constantly blushing.

Tsunade finally got irritated by his peeking as she said "Can you stop being so annoying, idiot."

Jiraiya seemed to finally gather his question as he asked in a small voice "You're not mad about last night?"

"No moron, now I'll be back." Tsunade said as she left to go to the bathroom before Jiraiya could see the tint of pink on her cheeks.

However both Sakumo and Orochimaru seemed to notice as Sakumo turned towards Jiraiya and asked "I didn't know you two were dating."

Orochimaru then added "I really can't believe it."

Jiraiya seemed to grow more confident as he said "Well of course she would fall to my manly charms. I'd be surprised if she didn't."

However Jiraiya seemed to sense danger behind him after as Tsunade punched him into the ground while screaming "BASTARD!!"

After beating Jiraiya a little more, which Orochimaru and Sakumo seemed to enjoy, She sat down in her seat as she saw most of the students and Yoma enter the classroom.

When class finally settled down, Yoma began to speak "Today we will be going over the history of Konoha, but first we will be having our weekly spars. Follow me to the training grounds."

The group of 15 made their way to the training grounds, where Yoma began to give them instructions.

"When I call your names, two of you will enter to circle and fight until either your opponent goes outside of the circle or I tell you to stop. Anything is allowed as long as it is non-lethal. First up is Tsunade Senju vs. Kenta Uchiha."

Most of the class seemed surprised by the pairing since the rivalry between the two clans was well known.

'Your telling me that I'm the first match AND my opponent is an Uchiha. Yeah, someone definitely had this rigged.' Tsunade said as she walked into the circle, standing across from her opponent who seemed ready to fight at any moment.

Tsunade didn't know that she was absolutely correct since this was the plan on Yoma all along.

'If I can force a rivalry between these kids, then perhaps it can strengthen their generation for the future. With so many problems at the border occurring, these kids will have to go to war soon, and it would be on a much larger scale than in the Warring States era. So I'll strengthen these kids to the best of my abilities to protect our home when we're gone.'

Yoma had joined Konoha as a young man not even in his twenties since it was the safest place for he and his siblings. He became one of the first individuals to become a shinobi of Konoha and even joined the ANBU when Tobirama first created it. He was able to rise so far up the ranks that he was even offered a spot on the Hokage guard, which showed how much trust Tobirama had in him. However he declined and decided to become a teacher at the Academy since he could feel his strength beginning to decline.

Tobirama had him placed as the teacher of the advanced class, so that he could help nurture the next generation, which was exactly what Yoma would do to the best of his ability.

Yoma then turned his attention back to the kids, and with a smile he yelled


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