Chapter 30: Battle

Tsunade seemed surprised at the request as she asked "Why?"

Kenta seemed to be even more infuriated by that question as he yelled "Because our fight was interrupted. We have to finish it to showcase the pride of our two clans. If we don't, we would be shaming our ancestors."

Tsunade seemed even more dumbfounded at the response but before she could reply, Jiraiya was already yelling at the boy while standing in front of her.

"Who do you think you are to challenge Hime, especially for a stupid thing like your ancestors."

"If you think you can fight my friend without going through me, then you're more of an idiot than Jiraiya." Orochimaru added as he walked to Tsunade's side.

"I agree with them." Sakumo also said while also movong in front of Tsunade.

Tsunade felt a little happy to see her new friends sticking up for her, but she then looked straight at Kenta.

She looked deeply at him but instead of seeing his anger being completely at her, it also seemed to be pointing towards himself.

The reason Tsunade could tell was because she felt those same feelings in her past life. The feeling that you were inadequate at every thing you do. The feeling that you were simply insignificant and could never amount to anything.

She hated that feeling. And she hated that Kenta had to feel like that. So just when Kenta was about to leave due to Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Sakumo's actions, she said "Fine. But we have to have it now."

Everyone seemed stunned to hear Tsuande's answer as they weren't expecting her to agree, however Kenta quickly regained his bearing as he smile and went to the edge of the training grouds.

The match began differently this time as Kenta immediately began using the Uchiha's shurikenjutsu. He threw them at different angles than last time to keep her from easily dodging them.

However instead of dodging like she did at the Academy, Tsunade decided to take a different approach. She performed some hand seals at extremely high speed and then slammed it on the ground as she yelled

"Uzumaki Sealing Style: Magnetic Seal of Attraction!!"

The seal instantly neutralized all of Kenta's shuriken and kunai as they all were attracted in the circle that was on the ground.

The thing that Tsunade had mastered most over those 3 years other than her Medical Ninjutsu, was her knowledge of the Uzumaki Sealing language. While she couldn't claim to understand what the seals exactly mean, she had memorized many of the known seals and had even learned how to use them in combat. She had even mastered the Four Symbols Seal and began researching the Five Elements Seal.

Kenta, seeing that his shurikenjutsu was useless, then began to mold chakra for a ninjutsu.

However, to not be outdone, Tsunade began signs for ninjutsu, while slowing down her hand sign speed to equal Kenta, as well as weaking the amount of chakra she used for it.

Both then screamed

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!!"

"Water Style: Water Bowl!!"

Kenta shot a large fireball out his mouth, while Tsunade sent a jet stream of water directly out of her hand to equal the fire.

The water was easily able to overpower the fire while creating steam that covered the training grounds in the process.

Tsunade then used the smoke to cover her as she made it directly to Kenta who attempted the same thing as they met in the middle of the steam.

Just like during their fight in the Academy, Tsunade was able to aim for places that would disable and do the most damage possible.

After exchanging blows for a few rounds, Kenta seemed throughly exhausted as he began to attempt to retreat as the damage that Tsunade had done was finally accumulating on him.

However, Tsunade then punched him in the gut sending him flying out of the smoke.

"Give up, after that we need to talk." Tsunade said while telling him to give up so she didn't have to fight him anymore.

"I'm not done yet!" Kenta said while rising up.

However, Tsunade saw nothing through the smoke except for one thing, a pair of red eyes that had a single tomoe spinning inside them that seemed to be peering directly through her.

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