Chapter 37: Fight

The fight began with Sakumo rushing directly behind Dan and swinging the blade down vertically.

Dan showcased his speed as he applied chakra to his legs and burst from his position, dodging Sakumo's strike.

Sakumo didn't let up as he gave chase to Dan who had only been able to remain passive the entire match.

Dan finally began to counterattack as he coated put Wind chakra inside his kunai and threw it at Sakumo.

Though it seemeed he hadn't mastered nature transformation as he was unable to keep most of the wind from dissipitating, with only a small amount still covering the kunai when it slashed Sakumo's cheek.

However the match quickly ended when Sakumo applied Lightning chakra to his legs and appeared directly under Dan with his blade at his throat.

"The winner is Sakumo. Go back to the sidelines." Yoma said right after the blade touched Dan's neck.

The two then went back to the sidelines as Yoma called the next 2 people.

"Next is Orochimaru and Shikai Nara."

"What a drag." the Nara mumbled under his breath while walking into the circle.

Orochimaru stood calmly as it seemed as if he was waiting for the Nara to make the first move.

But just as the boy reached into his pouch to get a kunai and his attention drifted for just a second, Orochimaru ran in like a serpent who struck.

He grabbed the boy's arm and flipped him directly out of the ring before he could come up with any ideas on how to deal with him. Even he knew how terrifying the intellect of a Nara was.

"The winner is Orochimaru, now go back to your positions." Yoma said as Orochimaru calmly walked back to his position while Shikai limped back over.

"Next is Shinku Yuhi and Tsunade Senju." Yoma said.

'This is a horrible match for him.' Tsunade thought to herself.

While her chakra control hasn't reached the almost perfect level of control that her canon counterpart had, she would still be a contender if their was a contest about who had the best chakra control currently in the Shinobi World.

And just as she predicted, the match was over in an instant. While anyone else would have struggled a bit due to the decent level of his genjutsu, especially for his age, it was simply ineffective on someone with the control that she had.

Most of the other matches didn't have much to showcase, such as Jiraiya beating Inoka and Duy back to back, Choma beating Shiro, and Akari defeating Hiruko. Tsunade also fought Shiro, which was a bit difficult due to her not using any chakra, however she ended up making him step out of the circle to win.

However the last match of the day was the one which gained the most attention from Tsunade.

"Himichi Hyuga and Kenta Uchiha."

The Hyuga seemed to smile brightly at hearing that he could face the Uchiha, with him confidently walking into the circle.

Kenta was also confident, as he was ready to showcase his strength in front of a tough opponent who isn't Tsunade.

'That monster never lets anyone win, well I guess I should be glad she never hit me with that strength of her's.' Kenta thought while shivering as he remembered when Jiraiya pissed Tsunade off so much that she punched the ground in front of him and destroyed the entire training grounds.


"Are you okay, Tsuna? Are you sick?" Orochimaru asked.

"Yeah, someone probably was just thinking about me." Tsunade said after sneezing on the sidelines.

Orochimaru looked confused at what she was talking about before turning his attention back onto the match.

"This fight will be all the proof I need to show that the Hyuga are the number 1 clan in Konoha. You can quit now if you wish to save yourself the embarrassment." Himichu said with a smug smile on his face.

"Now I know I'm not the best at math, but aren't the Uchiha and the Senju still in Konoha? So how does that make you number 1?" Kenta asked with a confused face that irritated the Hyuga, who practically turned red from anger.


As soon as Yoma declared the beginning of the match, both activated their clans signature dojutsu, with Kenta activating a one tomoe Sharingan while Himichi had veins appear around his eyes.

Tsunade stared in fascination as this was the first time that she had been able to see a Hyuga in real life, and only one thought passed in her mind when she first saw it

'It looks much creepier in real life.'

The two then engaged in taijutsu with Kenta using the Uchiha Clans Interception Style while Himichi began using the basic Gentle Fist.

While Kenta was superior to Himichi in almost every single way, be it genjutsu, ninjutsu, or taijutsu, due to the nature of the Gentle Fist, it made it hard for individuals to combat its users in close range. Add on the fact that the circle wasn't very spacious, and you get the result that Kenta could only defend passively by blocking the strikes that Himichi had aimed at his tenketsu points.

However, just when most began to think that Kenta was going to lose, he was able to jump into the air when one of Himichi strikes missed.

He immediately began doing seals at an extremely high speed before he yelled

"Fire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!!"

He spewed a flame from his mouth which took shape in the form of three dragons that aimed at Himichi from all sides, cutting off any escape routes.

But before they could hit Himichi, who was standing there like a deer in headlights, and burn him alive, they were destroyed by a large amount of water that flew into each of them like a gyser.

Kenta looked up to see Yoma standing in front of Himichi, protecting him from the jutsu.

"The winner is Kenta. Kenta, do not use such a high level of ninjutsu when your body barely has enough chakra to support it. But you did well to adapt to the situation against a taijutsu specialist in a closed space." Yoma told Kenta with a smile, before turning toward Himichi.

"Himichi, you should have pressed your advantage harder and not given him the opportunity to use ninjutsu. And even if you are facing a certain death, never stand still as a shinobi will find a flaw in whatever technique is being used at him. Is that understood?" Yoma asked to which Himichi nodded.

"Good now we will go back to class." Yoma said as he began to lead them back.

On the way, Tsunade ran over to Dan and asked "Hey Dan, wanna train with us later on?"

Dan seemed stunned at the proposition before saying "Yeah. I'll just have to take my sister home first."

Tsunade then went over to the Ino-Shika-Cho trio and gave them the same offer. Their answers ranged from "Sure, but I know it'll be a drag." to "Yeah, and lets get barbeque afterwards." though they all said yes.

She then asked the remainder of the class, who each gave varying answers. Hiruko was the first to reply yes and seemed to be happy about joining. Duy said yes and that he would show all of them the power of "Youth", Akari said yes with a smile and also began to talk with her as she said she didn't have a lot of female friends who were also ninja. After their 15 minute talk, she asked Shiro who just nodded and explained why he said yes. The final person who said yes was Shinku who said he also wanted her help to improve his chakra control.

Everyone said yes ,except Himichi, though he seemed hesitant to decline it. All in all Tsunade's training group grew from 6 to 14.

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