Chapter 60: Return

Land of Fire

Inside a forest near the border, a Konoha ninja with a slash on his headband was frantically rushing through the forest, attempting to flee his homeland.

'I didn't expect them to find my exchange spot. It seems I'll need to hide in one of the smaller villages for a while.' said the man.

The man was Natami Touya, a former jonin from Konoha who was appointed by Hiruzen to become a member of his guard.

He had been supplying information to Iwagakure for the past two years for extra money, though he was caught during one of his information exchanges.

He continued running as he could tell that he was growing close to the border, but before he could go any further, he heard a voice yell

"Fire Style: Dragon Flame Release Song Technique!!"

Multiple dragon-headed fireballs moved erratically and flew straight toward Nanami.

"Earth Style: Earth Wall!!"

Nanami was only able to create a wall to shield himself from the Fire Release, though the wall was only barely able to defend against it as it crumbled apart.

Nanami turned his head and heard a sound, only to see a large amount of white hair come in his direction.

He attempted to dodge it, which he did successfully except for the cut he gained on his arm.

However, the was unable to begin a counterattack as a shocking scene occurred in front of him.

He saw a blonde hair girl land in front of him, with the ground cracking due to her strength as she landed.

The girl only made 4 signs before she yelled

"Water Style: Great Waterfall Technique!!"

A shocking amount of water was expelled from the girl's mouth as it completely overtook him and killed him.

The water didn't stop there as it demolished everything in front of it for a few seconds until it finally stopped with it creating a small stream. The blonde-haired girl then stored his remains inside a stroll.

"It seems your Water Style is getting more powerful by the day Tsuna." said the white-haired boy as he landed.

"I agree. This is just terrifying." said a pale, black-haired that walked to them.

"Says the people who almost burned down the forest while the other can make his hair sharper than swords." snorted the blonde girl.

"Let's go back to the village to make our report to sensei," Tsunade said before she body flickered back towards the village while the others followed her.



Inside of the Hokage Building, the Third Hokage sat at his desk while listening to the debrief of his three students.

"After we eliminated him, we raced back to the village to give you our report." Tsunade finished as she stared at her sensei.

While the man was still the same person, he was no longer as kind and amicable as he was when he was simply her sensei. Not only did his strength grow much further, but his intelligence grew as well, causing her to always be cautious around him.

"I'm happy to see that you three are fine." Hiruzen responded while smiling.

Tsunade and the others were about to leave, but she thought about something before she turned around and asked "Are you going to allow us to take the Chunin Exams this year?"

Hiruzen had not allowed anyone in their generation to take the Chunin Exams, with the answer he always gave them being that he didn't want to put him in danger yet.

"I'll talk to the Councilors about it." Hiruzen answered before turning back to the most terrifying enemy of all Kage: Paperwork.

Tsunade said her goodbyes to both Orochimaru and Jiraiya, before the 12-year-old headed home through the Senju Compound.

While in the original world, Tobirama and Hashirama had widely encouraged many Senju Clansmen to marry villagers while the ones that didn't either die on missions or disappeared, Tobirama seemed to have seen a future for the clan with Tsunade as the head since he didn't give such an order, making the Senju Clan still active.

She made it to her home where she opened the door to see Haru and Ayako playing cards while Mito stood in the kitchen cooking.

She smiled at the sight of her family before she said a line that always made her feel comfortable

"I'm home."

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