Chapter 59 II: The End


As Tobirama set out on the meeting with his 6 students, he felt as if he was constantly being watched.

Ever since the death of Hashirama, he constantly gained the feeling of being watched every time he left the Village. This caused him to refrain from leaving the village too often. While some may call it paranoid, he knew better than to doubt the instincts which had saved his life many times during the Warring States Period.

Tobirama was brought out of his thoughts by his students as they all stared at him with concern.

"Are you okay sensei?" Hiruzen asked.

"I'm fine," Tobirama spoke before he took off with the body flicker technique, hoping that the feeling was wrong.


The group made it to Kumo and began the peace treaty immediately. They didn't even wait for the usual procedure of them resting for a day, as Tobirama felt that something was wrong the entire time.

The Second Raikage stood across from Tobirama as they both finalized the treaty.

"So, does Konoha agree to the treaty, which states that our two villages will not war with one another for a minimum of 20 years, as well as open trade routes between us to begin a better relationship?" Second Raikage A asked.

"Yes. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship between Konohagakure and Kumogakure." Tobirama answered and proceeded to sign the document.

The Second Raikage was about to proceed to do the same, however, he was interrupted by an unexpected person who shouted

"Lightning Style: Thunderbolt!!!"

The attack hit the Second Raikage at point-blank range from the back, sending him flying into one of the walls in the room.

The ANBU of Kumo immediately surrounded the 2nd Raikage in a defensive position while Tobirama's students all came down and circled him to protect him from a similar attack.

Tobirama looked toward the source of the attack and saw two individuals he had always classified as highly dangerous: The Gold and Silver Brothers.

The two were not alone as almost 20 high-leveled ninjas stood behind them, each prepared to begin battling at a moment's notice.

"Well Kinkaku, look what we've found. Both the Raikage and the Hokage in the same place," spoke Ginkaku as he gave a demonic smile.

"Yes Ginkaku, it's as if the Sage of Six Paths gave us the chance to remove all our troubles at once," Kinkaku said as he stood beside his brother.

However, before the two could realize what was going on, Tobirama spat a blade from his mouth that hit the ground directly in front of them, obscuring their vision.

'Could this have been the reason I've been having that constant feeling of unease? But it felt more as if I was being actively watched, and I don't think that Ginkaku and Kinkaku could observe me for so long without me realizing it. Either way, I have to make a choice. Do I stay and assist the Raikage, or do I attempt to retreat to Konoha? While staying to assist him could be advantageous, their no reason for me to believe that they won't immediately betray me after the threat is neutralized. It seems we need to retreat.' Tobirama thought to himself, with him being brought out of his thoughts by a large gust of wind that came from a fan in Kinkaku's hand.

Tobirama performed hand signs at an insane speed before he emit a large blast of water and equaled out the wind.

Tobirama then weaved more signs and spoke

"Water Style: Exploding Water Colliding Wave!!!"

An even greater amount of water came out of Tobirama's mouth and blasted into the Kinkaku force, with it continuing and destroying one of the walls of the building they were in.

Tobirama and his students immediately tried to flee through the hole, though they were stopped by the appearance of 3 of the members of the Kinkaku force.

However, Tobirama didn't seem fazed by their appearance as he placed his katana in front of him and reappeared behind the 3, all of them falling to the ground lifelessly.

'Incredible!! I didn't even see sensei move!' Hiruzen thought to himself as he and the others followed Tobirama in leaving.

"After them!!" Kinkaku said in frustration after seeing Tobirama about to escape. He and the others immediately followed after them.


Inside a forest, Tobirama and his student stood in a few trees as they tend to some of the many wounds that they had accumulated.

'It seems my feeling was right. I knew that this trip was a risk, but I didn't expect a revolt to occur. Also, that feeling that I've been having has not gone away at all. It's only grown since then. Perhaps it might be time for me to use my backup plan.' Tobirama thought to himself.

He then called all his students together and proceeded to tell them that someone would have to sacrifice themselves. Since Hiruzen was the first to volunteer, Tobirama appointed him as the 3rd Hokage. He also gave Hiruzen a scroll to give Tsunade when she became a chunin, though only she could open it. He then told them all to leave as fast as possible, causing Hiruzen and his other students to take off.

He then turned around to face the Kinkaku Force, but first, he weaved a few signs before slamming his hands onto the ground.

In response to this, multiple caskets rose from the ground, with people with a wide assortment of colored hair. All of them seemed confused as to why they were there, until they saw Tobirama, causing them all to realize why they were there.

"It's a pleasure to see all of you again, Elders," Tobirama said respectfully while slightly bowing his head.

"No problem Tobirama. After all, we're the ones who taught you what you know. Therefore the least we can do is help protect the future generations." said one of the elders as he stroked his beard, though the final casket that arose made everyone turn.

"It seems you still haven't stopped using this deplorable Jutsu. It's pathetic that your strength isn't enough to protect the Senju." A deep voice spoke as he stepped out of the final casket.

The figure had brown hair and many wrinkles on his dead face, though that didn't change the fact that he gave off an imposing aura.

"Perhaps if I live passed this battle, I may protect them better, Father," Tobirama spoke while showing no emotions on his face.

However, before Butsuma could respond, everyone turned to look at the newly arriving Kinkaku force.

"It seems that they've grown in number since we left, Ginkaku," Kinkaku spoke while snarling.

'Wait, doesn't he seem familiar?' Kinkaku questioned in his head, though he didn't get to ponder on the topic too long as Tobirama immediately headed straight for him while the others dealt with the other members of the force.

The battle was almost one-sided as Tobirama bombarded Kinkaku consistently and left little room for Kinkaku to use the Treasured Tools.

Tobirama stood over him in triumph and was preparing to finish him off when they both heard the scream of Ginkaku.

Kinkaku looked over slightly and saw Ginkaku's body impaled by a sword.

"Tch. To need help with this trash, you are less reliable than I thought." Butsuma spoke in ridicule of his son.

However, they both were shocked when dark red chakra began to erupt over the body of Kinkaku.


Tobirama placed a teleportation marker, after which he jumped back and weaved hand signs in quick succession before he yelled

"Water Style: Heavenly Weeping!!"

He then spewed water sunburns from his mouth, with the attacks breaking through the dense chakra on Kinkaku and damaging him.

Tobirama then teleported behind him and performed more hand signs, after which he yelled

"Water Style: Water Severing Wave!!"

The blade cut hit Kinkaku straight in the back, cutting him directly in half.

"Well, it seems you can now send us ba-" Butsuma started but abruptly stopped, as did every other resurrected shinobi on the battlefield.

"I should have known not to depend on those ants." a voice that sent shivers down the spine of Tobirama spoke.

Tobirama turned to face the voice slowly, with him coming face to face with a man who once gave him nightmares.

Madara Uchiha

"How?" Tobirama questioned with fear laced in his voice. He knew Madara was supposed to be dead. He had even examined the corpse and was sure of his demise.

He also knew what the fact that Madara was alive would mean. It meant that someone who only his older brother could keep in check would now be able to overthrow the entire Shinobi World. He wasn't even confident that an Edo Tensei'd version of his brother would be able to battle him. The fact that he may die wasn't even the thing that caused him to be afraid. Instead, it was the fact that he couldn't protect his Village or his family from the monster in front of him that caused it.

"How I survived is of little concern to you. I shall send you to join your brother in the Pure Lands." Madara spoke.

And without warning, he charged at him and blasted Tobirama straight in the chest, sending him flying back. He then proceeded to overwhelm Tobirama with taijutsu as he was simply beaten to a pulp.

Tobirama could now barely move, while Madara summoned an incomplete Susanoo and raised the blade.

"You have no idea how long I have wished to do this," Madara spoke calmly as he impaled Tobirama.

However, before Madara could finish him off for good, Tobirama teleported away.

Madara calmly dispelled his Susanoo while he stared at the place Tobirama used to be.

"No matter. He shall die either way." Madara said before he walked through the forest and gradually vanished from sight.

The Edo Tensei was also released as this version was currently unable to be upheld if the user was killed or became inactive.

The Second Raikage would later succumb to his wounds, and the shinobi sent to find the Kinkaku force would only find their bodies with no sign of the 2nd Hokage.

They could only declare that he was killed as well, leading to further distancing between the two villages.

Meanwhile, the fate of the Second Hokage was unknown.

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