Chapter 89: Illusion

The audience cheered loudly as Sakumo exited the stage while Medical Shinobi came and aided Chihiro.

Sakumo placed his blade back in its scabbard, after which he looked at Tsunade with a fierce look that made her do the same.

He then calmly walked off the stage and entered the resting area.

'So, it seems that everyone has placed me as the final goal for them to deal with. Even Orochimaru and Jiraiya have been silently showcasing their intent to beat me. But, that simply means that it'll be more interesting for me.' Tsunade thought to herself, with a genuine smile blooming on her face by the time she finished her train of thought.

In the Kage booth, the Kazekage had a downfallen look on his face as he viewed the results of the match.

Onoki laughed as he spoke "Well, it seems the young swordsman has great potential for the future. And the fact he could defeat a shinobi recognized by Chiyo is even more impressive."

The Raikage A nodded in agreement, as he recognized the great manipulation of Lightning Chakra that Sakumo had masterfully demonstrated.

On the other hand, Hiruzen showcased great pride at seeing the win from his shinobi.

'I see that your students have grown greatly over the years, Kagami. This win will place Konoha in a great position when we renegotiate contracts with other nations. I wonder will the rest of our shinobi showcase such greatness.' Hiruzen thought to himself while Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya's faces flashed in his mind.

Back in the arena, the ring was promptly fixed and the next match was then called to begin.

"The next match between Kenta Uchiha and Shikai Nara shall be the next match."

Both Kenta and Shikai stood in the ring, with them varying in their presentation.

Kenta stood with a proud smile on his face and seemed ready to sacrifice anything to achieve his victory.

Shikai, on the other hand, stood with a slouch as he rubbed his eye and seemed to constantly mutter about something being a drag.


Kenta began the match by drawing his Kanto out of its sheath, with Shikai doing the same with a kunai.

The two then stood at each other as the tension in the match increased to a palpable level that everyone could feel.

But, this tension was immediately erased as Shikai spoke while scratching his ear "So, are we just gonna stand here all day?"

Kenta's eye twitched in response to this, with him body flickering directly above Shikai and bringing his blade down to seemingly cut him in half.

Shikai blocked the attack by using a kunai infused with Earth Chakra to defend it.

The two then began to engage in a battle of taijutsu, with Kenta's more predominantly violent style being in contrast to Shikai's style of dodging and waiting for a correct moment to strike.

The battle seemed to continue for a while, with Shikai beginning to feel that something was wrong in the battle.

'That hole in the ground's position keeps changing its distance from the kunai I threw earlier. Something is wrong with this situation.' Shikai thought to himself while showing a concerned face.

Shikai then disrupted his chakra, making the Kenta in front of him disappear as his actual location was revealed a distance away while a 2 Tomei Sharingan rapidly spun in his eyes.

Kenta then spewed a massive wave of flames from his mouth that covered a quarter of the stadium.

Just as Kenta released his Jutsu, he felt himself lose control of his body and his eyes looked down to see a shadow connected to his.

The smoke from the attack cleared to show a Shikai who was adorned with scorch marks and ash while also heavily painting.

"So this was your plan the entire time?" Kenta asked while still unable to move, with only his Sharingan staring straight at Shikai's eyes.

Instead of explaining, Shikai manipulated Kenta to grab one of his blades and attempted to force him to stab himself.

Kenta, in response to this and seeing himself unable to break free of the Jutsu, yelled

"I forfeit!"

Shikai, hearing this finally released the jutsu, though he noticed something was wrong right after he did as the examiner didn't call for the end of the match.


Shikai looked down and saw Kenta's hand coated in Fire Chakra punching him directly in the chest.

'So it was a Genjutsu." Shikai figured it out as he flew out of bounds and lost consciousness.

"The winner of this match is Kenta Uchiha!!!"

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