Chapter 91: Tsunade vs Roshi (Part II)

The steam from Tsunade and Roshi's massive ninjutsu clash didn't even have a chance to clear as Tsunade continued to go on the offensive by sending powerful wind gust through her punches while she pinpointed his position using Seismic Sensing.

Roshi could only be hit by the attacks as he had no way to see where the attacks were coming from due to the steam.

Seeing that he wouldn't be able to take too many more of the attacks, Roshi jumped in the air and began to weave hand signs.

"Lava Style: Scorching Stream Rock Technique!!!"

Multiple boulders of scorching lava were sent at high speeds by Roshi, with the attack being so destructive that Tsunade immediately flickered to the edge of the ring to avoid the barrage of attacks.

The attack also created powerful shockwaves that finally knocked the steam out of the way and allowed the two to once again see each other.

'Unlike most shinobi, he doesn't have to be worried about running out of chakra. That means I'll need to decisively defeat him in order to win.' Tsunade thought to herself as she charged in at Roshi again.

Tsunade first utilized her wind release to increase her speed, after which she used her newly trained lightning release and increased it even further.

Roshi was barely able to block Tsunade's attack, with her following it up with an overhead kick that knocked Roshi's shoulder out of place.

Tsunade didn't slow down her barrage as she then sent a majority of chakra into her fist and delivered a terrifying punch that broke a few of Roshi's ribs.

Roshi's body flickered away and began panting heavily while Tsunade looked him down while seemingly anticipating something.

Roshi wanted to attempt another attack, but his body began to feel as if it was no longer under his own control.

This was due to Tsunade's latest Jutsu that she had created, with utilizes Medical Ninjutsu and Lightning Release to interfere with the signals that the body sends out, which can severely interfere with the bodily and mental capacities of the shinobi she uses it on.

While against most Shinobi this would be the optimal strategy and would be a swift and efficient way to end the match, Tsunade was not facing an average Shinobi.

What she was facing was a Jinchuriki, and one that was not in complete understanding with it's Tailed Beast.

So what would the Tailed Beast do if it discovered the opportunity to regain some semblance of control?

It would take it without hesitation.

Roshi began to undergo a massive change as a deep, blood colored chakra covered his body and Roshi, or The Four Tails, blasted at Tsunade with it's immense strength.

'So that technique is not able to affect a Jinchuriki like him? That means it's time to use that method.' Tsunade thought to herself while she caught the Jinchuriki's attack.

Tsunade then kicked the Four Tails in the face, knocking him into the air. She then followed it up by not attacking, but instead using the chains which she sprouted from her back to contain it.

The Four Tails seemed surprised by the chains, and the fact that they were suppressing it's chakra. It responded by attempting to increase the heat around itself to melt the chains.

Tsunade then tightened the chains and jumped in the air to it's surprise, after which she created 4 clones around her.

The clones each began weaving distinctive hand signs, though they all inhaled sharply a performed an attack that shocked the entire arena.

Each clone emitted a different element from their mouths, with it bombarding the Jinchuriki completely and overwhelming it.

A single thought passed through the minds of everyone in the arena

'Compound Ninjutsu!?'

'The technique that was made world renown in the hands of Sarutobi Hiruzen was actually used by that brat?' A thought as he stared at the ring from the Kage booth.

The smoke from the attack cleared, with it showing an unconscious Roshi and a Tsunade who stood panting heavily.

'I guess my Lightning Release still isn't on the same level as my other Releases, even after my training. I tried to make it stronger by using more chakra with it, but it still was draining. I think I could only use it casually in battle if I use it in conjunction with the Yin Seal.' Tsunade thought to herself while the examiner came to the ring.

"The winner of this match is Tsunade Senju!!!"

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