Chapter 108: Hellfire Incarnate


Jiraiya arrived in front of one of the most notable shinobi on the battlefield.

The man known as Kenya Shimozaki was a powerful Jonin in Sunagakure, one that had become renowned for his skills in Kenjutsu and Wind Style Ninjutsu.

His notability in Suna was so great that he had gained a bounty in the Underworld.

"Oh, I didn't think your Village would have anyone that would choose to fight me fairly. I expected a sneak attack." Kenya said as he drew his blade at Jiraiya.

"I usually would introduce myself and let you know what kind of opponent you will be facing, but with so many lives being lost because of your Village's greed, I'm not in the mood to be polite." Jiraiya said with his usual goofy smile nowhere to be seen as he looked at the man in front of him with cold eyes.

"I didn't expect any shinobi from your Village could be so cold, perhaps I need t-" The man was unable to finish his statement as he suddenly had to place his guard up to block a punch from Jiraiya.

Jiraiya's punch possessed immense strength, with the punch sending Kenya flying back from the force of the punch.

Kenya rolled over and got to his feet, though before he could regain his footing again, another staggering blow was sent into his chest, knocking him back once again.

Kenya looked up to see Jiraiya staring at him menacingly.

The height of Jiraiya and the powerful Chakra signature he was giving off made Kenya finally grow a semblance of fear, as he realized what type of monster was in front of him.

Jiraiya then weaved a single-hand sign, with the ground beneath him and Kenta sinking in, making Kenta stuck in it.

Jiraiya then threw his kunai directly into the throat of Kenya, ending the battle and the prominent shinobi of Suna with relative ease.

Jiraiya then jumped into the other battles going on, with him determined to save the lives of as many shinobi as he could.


Orochimaru body flickered in front of the person who he considered the second strongest person on the battlefield.

He looked at the girl who seemed to have matured greatly since he saw her during the Chunin Exams.

"Well, Fuyumi of the Scorch, I didn't expect you to rise to such a level so quickly." Orochimaru calmly commented as he stared at the young woman before him.

"I could say the same to you, seeing that you've been appointed as a Vice Commander on this front." Fuyumi responded as small blue fires began to emerge behind her.

"Well, it seems that Suna still has a decent intelligence network. Perhaps Konoha needs to do a sweep for spies very soon." Orochimaru said as he drew a blade from his side.

He had begun utilizing a blade a little after the Chunin Exams after realizing how it could be a good conductor of attacks.

Orochimaru wasted no time as he appeared beneath Fuyumi, attempting to stab her in her chest, though he was forced to jump back as one of the balls made from her scorch release went exactly where Orochimaru was previously standing.

Orochimaru began to attempt a battle of distance as he performed the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu, after which he threw a large amount of kunai at Fuyumi.

Fuyumi turned her Scorch Release into a wall of flame that surrounded her and burned all the kunai that headed towards her into liquid metal.

However, just when she began to prepare for another powerful attack, she began to feel herself grow weak.

Orochimaru stood in front of her with a smirk adorned on his face.

"Did you really think I would enter a war with enemy Villages and not prepare countermeasures for their shinobi who are capable of using Kekkei Genkai? While I did not expect to see you on a battlefield, that doesn't mean I didn't come prepared for a Scorch Release user.

Those kunai I threw at you were coated in an invisible poison, one that is colorless and odorless, and when it comes in contact with extreme heat such as Scorch Release, it emits a gaseous version of itself that you would only feel when its effects start." Orochimaru calmly explained.

He then walked towards her as Fuyumi fell to the ground due to her loss of strength.

However, a group of Jonin from Suna appeared in front of her as another picked her up in an attempt to rescue her.

"Oh, it seems I have new prey." Orochimaru said as he prepared for battle once again.


Tsunade stood in front of the man who commanded the troops of Sunagakure, him being a man she greatly remembered.

From both his accomplishments in this life and her recognition of him due to her knowledge of her past life, she recognized the man as Ebizo, the brother of Chiyo.

And his strength seemed to be at a much higher degree than what she previously expected, as she could feel the dense amount of Chakra that he passively emanated.

"So, you are the commander of this front. I didn't expect that monkey in Konoha to hand over the granddaughter of the First Hokage as a sacrifice." Ebizo said as he stared down Tsunade.

"If you think that this is a sacrifice, then I believe you're looking down on me far too much." Tsunade said as she stared back at Ebizo without wavering.

"Oh no, I assure you I don't look down on you, I just believe that you will fall in this battle." Ebizo said as he prepared to attack.

Tsunade body flicked directly in front of Ebizo and delivered a fully powered punch.

The punch sent Ebizo flying backward, though before Ebizo could even hit the ground, he saw a dragon made of wood flying towards him.

'So this is the Legendary Wood Release, let's test out its weaknesses.' Ebizo thought to himself as he causally spewed a fireball from his mouth and sent it at the Dragon.

The fireball did nothing as the attack continued toward Ebizo.

Realizing the danger, Ebizo began growing serious as he used his Wind Release To counter out the attack.

Ebizo then attempted to jump away, yet he felt a vine grasp his leg and smash him back into the ground.

"You didn't think a Kekkei Genkai wielded by my Grandfather and I would have a glaring weakness like fire, did you?" Tsunade asked sarcastically as she walked towards Ebizo.

As she walked, flames began to emerge all around her body, with the flames seeming to take shape in some form of coating or armor.

"But I'm glad to see you like to play with fire since it's something I like to fiddle with as well. I've got a lot of pent-up aggression, so allow me to take it out on you." Tsunade said as a violent grin appeared on her face.

"Fire Style: Hellfire Incarnate!!"

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