Chapter 109: Calidus Brachium

The Jutsu that Tsunade was currently using was based on a technique from another popular manga that she had read: Black Clover.

A few months after the end of the Chunin Exams, she began to revisit some of her old memories, with this making her remember techniques that were used in different anime and cartoons in her past life.

This led her to begin to make attempts to bring some of these techniques into her world, my attempting to mimic the abilities and techniques she saw in a similar way to how she created her seismic sensing.

And the first successful ability she was able to use in this world was Mereleona's Hellfire Incarnate.

The variation that she uses is made by using her extremely precise Chakra Control to coat her body in a skin of Fire Chakra that raises its temperature the longer it is active.

It also boosts all her body's parameters to an extremely high degree, raising her power even further.

The only downside is that the temperature can become too much for some people to bear if they use it too long, but those can be counteracted by her also using the Yin Seal in conjunction with it.

Tsunade's ferocious grin only grew further as Ebizo and many surrounding shinobi looked on in horror at Tsunade's new form.

Tsunade seemingly disappeared from her position, with her fist embedding itself into Ebizo's chest with a shockwave being generated simply from the impact.

The surrounding Sand shinobi attempted to intervene in the battle between the two.

Tsunade simply punched in their direction and said

"Calidus Brachium!"

Her fist emitted a fiery aura and blasted toward them all, knocking them all back with varying degrees of burns.

Tsunade then turned her attention back to Ebizo, who sent an extremely powerful wind blast toward her.

The attack did nothing to Tsunade but make the flames surrounding her move a little bit.

Tsunade then barraged Ebizo with attacks, sending him flying back as he began to realize the danger he faced on this battlefield.

'I didn't expect a girl her age would have the strength to overwhelm me like this, not to mention our intelligence didn't mention how terrifying her Fire Style was. I'll need to get this information back to the Village at all costs.' Ebizo thought before he sent a Fireball into the air to act as a flare that signaled the army's retreat.

Tsunade saw this and decided to signal her troops to not pursue them, with her having something else in mind.

Tsunade jumped into the air, high enough that she could get a good sight of the Sand troops.

She began to weave hand signs, after which she concentrated all the Flames on her armor it's the hottest state she could make it grow in a short amount of time.

"Calidus Brachium Purgatory: Flame Burial!!"

She then sent a punch that blasted all the fire she had around her into the fleeing troops on the Sand Shinobi.

The Sand Shinobi looked on in fear as anyone with Water Release attempted to counter it with their Jutsus, though the attempts seemed futile as it took another large chunk of the army.

Tsunade landed on the ground once again before she told her troops to return to their camp, paying no attention to the looks of awe and grandeur that were being given to her.

"Well Tsuna, I didn't expect you to go that far. That Ebizo guy wasn't even at the level of a Kage. You could have probably defeated him without using any of your serious moves. So what made you use that much strength?" Jiraiya asked with a smile as he came beside Tsunade.

"She probably just needed to vent her anger. The Sand Shinobi just presented a good opportunity for them to do so." Orochimaru said as he came to the other side of Tsunade.

Meanwhile, the other members of their generation just stared at the three as they all thought that only people like them could act like the things they had just did was simply casual.

They then joined the three as they led the camp back, letting the 9 of them lead the winning army back to their camp.

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