Chapter 118: Evolved

The attack Tsunade had used was one that she considered a Forbidden Technique.

This was not due to the drawbacks of the technique, but instead because of the widespread destruction that she was capable of causing by using it.

She had based it on the technique used by Rimuru Tempest in an anime she had watched in her previous life.

However, while the version Rimuru created used lasers and refracted light, Tsunade's variation made the water move at an extreme speed so that it would have a similar level of penetration power that the original version.

Add on her Mind's Eye of the Kagura, it made her capable of locating every shinobi in the area and making the attacks nearly unmissable.

The attack hit before many of the Sand Shinobi could even react, with it claiming the lives of hundreds of them on the first wave of attacks.

Chiyo and Ebizo, the only two who stood in the War room of the camp, realized the oncoming attack and immediately used their defensive Jutsu to protect themselves from the onslaught.

Tsunade continued the attack for another few waves, with it practically destroying the main army of Sunagakure.

Tsunade then released the Jutsu as she came to the ground, where the small amount of remaining Shinobi was joined by Chiyo and Ebizo.

"You dare attack us like this!!" Chiyo yelled in anger as she released her puppets in preparation for battle.

"It's quite hypocritical of you to grow angry about this, yet you attempted to kill my entire army, which included close friends of mine, with poison while I wasn't even there." Tsunade countered as she began to emit a massive amount of chakra.

"Silence you ignorant child. Did no one teach you to respect your elders?" Ebizo asked as also drew his blade in preparation for battle.

"I shall show you ignorance." Tsunade said as flames began to engulf her entire body.

"Don't be angry, I'll make sure you join your troops soon." Tsunade said as she blasted at them both and sent them flying back.

Tsunade, adorned in her Hellfire Incarnate mode, blitzed Chiyo again as he delivered another terrifying punch to her chest.

Chiyu gritted her teeth as she manipulated her puppets in an attempt to counterattack.

"You don't know how much I truly despise you right now. If my mission had lasted even a day longer, many close friends of mine would have lost their lives due to your attack. Jiraiya fought both of you, and he suffered the worst poisoning of any of my army. And for that, I can truly never forgive you." Tsunade said as something unique began to happen.

The red and yellow flames seemed to be undergoing a unique kind of change.

Tsunade had once theorized that if one concentrated their Fire Chakra to an insane degree while feeding in a massive amount of their own Chakra, they would be able to increase its temperature to a flame that surpassed the original similar to how Mereoleona did.

The color of said flame would no longer be an orange-red type color, with it morphing into a blue color.

And Tsunade's theory was being shown as the cloak of flames around her changed into a blue hue, while the temperature around her increased astronomically.

Tsunade immediately activated her Yin Seal to prevent herself from burning alive, with her being surprised by how much the form had grown in strength.

"Well now, it seems I get to test out this new form on you." Tsunade said as she prepared to finish off the siblings.

"Insolent brat, we shall show you why we stand as the backbones of Suna. Did you think preventing me from using my puppets would allow you an easier win? I assure you it only prolonged your death." Chiyo spat with the anger evident on her face.

The battle between the Honored Siblings and Tsunade began, with the result of the battle affecting the future of the war between Sunagakure and Konohagakure.

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