Chapter 194: The Tailed Beasts

Land of Rice

Inside of the Land of Rice, two individuals that many would consider to be walking deterrents sat opposite one another in an isolated area, with them both having vast amounts of Shinobi behind them.

On one side, the man known as the Walking Volcano, and an individual who had led to the downfall on an entire island sat, with many considering him to be more akin to a natural disaster rather a mere Shinobi. His mastery over Lava Release stood at the highest echelon, with some even discussing rumors of him mastering something that only a few individuals in Konoha even had knowledge of thanks to his Tailed Beast: Senjutsu.

Known far and wide as the Perfect Jinchuriki of the Four Tails, he saw as the representative of Iwa, Roshi.

On the other side, a woman with a stern look on her face sat, with her looking to be the epitome of a female general. Many saw her as the reason that Kumo had walked away from the Second Great Ninja War with relatively few losses, with some even believing that given enough time, The Feline of Kumo could have even overcome the Darkness known as Danzo.

Her tactical mind let her make plans in battle at least ten steps ahead, while her combat prowess exceeded most due to her possessing Storm Release, Mastery over Kenjutsu and Nin-Taijutsu, and stood as the Jinchuriki of the Two Tails.

While most overlooked the combat prowess of the Two Tails, the special ability that it possessed gave her not just flames that burned hotter than most people's Fire Release, but the ability to come back to life up to nine times.

Unless someone could completely overwhelm her or possess more endurance than her, she would eventually be able to eliminate any threat if given enough time.

The two had met to officially sign the alliance between the two nations, with them both representing the interest of Kumo and Iwa respectfully.

"I'm glad to see that our Villages won't be coming to blows during this upcoming war, though I do admit that I hate the fact that I won't be able to battle you, Roshi. A pity." Asuka said as the two sat, the alliance treaty already signed.

"I'm afraid that the sadness is only on your end. I'm quite happy that I won't be forced to face the horrors of the Two Tails." Roshi said with a blank face.

Before Asuka could retort, a SHOCK agent appeared beside her.

"Lady Asuka, you are asked to report back to Kumo immediately. Please follow us." They stated.

Asuka turned her head back to Roshi, with her giving a slight smile before immediately taking off, her body glowing slightly.

She turned her head towards the nearest agent, with her giving him a stare that made him feel as if the Shinigami had touched upon him.



Inside of the Raikage building, the Raikage sat in the council room, with his body having a slight wound on it, something that shocked everyone else present.

"The Eight Tails escaped from B's body. I was able to subdue it long enough for the Sealing Corps to come so that I didn't have to kill it. Even though the next Jinchuriki has been chosen, it will take quite a while for him to grow accustomed to it. We are now going to be without one of our key powerhouses in the upcoming war." A said with a slight grimace.

"Is there any way to tell how the Eight Tails escaped?" Asked one of the Elders, to which another snorted and responded.

"Is it not obvious? Konoha are the only ones capable of undoing the Seal of a Tailed Beast. This upcoming War simply gave them their justification to finally attack us first."

"I have already sent word to Asuka through a Summoning Beast that two Shinobi share. We shall truly need the aid of Iwa if we hope to defeat Konoha fully in this War. So we shall begin preparing our troops to mobilize while I discuss war plans with Iwa. At the very least, even if we don't work together, the fact that we aren't fighting against each other shall be a major benefit." A said.

He then dismissed all of the Council, with the only person still in the room being his son, Ay.

"Do you think Bee is ready for the task we are about to thrust upon him?" His son asked.

"It sadly does not matter if he is ready. We have to move forward. But I guarantee he won't be forced to come to the battlefield until he has established some form of connection with the Eight Tails." A said to his son, with them both sighing, knowing the challenges that they would face in the upcoming conflict.

With the economic downturn that Kumo had been going through due to the lack of mission requests, the only option they had was this war.

And it was not one that they were willing to lose.