Chapter 207: Battle of Yugakure (III)

Kenta looked at the Raikage, with the man glowing ominously as he the ground shook due to the immense amount of energy that was coming from his body.

"Step aside, Uchiha Brat. If you do, I'll make your death as painless as possible." The Raikage stated, with him looking past Kenta and staring at the direction that Tsunade was in.

"So your looking down on me? Looks like people underestimate me too much!!" Kenta said as his body began to glow due to the fire armor on his again, with him drawing his blade and charging straight at A.

A blocked the attack with one of his arms, yet he noticed that Kenta's attack concentrated the heat to such a degree that it could cut through his Lightning Armor, making him grow slightly serious.

A immediately went for a clothesline afterwards, with him beginning to showcase his specialty of Nin-Taijusu against Kenta.

However, with the bonus of his Sharingan, Kenta was able to predict and block the attack using his blade, though the sheer pressure from the strength that the Raikage exerted pushed him back, with Kenta flipping onto one of the nearby trees to regain his standing.

However, rather than continue his assault, a fundamental change happened to the Raikage.

His Lightning Chakra Armor, something that was viewed as invincible in the Shinobi World, suddenly began to darken, yet the Lightning it emitted seemed to crackle with a newfound intensity as the Cloak fully turned black.

A now stood in his new form, a secret Technique that he created and for now, only he was able to properly use due to his durable body.

Kenta could hardly believe the level of Chakra that was coming off the man, because through his Sharingan, he could see the immense amount of Chakra within each crackle of Lightning that came from him.

The Black Lightning Chakra Cloak stood at what A viewed was the pinnacle of Lightning Manipulation, as with it, he became not just the most durable Shinobi in the entire world, but his speed and power went through a quantitative leap that showcased why he was one of the most feared Kage.

Seeing the danger, Kenta also prepared to use his full strength, knowing that anything less than that would end with him dying before he could even realize it.

The heat and flames that Kenta were emitting suddenly seemed to disappear, with the Raikage noticing that the flames that surrounded his body began to lessen.

Kenta then opened his eyes again, yet the three tomei in his Sharingan spun ominously, making the Raikage slightly cautious.

"Did you know that the Sharingan represents the gift of an affinity to Yin Release to all Uchiha, with it basically giving us an advantage to most regular Shinobi? But what happens if an Uchiha specializes not simply in Genjutsu, but in the very Chakra that fuels it? And what happens if they combine that with Fire Release of an unprecedented scale?" Kenta asked, his Uchiha arrogance shining brightly as he moved at speeds that only the Raikage could respond to.

Kenta swung his blade at the Raikage, and even though A knew that the attack should not be able to harm him with his armor, his instincts screamed at him to dodge in the last moment, with him moving at the last moment.

However, he felt the Lightning Chakra that came into contact with Kenta's blade seemingly be destroyed, with his eyes widening as he quickly analyzed what Kenta had done.

'The flames!! He's concentrated the Fire Chakra to such a degree that it's practically plasma rather than merely Fire. I've heard of people being able to achieve such feats with Water or Wind, but never with Fire. It seems this brat is quite talented.' A thought as the Chakra on his body began to take the shape of a panther.

Kenta had learned to consolidate his flames to such a degree that the level of destruction it was able to do was far superior than the first form he used.

If the First Form made him nearly unbeatable in large scale battles, then this version made him unstoppable in individual battles. 

In the new state, he could not only burn any defenses that an enemy has, but he could also burn away any Ninjutsu sent towards him as long as he used enough Chakra, nearly making Ninjutsu useless.

The panther then blasted at Kenta, yet instead of dodging, Kenta merely spewed a powerful fireball at it, causing a massive explosion between the two.

A immediately pointed a single finger out, ready to skewer the Uchiha and head to fight off against Tsunade.

The sheer amount of energy that was concentrated at his finger could power entire cities, and he charged to send all of that power straight at Kenta.

But, A was stunned when the Kenta in front of him suddenly faded from existance, with him taking a slash straight across his chest, with it going through his Chakra armor as if it was butter.

'A Genjustu?! How? That should be impossible!!' A thought to himself as he amplified his speed with the Body Flicker Technique and retreated.

His Lightning Cloak was constantly sending small shocks throughout his Chakra system and his nerves, with that making him the worse opponent for Genjutsu users as their abilities would practically always be nullified.

So seeing that Kenta was somehow able to influence him, the Raikage wished to retreat so that he would be caught off guard.

However, the Raikage suddenly found a blade protruding through his chest, with him only able to lock down in shock.

"How?" A asked.

"I'm no ordinary Uchiha. I asked you what would happen if an Uchiha specialized and studied purely Yin Release rather than just Genjutsu. The result is being able to manipulate that which is not tangible: No matter if it's my mind, shadown, or even my opponents Senses. I am the worst enemy for anyone who is not an overwhelming Sensor. It is why I view that only Tsunade is my equal, as no one else can properly contend against me. Now, I'm afraid this battle is over." Kenta said as he removed the blade.

A, seeing that Kenta merely wished to capture him, immediately went for another Hell's Spear, yet he suddenly found Kenta placed two fingers on his chest, with him uttering two words that would haunt the Raikage for the rest of his life.

It was a technique Tsunade taught him, and she stated that only people who reached the true peak of Fire Natured Chakra could hope to use.

"Crimson Moon."