Chapter 208: Battle of Yugakure (IV)

"How dare you!!!" Asuka's voice sounded from inside of the serpent, with her bursting out from it through the use of her Storm Release.

"You know, I really liked that snake. I was even planning on naming him one of these days." Orochimaru said as he wiped his dry eye, with Asuka growing more agitated before she forcefully calmed herself down.

'So this is Orochimaru? Looks like the Sannin is more terrifying than the reports stated if I couldn't sense the snake he summoned.' Asuka thought as she transformed into a new and unique form, one that covered her with the flames of the Two Tails.

Asuka charged at Orochimaru, her blade already unsheathed and her strength being enough to leave scars in mountains.

Yet many would doubt that claim, as Orochimaru easily caught the blade with his hands, his body undergoing a unique change while strange markings appeared on his eyes.

"Try not to die too fast dear. I'd hate to be disappointed by the other Jinchuriki." Orochimaru said before he delivered an immense punch to the mid section of Asuka, with it knocking her back while creating a shockwave.

"YOU!!!" Asuka's voice sounded, with her Chakra flaring greatly as her anger took the better of her, something that was rare for the general.

"You killed B?!?" Asuka asked, though at this point it seemed she wished to confirm it rather than just asking.

"Guilty as charged." Orochimaru said with a smirk, with him stretching his body before charging at Asuka at great speeds, with her barely able to guard the first attack with her blade.

But, Asuka was unable to dodge his second attack, with it driving a kick straight into Asuka's spine with enough force to shatter.

Seeing her taken down so quick, Orochimaru waiting for her to get up again due to him knowing of the unique attribute that the Two Tailed Jinchurki possessed.

"About damn time." Orochimaru muttered upon seeing her get up a few seconds later.

"So, eight more to go?" Orochimaru asked, with Asuka transforming into her full Tailed Beast State rather than continue to battle Orochimaru.

'Oh.' Orochimaru thought as he saw the Two Tails beginning to coalesce a massive amount of Chakra in it's mouth.

Orochimaru immediately summoned Manda, with the Snake seeing how urgent the task was, (And being quite fearful of Orochimaru's strength) and immediately attacking Matatabi.

Manda quickly bound the feline, with him forcing it's mouth to point towards the sky as it fired off the attack, leaving them safe from the aftermath of it.

Orochimaru stared at the creature with cold eyes, with easily placing a seal onto it, forcing it back into it's cage and undoing the transformation.

Asuka then stood before Orochimaru while slightly panning, with her knowing that the battle was getting slightly dangerous, and that the Serpent could likely kill her with Matatabi's help.

Asuka attempted to take advantage of her maneuverability by circling around Orochimaru using her Lightning Body Flicker Technique, with her then charging her blade with her Storm Release Chakra, with the blade turning into a shining saber that shined brightly as she prepared to end Orochimaru, once and for all.

However, she was stunned when Orochimaru suddenly disappeared, with her surprise turning into fear as she heard something that utterly terrified her.

"I wonder what you're waiting for?" Orochimaru's voice sounded in her ear, with Asuka turning around and sending a slash, yet nothing was there.

"Decent attempt. I think Sakumo would rate your swordsmanship as a six out of ten." Orochimaru said as suddenly made a hand sign.

"Sage Art: Serpent's World!!"

Suddenly, Asuka found the surrounding area twisted, as if it were falling in on itself, with the only thing that Asuka could hear being Orochimaru's ominous voice.

"Try not to die too soon. Because if you die to this Jutsu, the Shinigami won't be able to let you rest in the Pure Lands." 


Tsunade sat on her rock, with her turning her head slightly when she saw Orochimaru appearing with a woman on his shoulder.

"Is she dead?" Tsunade asked as she looked at the Jinchuriki, though she faintly detected the Chakra in her still being active.

"Not yet. It'll depend on the strength of her will. If she is unable to survive, then that's her fate." Orochimaru said, not caring if the woman survived or not.

Tsunade agreed with her friend, but before she could continue with their conversation, an immense explosion went off in the opposite direction, with both Tsunade and Orochimaru turning their head in surprise.

"Did you know he had an attack that strong?" Orochimaru asked, as he didn't know Kenta was that powerful.

"We discussed a Technique like that, but I didn't know he had learned it already. Looks like I'll need to be a bit more careful during our spars." Tsunade said.

The two then talked casually about many topics, meanwhile the army behind them attempted to comprehend the fact that three people took down an entire army, their Jinchuriki, and their Kage.