Vol.7 Ch.174- A New Promise.

After speaking with Ren, I finished my pre-determined night run and quickly returned home. I saw Sylvia still had some candles lit and figured I had enough time to make myself presentable with a shower and a fresh change of clothes. It's not that my body reeked of any odor, but after spending enough time in any clothing, especially with eating and going outside, it would collect unpleasant smells and grime.

I checked to make sure Mila was sound asleep in my bed, and once I confirmed that she was snoring, I walked down the hall to Sylvia's room and gave it a quiet knock so as not to bother anyone. There was no response, but I knew Sylvia was still awake. She didn't like sleeping in the dark, but the amount of light seeping from underneath the door was too much even for her.

So I put my ear to the door and listened for any noise. The rooms were not soundproof here in the royal villa like they were at school, but the walls and doors were all thick and sturdy. Even so, I could hear the movement of water from deep inside behind another barrier.

She must be bathing. The rooms don't have nearly as luxurious baths as Forward University, but there was warm water upon request and a dedicated room washroom.

Should I…?

No…if I let an angry Sylvia sleep, it will only sour her mood even more tomorrow. But I can't walk away either because, knowing her, she will fall asleep the moment she gets out.


Despite my better judgment, I opened the door and quickly scanned the room. I was looking for clothes laid out anywhere but didn't see any, which hopefully meant she brought them with her into the washroom. It was also surprisingly clean. Sylvia had a bad habit of…getting too comfortable in a room. But it seemed she was getting better, even if it was for Mila's sake of not forming bad habits.

Every spare room in the royal villa had a chair with a desk, so I took a seat and waited patiently for Sylvia. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long as the door to the washroom opened, and Sylvia stepped out with a towel tied around her thin waist, barely covering anything. Her pale skin was flushed from the warm water, and her purple and black hair looked like silk in the candlelight.

It was a sight to behold for me, and I may have stared a bit too intently as Sylvia stopped mid-step and slowly craned her neck toward me.

Our eyes met, and we just stared at each other silently for what felt like an eternity. She wasn't getting mad or embarrassed. Sylvia just stood there, watching me.

"Um, I would like to talk," I said, my voice squeaking more than intended.

With one swift motion, Sylia narrowed her crimson eyes at me and ripped the towel off her head, and sent it flying toward me. The damp piece of cloth hit me in the face with an audible, wet smack.

"What are you doing?! Why aren't you looking away!" Sylvia squealed.

The towel slid down my face and into my lap as I shrugged. "Because I don't want to…?" I admitted.

Sylvia's face and ears turned as red as her eyes as she flailed her arms at me. "Ho—how can—how can you say that so calmly! Turn around already! What is wrong with you?!"

I shifted myself in the chair until I was facing the wall. "Sorry…I didn't see any clothes laid out, so I thought you brought them in with you."

"That's because they are in my dresser! That's where clothes go! Where normal people put them! Why didn't you just knock?!" Sylvia demanded as she aggressively flung a drawer open.

Why didn't I knock? I always knock on doors to announce myself…it's the polite thing to do and what I should have done.

Have I just grown so comfortable with her that I don't even consider it? I mean, she is the one that doesn't knock when she enters my room at night…

I could hear her rummaging through clothes and grumbling obscenities to herself, mostly directed at how I was being tactless. "I just assumed you did. Doesn't everyone set their clothes out before they bathe? It's so much more efficient than rummaging around in a dresser after you've already cleaned yourself."

"Yeah…well, I don't! I like to pick my clothes after I bathe! That's completely normal behavior," Sylvia explained.


"But this isn't my first time seeing you in a towel you've even shown me yourself. Why is it a problem now?" I questioned.

"That's—that's because it just is!" Sylvia squeaked.


I heard Sylvia slip into clothes and march straight behind me. "Turn around." I obliged, and she stared down at me, face still flushed as she put her hands underneath my arms and lifted me straight out of the chair like I was a child. "You are being punished for your transgressions. Don't resist."

"Should I be afraid?" I mumbled.

"Only if you resist!" Sylvia blurted out.

She laid me on the bed like I was some kind of toddler. Sylvia hopped over me, slid her leg between mine, and held me tight around the shoulders. I was a bit confused, but it wasn't unpleasant.

If punishment is being held tightly by a beautiful Vampire in bed, maybe I should commit more—

"Stop thinking useless things. Your next punishment will be twice as severe," Sylvia groaned as she squeezed me tight, eliciting a grunt from me.

"…Was it that obvious?"

"I know you well enough to know you aren't taking this very seriously." She squeezed me even tighter. "And that is starting to frustrate me more."

"I—gah, I really am concerned, you know? I came all the way here in the middle of the night to speak with you about it," I managed to say in a strained voice. "A little less…squeezing, please…"

It's soft and warm, but if I can't breathe, it's not very pleasant, but it is at the same time….

"I waited for you for over an hour," Sylvia pouted as she eased the tension in her grip.

"I got sidetracked on a few things." I tried turning myself to face her, but Sylvia held me tight.

"No turning around," she ordered.

"Okay then…so can you explain to me why you are less than pleased with me today? What did Malachi say to you?" I asked.

"I'm just frustrated with you," Sylvia mumbled.

"Yes, I understand that much. So why don't you tell me why you are frustrated with me?"

Sylvia mumbled a few more things under her breath and sighed. "You not knowing why I'm frustrated makes me even more frustrated, Kaladin."

This isn't helping me any. I've committed a crime via existing, it seems.

"Now, if you were to just tell me what I've done, I can improve and not make the same mistake in the future," I offered.

"No, that's not necessary. You will repent and be rehabilitated through my punishment," she responded cooly as she nestled her face into my back.

The stubborn Vampire Duchess has made a return. It's been a while since I've seen this side of her. I can't tell if she is enjoying this or is so furious she appears calm. I'm hoping it's the former.

The silence dragged on for some time, neither of us saying anything. Just our breathing and the flicker of the flames from the candle. That was until Sylvia adjusted slightly in the bed.



"Can I—no, when I win the tournament, will you grant me any request?" she asked softly.

"Any request? And that's assuming you beat me. I have no plans on losing, you know," I said.

Sylvia sat up a little and put her face just enough in my vision to where I could see a single crimson eye. "Do you not trust me enough to know I wouldn't ask something impossible of you if I was being serious?"

"That's…not what I meant." I placed my hand over hers that was on my chest. Mine was so much bigger, and it was a wonder that such small hands could muster enough force to send a man flying across an arena. "Of course, I trust you, Sylvia. I know you would never put me in harm's way."

Sylvia flipped down in the bed with a grunt. "Good, because I don't really care what your plans are or what you think. I'll be winning the tournament no matter what happens. Even if I have to rough you up a bit."

"Oh? Is that so? I don't—gah—I—"

Sylvia squeezed me hard enough to stop my sentence. "Yeah, that's so. Remember last time when you pinned me to the ground and nearly ripped my arms off? Mmm? I remember it. But don't worry. I'll be far more gentle with you," she whispered into my ear.

"I apologized for that already," I grumbled half-heartily, the hair on the back of my neck standing up. "You can't still be bitter about that."

Sylvia humphed. "Yeah, well, I can feel however I want, isn't that right? Anyway, so… is that a promise? If I win?"

I guess I have told her that before… my own advice is really coming back to bite me.

"What do I get if I win then? There has to be something in it for me."

"What, winning isn't enough for you?" Sylvia giggled.

"Cut me some slack here…"

Sylvia pushed her face into my back and mumbled something unintelligible again. I turned just enough to see the tips of her ears burning bright red, but the moment I did, Sylvia faced me forward again.

"Don't turn around! Your punishment isn't over 'til morning! And…I…well, obviously you can request anything from me…yeah…that's only fair, right?" Sylvia said meekly.

I don't really have anything specific in mind…or…do I? Huh…that's not a bad idea. I'm sure she will agree to tell me exactly what she is feeling whenever I ask. That's not too much, right?

"Sure, I can do that," I agreed.

"Good…" Sylvia said softly.

"We should go back to Mila. She is—"

"Don't worry about her. By the time you wake up in the morning, she will already be here," Sylvia said with confidence. "Now then, I'm hungry, so don't move."

And she was right. By the time I opened my eyes in the morning, I was sandwiched between both of them. It wasn't the worst way to wake up in the morning. Surrounded by those you care about.

The following day, my opponent from another class at Forward University forfeited upon learning I was his next opponent. It was tactically sound to forgo a third match if you had already won two. There was no point in an unnecessary fight that could only serve to expose more of your abilities or injure you.

If I weren't fulfilling a particular goal, I would have voluntarily bowed out of my third match, but sadly, I can't do that. So, I'm lucky that my opponent did so for me.

The third and final day of the preliminaries went smoothly. There were no major upsets, and nearly everyone I was acquainted with would be competing in the tournament besides Lin, who lost two matches.

As for the masked woman, Lin had yet to gather sufficient evidence as she kept her identity a secret even before the tournament began. It would just take time for Lin's agents to uncover something of use.

And with all of that, this part of the event came to a close, and the start of the tournament began. Those of us who had won our two matches stood in neat, ordered lines underneath the stadium. Headmaster Bowen stood straight back, chin held high in his luscious gray and black robes.

The teachers, including Professor Garrison, also stood in a row at the side of the room. Some looked nervous, others calm. It was a mixed bag and depended on the person.

The door to the room opened, and a man wearing the golden armor of the Praetorian Guards with a gilded red cape, the group's new leader, announced, "All kneel for the arrival of His Majesty, King Maxwell."

Like the practiced subjects we were, the entire room knelt to the ground, heads bowed. There were the heavy steps of the man I had come to know, and when he arrived at the front of the room, he let out a deep breath from his nose.

"Everyone, rise," he ordered in a calming voice, unlike his usual booming and energetic tone.

King Maxwell was adorned in fine white silks wrapped into a toga that barely covered his massive frame. Over his boulder-like shoulders were red furs that matched his wild red hair. The golden laurel leaf crown sparkled in the light. He beamed a smile at all of us; not a smile of a contempt ruler but one far more gentle than I anticipated. It was like that of a proud father.

"First of all, congratulations to all of you for making it to this point. Your hard work and dedication to your skills have finally paid off today, and it's an achievement in itself to be here. Especially this year with the added competition from Tel'an'duth," King Maxwell said, his voice calm and filled with pride as it managed to reach every corner of the room.

The teachers and guards all clapped for us, with looks of admiration and praise on all of them. Professor Garrison looked even more proud as he stared at our class, a wide, ear-to-ear smile on his handsome face.

"As someone who a lifetime ago was in your very position, I genuinely understand what it took to get here, and as your king, I am proud of every single one of you. And it's because I was in your position that I know what lies ahead for all of you. The main tournament is not like the preliminaries. Your life has always been on the line during these fights, but the risk has risen many times," King Maxwell said slowly, letting his words sink in.

King Maxwell's expression hardened. "I am here not only to wish for your success and congratulate you on a job well done but to come with an offer. Those of you who are not prepared to lose your life, please reconsider fighting in the tournament."

The preliminaries and the main tournament had similar but very different rules. And it was the way those rules were worded that made them dangerous. The only way to win was to knock your opponent out of the arena, rendering them unconscious and unable to fight or kill them. No referees were stopping the fight just because things turned sour.

"There is no dishonor in valuing the life of youths such as yourselves. All of you are the future of this kingdom, and I will never allow your names to be tarnished for choosing life over a meaningless death. At the end of the day, this tournament is a relic of the past meant to prove things that no longer matter. Life is precious and fleeting. I shall honor life at every turn, and you should also."

"For those of you who wish not to compete, please leave with your heads held high, knowing you accomplished something that many yearned for and could not," King Maxwell said sternly but with a kind smile again.

Many of the students exchanged worried glances. Some of my friends even looked at me, trying to gauge my opinion, but I stayed firm. I knew what needed to be done, even if I didn't like it. In the end, after a few moments of silence, nobody ended up taking the king's offer.

King Maxwell nodded his head solemnly. "I respect all of your decisions. The royal family and this kingdom all wish you the best of luck in this tournament. May your blades be as sharp as your mind, your muscles as strong as your heart, and your determination as firm as your resolve."

The room clapped for the king, and as if his visage was nothing more than a facade, a wide grin split across his lips. "Oh, yes! That's right," King Maxwell laughed as he walked off, letting his cape flow behind him.

"Remember, if you win, you get to make a request of me! So fight hard!" he said, flexing his bulging muscles and having the door shut on him by the Praetorian Guard Captain.

The Praetorian Guard Captain let out a small sigh before awkwardly rounding his men up and following behind his liege. The room, also feeling a bit of that awkwardness, started to stir hesitantly. Thankfully, Headmaster Bowen took the stage.

"Everyone fighting today, please head to your designated rooms and prepare for your matches in advance. Those of you who are not, please remain on standby for the official opening ceremony to start in two hours. Remember, regardless of whenter or not you have a match or not, all of you are expected to be present and on time today," he said sternly as he eyed us.

"Yes, Headmaster," the room said in unison. 

"Good. You are all dismissed but are not allowed to leave the stadium grounds," Headmaster Bowen said with finality.

Varnir let out a long-winded sigh and scratched his head as he looked over at me. "I guess we should get ready first?"

"That would be wise, yes," I agreed.

Together we walked deeper into the stadium's depths and went to "my" private room to get changed. I had requested Varnir to be able to use the area even after the preliminaries, as there was no reason for me to be alone in such a large room.

Security had tightened for the arrival of the king, but our faces were well known enough by now that with a simple flash of your student identifications, the guards let us pass. The entire underbelly of the stadium was abuzz with students and staff, just like the first day.

But unlike the first day, the number of students present had dwindled significantly as over half had not made it to the main tournament rounds. Usually, the number of people from any given school being forced out would be low, but with the addition of Tel'an'duth, it meant many spots that would have gone to Luminar or Sandervile had been taken. Rumor had it that more students from Tel'an'duth's two schools had gotten in than Sandervile.

It's not looking so good for City States. Not that it matters.

Varnir and I were undressing when our door burst open with a hearty laugh. Varnir flinched, and I just sighed in defeat.

"Well! Are you two ready?!" King Maxwell shouted with pure, unbridled enthusiasm.

"Yes…we are Your Maj—"

King Maxwell closed the distance on Varnir with two steps. The king brought his face right up to Varnir and narrowed his eyes like a madman. "Varnir…haven't we spoken about this? We've spent so much time together… lifting and having fun. Please call me Bishop in private. You are going to make me cry…"

Varnir swallowed a lump in his throat. "Yes…Bishop," he said weakly.

King Maxwell slapped Varnir on the shoulder hard enough to make his body jerk, only to bellow out another laugh. That was until he stopped and rubbed his hand over Varnir's bare shoulders.

"You've gotten bigger, huh? Very impressive, Varnir. Those overhead shoulder presses are doing wonders!" the king praised.

Varnir looked utterly defeated. "Thank you…"

The king just laughed and turned his attention to me. "So when you win Kaladin, what would you like to do? I'm thinking of going on an adventure with you. Perhaps we can visit another country, or maybe we can clear a dungeon or five? OH! How about clearing dungeons in another country?! How does… Dragon's Rest sound? I always wanted to go there."

What do I even say to that?

Varnir gave me a sad look, and King Maxwell turned around with a surprised look. "Oh, sorry, Varnir…it's just that…well, you know how things are."

"What are you doing?! Did I hear something about a dungeon?!" an angry voice yelled from the hallway.

King Maxwell flinched slightly and shrunk away. "Damn…I've been caught."

The door flung open for the umpteenth time today. This time Queen Maxwell walked in and looked less than pleased. She barely spared Varnir or me a passing glance as she grabbed her husband by the ear and pulled him away.

"Why are you bothering them when you have things to do? And what's this about going on an adventure when you have a child on the way? Have your muscles finally exploded in your brain?" the queen grumbled as she dragged him out of the room and stormed off.

"A child…on the way?" Varnir mumbled as he looked over at me.

"Yup," I answered nonchalantly.

Well, I guess it's about that time. Queen Maxwell should be having a difficult time hiding her stomach.

Varnir shook his head with a sigh. "I'm never going to get used to this…"

You and me both.