I almost got hit!

I get up the hill and make it up and see a light in the darkness illuminating the street. This might be my only chance!

I turn around and see the wolves running up the hill as well following the path I did and begin making there way up the hill! I have to risk it!

I get on the road and run in the middle of the empty road waving both my arms. I look down and realize how homeless I look...Ripped clothes and scratches with a bleeding tail. Hungry as well...

I wave down the vehicle about to turn the corner of the road and it turns towards me I can't make out who is in the car but it seems like a couple or something like that.

I wave it down feeling a sense of relief and peace for a brief moment until I realize...it ain't slowing down...

I wave it down screaming at the car speeding towards me but it doesn't look like ti is slowing down still! What are they doing!?

*Meanwhile in the car*

"Hahaha wait is that a kid in the road?" An orc says while drinking beer from his bottle

"Hmm, I guess so..."

"Maybe we should check it out" he says while putting the beer in the cup holder

"Honey please, it is our night out. Let's do not ruin it. I will give you a reward for not stopping hehe"

"Sorry kid your on your own," he says before turning the wheel and picking up his beer again and begins smiling and drinking it down.

*Back to Codaka*

"Hey over here!" I say hoping they would notice me but they don't and they swerve out of the way and drive past me

"W-what?! What happened to helping those in need!" I yell at the top of my lungs but to no avail.

"Aw shoot..." I grumble

I turn behind me and notice the wolves had gotten up the hill and began looking for me with there death stares. They notice me and begin making there move toward me slowly.

Oh no...no no no!

I begin running away down the opposite direction of where the car went and begin nearly crying as I feel I might die!

I run as fast as I can and I start hearing speeding footsteps coming after me!

*huff huff huff*

"No no I can't die here! I can't I haven't gotten a job! I haven't gotten to become an adult! I haven't even got what dad used to say "honey" whatever that meant but he would say "honey" a lot and would say I would get one day at some point!

I keep running fast than I have ever in my life when I suddenly see another light. Could be my very last chance but my legs begin giving out and slowly disapating. I start tripping over my legs and fall forward but I catch myself. My legs are to tired from moving all day!

As I see the car turn a corner I can't move my arms or my legs as it turns and I think it is going to fast for it to stop...It's going to hit me isn't...I am dead...Mother I am sorry...

I brace for impact as it speeds up to me and I close my eyes. when I suddenly hear a loud screaching of rubber against the pavement and dragging out.

I close my eyes as the light blares into me and gets closer as it screaches to a halt.

I open one eye and see the car has stopped. It is black looking with yellow stripes. Looks sort of ugly...But whatever I am saved!


Or not!

I look behind me and see the wolves closing in on me slowly and start growling even more and snarl but stop in their tracks when the door opens. I look over and see a shadowy figure stepping out of the car. Height of maybe about 5'6 looking. Long hair.

As the figure gets closer a more defined features start to appear. It is a blonde-haired woman with hair going passed her shoulders and fair face. She has blue eyes and wearing a white dress with flowers on it.

"Oh my gosh are you alright!?" the woman asks me getting on her knees checking on me

"Y-yes! Please help me!" I say pointing towards the wolves just away from the light with hungry eyes in them.

The wolves seem to not care about the extra prey and begin moving again with the car off and start moving around the vehicle. Oh no they are surrounding us!

I cover my eyes bracing for them to jump us when the lady suddenly steps up on both legs and begins walking out into the open. She yells something at them.

"Aw how adorable! Cute little wolves. But sadly you need to run...now..."

The wolves don't likely understand her or care as they snarl and one of the smaller runs up to her from the left and jumps.

"Look out!" I cry

She turns around with a glare and runs in front of me between me and the wolf and reaches out her hand. A light appears in her palms and begins to get bigger.

A flame appears in the front of her hands and begins to blare in violent flames. She blasts a blaring wave of fire out of her hands and burns the wolf in the air. The wolf drops down to the pavement and goes limp while whimpering in pain as its fur gets charred.

I look in the horror at the violence and cover my eyes. I have never seen something or someone gets so burned! It looks so horrible! I start feeling sorry for the wolf and start moving towards it. the woman however stops me.

"Stay back kid. Let me handle this and you will be safe" she says calmly

I stay back and let her do her thing. But I can't help but feel sorry for the wolf...even though it tried to attack me and her...

The other 3 remaining wolves see this and all attack at the same time. Oh no!

The woman takes both of her hands and touches them and pulls them away from each other releasing and fire ring around us causing the wolves to back off while growling.

She comes to me and looks me in the eyes and examines me. She eyes my ripped-up clothing and scratches on my thin scales and picks me up then runs to the car.

She throws me in the passenger seat but not to forcefully and puts on my seatbelt for me in alarming speed and clams the door shut. The flame ring from before has dissipated and the wolves charge into the vehicle slamming into it.

"Hold on tight kid" she says while shifting the gear into drive and a sudden thrust in car pushes me back.

She runs over a poor wolf victim and starts driving down the road in alarming speed I am sure isn't the speed limit.

I am so tired. Feels good to sit on something comfy instead of a tree and walking around. I rest the back of my head on the back of the car seat and begin breathing hard.

"Are you okay kid? You look horrible! Did I burn you or anything!?"

"No...I am just tired ma'am...so tired...." I say as my eyes get heavier by the second.

She eyes me a bit every few seconds and notices me scratches in more detail and sees my clothing more as well. Or what little clothing I have on. My shirt is ripped and as well as my shorts from falling down many times and bushes removing them.

I look down the seat and look down to see my injured tail and the bleeding has since stopped. Luckily. I am glad I didn't lose my precious tail.

I lean forward and grab my tail and begin massaging it gently with a weird tingly feeling. I am not sure why my tail is sensitive. Oh well my tail is safe for now.

I look over to the woman and she is is focusing on driving. I glance a bit at her arms and there a minor small burns on her hands. Doesn't that hurt? I never used magic as mother said Beast folk are incapable of using magic.

Maybe burns are a common injury with magic. It wouldn't surprise me but I was never told much about magic since I can't use it sadly. But at least I will grow up to be physically strong! Like other beastmen!

I as we sit in the seat I start to fall asleep and doze off a bit. Such an exhausting day...I want to go home but I don't know where home is from where we are...Especially since we are driving to who knows where.

Actually, now that I think about it...this is a complete stranger I am hitchhiking with and I don't know this woman...She could be a pedophile for all I know! I get the shivers for a moment and turn to her who is still focusing on the road.