Coffee never hurts anyone

I walk slowly over to the kitchen room because I thought I heard talking there a while ago. So they might still be there. Maybe mom invited Ariel over to play!

I walk over to the kitchen and lean my head over the frame of the arch and see mother talking to herself. Wonder what she is saying?

"Grrr...How did he come back...I was so sure I left him in the middle of nowhere...I was so sure I covered my tracks...." she whispers under her breath.


Kreeva turns her head immediately to see her son creeping his head over the opening of the arch entrance to the kitchen and sighs. Hopes he didn't hear what she just said.

*sighs* "What do you want"

"You seem sad mother..."

"I am not sad. I don't get sad. Now leave..."

"I know how about we play! That should cheer you up!" I say running to her and hugging her leg

She gets annoyed and starts shaking her leg trying to get him off but he relents and holds onto her leg. She starts getting angry and tries to get a cup of coffee to calm her nerves a bit.

"I said that's enough, get off me..." Kreeva snarls

"C'mon mother lets go play outside with Ariel!"

"I said enough!" Swing kicking him off of her legs and swings her body around.

She can't take the angry anymore and swings her arms around with the hot pot of coffee towards Codaka and spills the top off opening it open hot coffee onto Codaka. Everything slowls down for Codaka as he looks up to see a large amount of dark brown liquid pour towards him.


"Aaahhh!"" Codaka screams as hot coffee spills onto his body seeping into his clothes. Codaka falls to the ground screaming and spasming as the burning sensation of hot liquids melts his thin scales scarring him.

"Aaaahh" Codaka continues to scream on the floor as his mother watches in shock of what she has done.

"Oh shit..." Kreeva says

Ariel was on her phone in the dining room when she hears screaming and gets up from her seat and runs into the kitchen. She pushes some chairs out of the way and sees Codaka on the ground in a clenched curled position on the floor as his mother stands above him with empty pot of coffee.

"What have you done!?" she calls out

Kreeva turns around in shock and confusion and stutter unsure of what to say. She drops the pot on the ground and runs away from the scene and then out of the door letting the door swing open. As she runs out she sees some cops a centaur and a human talking to each other.

She stops in front of them a couple of feet away and turns around runs to her car and begins starting the car. She backs out of the driveway passing by Ariels car and drives away in a hurry confusing the cops.

"Is that woman okay?" the human asks the centaur.

"I am not sure, is that screaming I hear?"

"I am not sure you have super hearing compared to us humans so..."

"I think it is screaming, c'mon let's check it out," he says as he gallops towards the house.

*meanwhile back in the house*

"Oh my god! Codaka!" she says while running towards Codaka on the ground still spasming from the pain of hot coffee burning into him.

She rolls up his hot shirt and sees the burn marks on his upper torso and chest and right shoulder. She puts her hands on his wounds and begins healing them but she is only adept at healing with it. She can't properly use the magic to heal his burns they need to be treated at a hospital.

As she continues to heal him as best she can two cops walk into the house and sees the kid on the ground spasming from the burns and start questioning the situation. They examine the situation a bit more and call it in over their radios

"This is officer jacobs, I need an ambulance stat immediately," he says while getting closer at the situation.

He gets on one knee and puts his hand on her shoulder and turns her around distracting her. She flings her hands up not wanting to be distracted from helping Codaka on the ground.

His spasms calm down but his burn scars at still there. They appear to be 3rd-degree burns on him and her magic isn't strong enough.

*minutes later*

*wheee whooo wheee whooo*

An ambulance comes over and paramedics walk into the building carrying a medical gurney inside. They take the kid and lift him up and place him on it and hurry him to the hospital as best they can while tending to his burn scars and even seeing some of the bone on his chest exposed. The coffee has cooled off since but the affects of the liquid is still there.

"W-wait let me come with you!" Ariel pleads with them

"Are you a relative?"

"Y-yes! Now let me come with him!"

They allow her to come with him and she gets into the back of the ambulance. She holds his hand and they begin checking his heart rate. It is high.

*huff huff huff* his breathing is rough and hard. But he should make it. They start putting ice on the wound and try to stabilize his breathing as in closer examination there is actually a bit of bone exposed on his chest. The coffee has burned away at his thin scales and to the bone.

Codaka starts opening his eyes and begins to widen as he looks down at his chest and the paramedics. He starts breathing hard and begins feeling the pain again,


He starts kicking and spasming again as it is to much for him and begins to cry from the agony of the burns. Ariel takes his hands and holds them tightly trying to calm him down.

"Its okay I'm here! I am here with you calm down, calm down"

"It hurts! It hurts so much! Aaagh!"

"I know it hurts, but be strong! I am here with you!"

*sniffle* Codaka starts crying as tears start running down his face.

*hours later*

Codaka is laying in bed staring at the ceiling and is in a doze. He is so exhausted from the amount of screaming and pain from the burns. The doctors tried to comfort him by holding his hands and putting some sort of medication to numb the pain but it still lingers. He can just barely feel the pain.

Suddenly he hears knocking and a doctor walks in with a clipboard and with an assistant backing her up. She walks up to Codaka and writes some stuff down and looks at him. She has red hair, glasses, and red eyes. Hieght of around 5'9

"Hello there, my name is Dr. Hersha. I will be your doctor while you are here."

Codaka just looks at her for a bit but doesn't respond for a few seconds but does eventually. He slowly opens his mouth and says a few words.

"It...It hurts so badly..."

"I know it does honey but you will get through this believe me. Now tell me how you currently feel if you can."

"I...I feel this sting feeling in my chest. My whole upper body burns in pain...I...I want to cry *sniffle*

"Oh honey, I am so sorry for your pain and suffering. But don't worry I am here to help. We gave you some medication to ease the pain for a bit but it will return. Sadly to say.

*sniffle* "I...where is my mom..."

"We are not sure. But we have a family member here to see you. I can bring her in."

A relative? I don't have any relatives. Who else knows me? Could it be mother? No it wouldn't be they said they don't know where she is...Maybe father? No she said "her"...Who could it be?

As the doctor walks over to the door, she opens it and it swings open with a blonde elf woman pushing Hersha out of the way stumbling back a little bit. With an wolven officer walking behind her.

It is Ariel. She runs up to me and takes my hand in her up to her chest and begins panting a bit. Was she running for a while or something?

"Oh my gosh I was so worried about you! How are you? Does everything still hurt? Do you need food? I can get you some food!" She start sending me a bunch of questions I can't answer fast enough and I start breathing hard in a panic.

*sniffle* "I, I don't know..."

"Its okay honey you don't have to answer now just say what you need and I will get it to you."


She releases my hand and takes a deep breath. She turns around and walks over to the doctor and takes her hand.

"Thank you so much for helping him. Poor kid got burned and I watched helplessly..."

"Did you use some magic to heal some of his burns?" Hersha asks

"I tried but my skill level was not up to par with the burns. I am only adept at it."

"Well you tried your best to help him and that is all that matters. Besides the doctors noticed your handy work and really appreciated it."

"Your welcome...*sighs* shame he got burned so severely..."

"Which is why I am here and a officer is here. How did he get these burns? Theya re rated 3rd degree burns and the one on his chest is actually a level 4 burn. Goes straight to the bone."

"I am not sure. I was in the dining room when it all happened. But from what I saw I ran into the kitchen and see Codaka on the ground spasming on the ground with a coffee all over him. He looked like he was in so much pain..." she says while putting her hands up to her face.

"Hmm, was anyone else there? Did the kid pull a coffee cup onto him or?" the officer asks while his tails wags.

"No, I think the mother poured coffee onto him. Maybe by accident but it feels like it might've been on purpose. We had an argument moments before the incident occurred in the kitchen and spoke about Codaka. Of how is not loved and how he is not cared for and how he was abandoned in the woods alone and she didn't even bother to go to the police when she couldn't find him."

"Hmm, good to know. Some officers in the scene said they saw a Caiman woman running away from the house. She had black scales and drove out of the driveway in a panic. Does she sound familiar?" the officer asks while putting his hand up to his chin.

"Yes actually. That would be the mother. She ran off after I saw her holding the empty pot of coffee and fled the scene."

"Good to know. We will be searching for her until then." the officer walks over to me next and lowers his broad shoulder down a bit and smiles at me warmly.

"Hello kid, how are you feeling?" he asks me

"It hurts...a lot"

"I get that. I had a burn as a kid but never got past a 2nd degree burn. I can't imagine having a 3rd degree with on top of that a 4th degree burn as well. At your age. I am sorry"

"Its okay sir. You had nothing to do with it."