Coming back home

As we leave the station we arrive at the car and hop in without an issue. I wave goodbye to some of the officers and they wave back.

I am so excited! I can't wait to see my mother again. She must be so worried. I also can't wait for my mother to meet my savior Ariel.

We drive for a couple of minutes until the silence is broken by Ariel beginning to ask me a question.

"So...Do you think your mother has been searching for you all this time?"

"I think so. She is my mother so. I bet she is so worried about me"


"What is it miss?"

"Nothing. I just...*sigh* I feel something is off. I would've expected to have heard the police mention your mother looking for you but it seem that they weren't. Maybe she didn't have the time for it at the moment but if you said is true...That would mean she had all of yesterday last night and today to have the cops search for you but didn't."

"M-maybe she just didn't have the time for it. I don't know"

"Doesn't have the time to call the cops to look for her missing son? I am not to sure about that honey..."

"Mmmm....I don't know. Either way, your going to meet my mother so it is a win!"

"I suppose. We shall see"

*30 minutes later*

We drive up a familiar road and pull up to a house that looks like mine! I think we are home!

"I-I think we are here! This looks like home!"

"Wonderful, now lets get you to your mother" she says taking her purse and getting out of the car.

I get out of the car eager to see mother and trip getting out. I fall on the ground. I scape my elbow on the pavement but get myself without a care. I run-up to the door and wait for Ariel who just walks over to the door.

She gets up to the door and smiles at me. With eagerness, I prepare to knock on the door but she stops me. I look up to her with confusion on my face.

"W-what is it?"

"It is more polite to use the doorbell since it is here."

*ding dong*

She rings the doorbell and the excitedness in my blood is killing me. I can't wait to see my mother and tell her about Ariel!

After a few minutes of waiting for some reason Ariel rings the doorbell again.

"Hmm..." she says

*ding dong*

Suddenly a few seconds after the doorbell is rung again the door swing open aggressively and I see mother standing at the door. She is wearing jeans and a black tight shirt.

"Mother!" I say hugging her leg

"C-codaka?!" she says in shock of my reappearance

I dig my face into her leg and she starts shaking a bit. Is she cold? I look up and smile but there is a look of uncertainty on her. IS she that surprised I am back?

"How are you...I thought you....I..." she tries to speak but can't put the words to it.

"Ahem, hello there. My name is Ariel Herza"

"Huh? Oh uhm...hi...uh honey go inside and play"

"But I want to be with-"

"Now..." she says in a dark tone of voice.

"Okay..." I raise my head down in obedience and lower my tail and walk inside. My tail drags on the ground as I walk inside.

Ariel watches as I walk away and I turn around to see my mother give me a scowl. Which Ariel notices from her as well. I walk into the living room and turn on the TV and see if there is anything to watch.

*Meanwhile elsewhere*

" name is Ariel huh?" says Kreeva

"Yes my name is Ariel. What is your name?"

"Kreeva....Kreeva Longhorn..."

They both stand there for a bit until the silence is broken by Ariel who says something to.

"Might I come in? It is getting a bit chilly outside" Ariel asks

"Fine come in..." Kreeva responds waving her in.

They walk inside the house and Ariel takes off her shoes. She then follows Kreeva passing by Codaka who is watching a show of some kind. Codaka notices her and waves with a smile. Ariel waves back and nearly walk into a wall but stop before that.

She follows Kreeva into the kitchen and Kreeva walks to a pot of coffee.

"Would you like some coffee?"

"I am more of a tea kind of woman"

"Suit yourself" she says while getting a mug and pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"So your the mother of Codaka?" Ariel asks standing on the otherside of the island across from Kreeva

"Yeah..," she says crossing her arms "What else did he tell you?"

"Well that you have called him a "little shit" before so...And how you didn't want him around as well..."

"Ha those are just his imaginations. Don't believe what a kid tell you."

"Why would Codaka lie about his own mother?"

"I don't know...likely to spite me. He always has done annoying things to spite me ever since my husband left me for someone else."

"Well, I am sorry to hear that. He also told me about how your husband left you for another woman one day and has yet to return."

"Grr...that kid needs to learn to keep his mouth shut."

"Excuse me? That kid is your son."

"Yeah so what? He is my son not yours. If you have a son you would be the one who decides what to say about him. So that's that."

*sigh* "Look your son seems like a nice kid. So I doubt he said these things. If anything I say you don't like your own kid."

"What is it to you?"

"It means more to me when a kid is left in the woods alone for hours hungry with poor clothing. Also the fact that it didn't seem like the cops were searching for your son either. As if they didn't know he was missing."

"What are you implying?" she growls

"I am not implying anything, yet. You see I have heard enough about you to get a good idea of how you are and I think you left your son on purpose in the woods!"

Kreeva straightens her back up and tenses her muscles. She starts walking up to Ariel on the other side of the Island and Ariel crosses her arms. In opposition.

"Are you challenging me in my own house?" Kreeva snarls at her flashing her teeth.

"Yes actually I am..." Ariel responds.

"You know, not all beastmen have come to terms with the fact Elves still exist after crimes of genocide and slavery beastmen had endured for years..."

"I am sorry to hear that but we live in a new day and age and those crimes and issues have passed us."

"You think I care? Don't think you can come into my house and tell me what I think or have done that is none of your concern..."

"Well I am sorry but I had to say it. I can tell you don't care about your son and-"

"What are you going to do about it? Tell my son that his own flesh and blood doesn't love him? You'd really crush his heart to spite me? I can also tell you influenced him enough around your small finger. He knows better than to touch me but he still decided to clutch my leg like an insect..."


"What? Coming to terms that you have no power over this situation? He is my son and my property. My husband has no influence here one bit and neither do you...So here have some coffee while you still can. Go sit in the dining room."

"Grr..." Ariel groans as she walks out of the kitchen into the dining room.

"Tch...stupid elf bitch....thinking she can come into my house and tell me what she thinks she knows...Tch...

*Meanwhile back to Codaka*

"Welp that's it for this episode of Happy Tree Friends! toon in next time for our special-"

I turn off the TV and stretch a bit in my seat on the couch a bit and lay slumped on it. I am bored now. I wonder what mother is doing right now.