
Yay! I am going home! Ariel walks me over to the car and we arrive to it. She opens the door for me and I hop in the passenger seat. I buckle myself up and getting all excited.

She gets in the car and buckles herself up and starts the car. She begins driving out of the driveway and gets on the freeway towards the big city. Are we going to Arcadia?

"Where are we going?"

"We are going to the central police department in Arcadia. They should be able to track down your mother for us and we can drop you off."


I sit in the car for close to an hour and we finally arrive in the city itself. I hear cars everywhere and beeping of cars around. I look out the window but it is hard due to my size. She hits the breaks nearly sending me forward and we stop.

I look around and notice some police officers stopping us. What is going on? I look to see a human holding his belt walking over to us with 2 other police officers. The other two appear to be a centaur and the other an orc.

As the human walks up to us he taps on the window for her to open and she opens the window halfway down.


"Hello ma'am,"

"Hello officer, what can I do for you today?"

"We blocked the road just ahead of you because of a traffic accident I am sorry. So please turn around."

"Oh, I was not aware of an accident. My GPS never told me. But thank you for telling me"

"No worries ma'am. Also is that your kid? Rare to see an elf have a non-elf kid in her car."

"No he's not mine."

"So why is he in your car might I ask" the officer says while leaning against the car.

"I found him on the outskirts of Arcadia alone and scared. He looked homeless but I am planning on taking him to the central police department to find his mother. Today specifically." she says while leaning back in her seat.

"Yeah! She has given me new clothes and also made me breakfast!" I say cheerfully.

"Well then carry on. Would you like an escort to the police station ma'am?"

"No thank you I think we are safe. After all this is Arcadia."

"Indeed. Anyways have a good rest of your day miss." he says before getting off the car and walking back to the other officers.

She turns the car around and takes a different route to the police department and begins driving again on the road for a bit.

*20 minutes later*

I can't see that well but it appears we are at the police station since I see the tops of police cars. I also hear chatting outside. I lean up a bit and see a wide range of races at the station. They look so cool in their uniforms! They are wearing black uniforms and most are wearing bullet-resistant vests on.

I stare at them and some of the officers notice me and wave. I wave back through the window and continue staring in awe of them.

As we park in the well, parking lot she opens the door and gets her purse from the back, and walks out. I unbuckle my seatbelt and get outside of the car and run over to her who is already partially up the steps. She takes my hand and we make our way into the station.

Most of the station is white with wooden silver metal tables. At least from what it seems like inside from my point of view.

As she walks me through some officers notice us and just watch as we walk by to the front desk. She stops and puts her hands on the desk and begins talking to the front desk.

"Hello miss how can I help you?"

"Hi, yes I found this kid alone in the middle of the street. Attacked by wolves and looked homeless at first."

"Is he homeless?" the man asks

"He says he isn't. Says he lives with his mother in Arcadia but doesn't know where they live, however"

"Well we could do a DNA scan and find out the mother is. See if she is registered as a citizens and find where she lives."

"That would be great thanks. Lets go Codaka."

She takes my hand and we walk into the back of the station into the hallway. She takes me into this doctor-looking room and tells me to sit on a chair which I do. We wait for a couple of minutes and chat for a bit until something happens.

"So tell me more about your mother." Ariel asks me with her hands in her lap.

"Well uhm, she works as a clerk at a grocery store and also as something else that she doesn't tell me. She also spends a lot of time out since father left us. So I am often alone in the house. But it is fine." I say swinging my legs

"Hmm, so she leaves you alone for long periods of the day?"


"What else? Does she play special games with you or watch tv with you?"

"Well we did play hide and seek in the woods yesterday but she couldn't find me and I got lost. I couldn't find her for hours and began to cry being alone."


"But you found me so it is all fine now. Then I will be back with mother!"

"Yeah....yeah you will...hmmmm"

"What is it miss?" I ask tilting my head.

"Well, does your mother spend more time outside of the house than with you?"

"Mmmmm, maybe. Why?"

"Just curious. But anyways. Do you have small hobbies you like so far at home?"

"Well, I like watching TV and eating whatever I find in the house so."

"I guess that works..."

During our conversation, we talk a bit more about me and I learn a bit more about her. She is apparently from the Hestian Empire. Not sure where that is but sounds interesting.

*knock knock*

The door opens and a man in a lab coat walks in with a female assistant and they take a seat in a chair that has wheels. He gets on a computer and the nurse has a bag of some sort. Wonder what is in it.

"Hello miss. How are you?" the man in the lab coat asks her.

"Good good."

"Thats good. We will be doing a DNA scan on this kid?" he asks pointing to me which is rude


"Alright then let me just do a few things aaaaannnddd.....okay. We can begin. Nurse please bring out the needles."

The what now?

The nurse-looking woman pulls out a needle and syringe out and pulls out a see-through bag. What are they going to do with that?!

She gets up to me and wraps my arm with a stretchy elastic band and tightens it around my arm. It hurts a bit.

"W-wait! What are they going to do!?" I asks in fear.

"Oh they are going to take some blood samples from you and scan it. Don't worry it won't hurt that much."

That much?!

"Please sit still dear, I can't safely draw blood from you if you keep moving."


I try to sit still but the sight of the needle is so uncomfortable that I can't. But Ariel takes my left hand tightly and holds it. I look over to her and she is just giving me a warm smile towards me. I feel at ease a bit when she smiles.

"Okay done."

"What?" I ask turning my head around.

I look over and there is a bit of red fluid in the small bag and then takes it to the doctor. He takes the bag and puts it in a machine and red lights begin scanning it.

Was it that easy? I thought it was going to hurt a lot more I thought. I guess I over-estimated it.

"Okay then this will be scanned for a bit. Until then please tell me about the child and how you came across him."

"Well you see, I was driving from my daytime job and was driving in the night when I saw him in the middle of the road. I stopped immediately and got out of the car to check upon him. He had scratches all over him and ripped clothing. He also had a gash on the back of his head which seems to have left a small scar under all his feathers. I took him home with me for the night and washed him up. Then the next day I brought him here so."

"Well then, he is lucky to have found you at the time otherwise he likely would've suffered a dangerous fate. Heard there were some wolfa attacks outside fo the city lately so."

"Yeah, there werewolves pursuing him that night. I saved him and put him in my car and drove off."

*beep beep*

"Welp the scan is done. Let's see what we got here....Hmm, okay so has two people with similarities with his blood sample. A caiman male named Seduko Longhorn, and Kreeva Longhorn. They live in lets see...Houston heights district. I can show you the location here miss." he says showing his screen to us. Looks to complicated for me to decipher.

"Well then that is it, I guess we know where your parents are Codaka."

"Yay!" I get up from my seat.

"Now we can set up a escort for the child for an officer to take him back home and-"

"Oh no I can do it personally. I don't think the child would like another random stranger to take him in a police car."

"We'll let the kid decide."

They all look at me for an answer and I feel weird now. I never expected to be the center of attention suddenly. I guess I wouldn't mind if Ariel took me to my mothers house.

"Uhm, I would like her to take me home" I say pointing to Ariel.

"Alright then, you have a location now. He can return home now without an issue."

"Lets go Codaka. We'll head off now. Thank you doctor for helping us."